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It is not negative, but HCG only 10 on DPO 14 ...

Hi y'all,

The dreaded TWW continues - at DPO 14, my blood test comes back with hcg only at 10. My nurse says they would want to see it at around 50. So is not strong enough to be a BFP...but also not negative. I'm going back in on Monday for another blood test. I remember someone on the forum saying hcg levels are different for everyone but typically doubles every ... was it every 2 days?

My nurse said she's seen levels of 8 and 9 turn into viable pregnancies... but didn't mention the alternative and i was too dumbfounded to ask - i really thought it was coming back negative. I've had strongly negative HPT's all week.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?

Baby dust all!


  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    Oh and does anyone know the threshold for a typical HPT that's "3-5 days before missed period"? my nurse wasn't sure, but thought it was 40-50. I'm at least 2 days past my missed period... but i'm on progesterone, so i guess i wouldn't have my period anyway until i stopped taking that. Just seems my levels should be higher by now if it is a viable pregnancy.
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Jenn,
    It very well may increase depending on how your body metabolizes the hCG. After my IVF my beta was 28, after 14 days. The doctor wanted it to be atleast 50. But then it more than doubled a few days later but the doctor said to be cautiously optimistic. Then a few days later the beta was that same and didn't change. It turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. It's tough because if I didn't have the IVF it would have seemed like it was just my period lasting a bit longer than usual. It's essentially a waiting game and there's nothing you can do to improve the numbers.

    Try to stay hopeful and have a follow up plan ready for the next step.

    Best of luck!
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    Thanks so much Moe - appreciate you sharing your experience!

    My retest today came back 18. I suppose being 3 days later and if it doubled every 2 days it should have come back at about 30. My dr isn't too positive but doesn't want to give up until its confirmed declining or plateau'd. So i go back on Wednesday.

    In searching "beta" on the forum and reading the entries, seems my numbers are indeed not too good.

    It also seems folks go in regularly for blood tests to check beta. I'm still trying to understand the process - how often should i expect to go back for blood tests, assuming the wed numbers start aligning with what the doc wants to see.

    Thanks Y'all!
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    ok, i know i need to stop with the internets, but lookie what i found! an HCG calculator. :)
    it plots my numbers against max/norm/min... and yesss my numbers are below min, but... i was playing with it and if my Monday numbers were just 2 points higher, it would have been considered within range of normal. hmm..

    so, i'm trying to be zen and not be too attached to the outcome here... but i'm feeling a bit more positive about the possibility of a positive!

    will know tomorrow for sure when i go in for my 3rd test. :)
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    So results came back today at 39 (19 DPO). They said its probably not viable because it needs to be in the 1000's by Friday (5 weeks), and it likely will not get there from where it is today.

    At first i felt so angry and confused. She said on Monday they're looking for it to decline before counting it out - so when i heard 39 today, i thought hey that sounds great! but no? i'm out? ughgh.

    They are recommending i stop taking the progesterone and let my period come. But she said i can test again on Friday if i want to. now i don't know what to do - do i keep going with something that's not viable, or is there a chance??

    I'm on the fence. Mama wants a wine. :)
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    hi Ladies, final update.

    I was really struggling to decide what to do last night, so i set a compromise. I'd do progesterone one more night and take a HPT in the morning. If still negative, then i'd stop (I've never gotten a positive). But if a whisper of a positive, then i'd keep going and test again on Friday.

    The HPT was neg this morning, so i'm stopping. I feel very good about the decision.

    I had a cup of coffee this morning - mmmm it was good! (been off all caffeine since i was found preg"ish" last Friday)

    And having a wine with the ladies tonight.

    Cheers y'all, and here's to trying again next cycle!
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Sorry about your results Jenn :-( As I shared previously, I had something similar happen except I got a faint positive on the HPT and my beta went up initially. It was really hard to remain positive because everytime I took a HPT it was positive but later I realized that it was just registering the fact that there was trace hCG in my body. I didn't want to believe it wasn't viable because I didn't have any spotting or cramps. When my beta stayed the same that was when I knew it would be fine to stop the progesterone.

    Hope you enjoyed your wine and coffee. Good luck with your next cycle. Try to remain positive and keep your head up!

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So sorry about your results. I just read on another thread that you are using donor 2754. There are three of us that I know of who now or will soon have children by this donor! Hang in there is will happen for you. If you want to PM me feel free! I will soon be posting new pics of my little guy who is now 9 months old!

    Keep the faith and keep the positive thoughts going!

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