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freaking out

Hi ladies

I am really freaking out today... I had my first iui April 6, and today I tested and bfn! I am losing all hope and fear the worst. I started my journey with taking a ultrasound and baselines where I found out I had pcos. Doctor gave me birth control to bring on my period. Finally I was so excited because I knew I was one step closer! Then back to fertility clinic I went for more baselines and ultrasound. I was put on clomid 100mg for 5 days. Taking the trigger shot 10000 the day before my iui. April 6 th I was so nervous not knowing what to expect. Iui was not painful just felt cramps when swimmers were released. I was so excited because they praised my specimen (donor sperm) being at 28.7 motility. Called it exquisite. I had one follicle that was mature at 18mm two days before iui. Today I am thinking about all the cramping the tiredness the hunger headaches and crabbiness. Scared its all because of the meds. Please if you're reading this send your prayers my way. Monday I go in for my blood test and I'm hoping its bfp. (Just needed to vent) ahh good luck to all of you!


  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    I'm with you had my 6th iui on apr 7 and will soon be POAS. Oh the anxiety that comes with that! Keep hope and if it doesn't come back BFP keep at it. I remember my first iui and thinking it would work. They say it usually takes 4-6 tries. I did get BFP on my 2nd try and miscarried. It stinks. I hope you have good results soon but if you don't get the news you want don't give up. I've always given myself a day to be mad and upset and the I move on to the next plan.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Thank you for your reply I did another test this morning and still bfn. I'm a mess.... Mondays the day I find out so I'm praying. Good luck on your cycle. Did you do any tests yet? Keep in touch thank you.
  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    It was BFN...:( sucks!
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Aww well, hopefully both of us will get bfp's with our blood test results. I'll be praying for you ! Good luck!!!
  • JuliebdulieJuliebdulie Junior Member Junior Member
    I'm not sure how active I will be here, but wanted to respond to your post.

    Here's my story:

    DH was diagnosed in 97 with Leukemia. We were engaged. I was pg, but didn't know it for a few months, a week after discovering I was pg I miscarried. (I'd had a couple other miscarriages back then, too, but was not too upset b/c my life was crazy at the time and I knew it). When DH was sick, though, I was really hoping the pg would help him find a reason to fight. His treatment made him sterile, but we knew it would so he banked some sperm before the radiation started.

    In 2001 we were married, finally, and we started IVF only a few months after our wedding, in Jan. 2002.

    We went through 3 years of IVF. Had multiple losses. Finally, our last attempt started Dec. 27, 2004, and it ended with another miscarriage on Feb. 8, 2005. (We'd done tons of testing, identified multiple, minor issues, fixed them, and finally did "PGD" and determined this just wasn't ever going to work for us.) Five days later we met with an adoption agency and 13 months after that we had our newborn baby girl in our arms. She's 7 now.

    The last few years, I started having this urge, I imagine this is the "biological clock ticking" that I've always thought was just a crock. And I couldn't think of anything other than, I'm almost too old to ever have a child. I want to try again, this time with donor sperm. I felt like if I could just get pg (had no difficulty getting pg before) I'd be able to carry to term.

    Well, we started IUI in August 2011. Did 3 cycles. Nothing.

    Started IVF in Dec. 2011. Had our first embryo transfer April 5, 2012. It worked! It was a rocky pg, and I have never been sicker in my life, and I have a colicky baby, but it was worth it! The labor and delivery was amazing.

    Anyway... hang in there. It took me a decade of serious trying to get here. And I'm finally here.

    I hope your journey doesn't take a decade. And I hope you get all you've dreamt of!
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Wow what a story. I am so sorry to hear of all the losses you've had that's terrible. It's amazing how you never gave up. That's a wonderful ending to your story! I went this morning with my wife for our blood test supposed to hear back by noon. I am so nervous I just want it to work. Please keep us in your prayers and thank you for writing!!
  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hoping for good news for you! I had BFP this am!!! I still cant believe it! Waiting now on blood results also!
  • marthurmarthur Member Member
    That's great JP1018. Please keep me posted on how everything goes...I am trying to decide if I should try with a different donor next time...but I really like donor 4046 :(
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    That's great see I told you I'd pray for you!!! Congratulations and the best of luck to you and your new family!!! unfortunately, We had a bfn. My day yesterday and this morning consisted of me crying like non stop. My wife was also very upset and called our fertility clinic and even spoke with the lady who washes the sperm and such because she was in disbelief I guess. I don't know when and what we are going to do for the next time. I keep thinking if everything was so perfect then what's wrong with me and there's no telling if I even have eggs... I'm a miserable wreck now. Honestly so happy for you and will continue to keep you in my prayers keep me posted with your pregnancy and good luck!!!
  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    Thanks. My levels were low:( They put me on progesterone and I have more lab work tomorrow. Hoping for better results...
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    I will keep praying try not to stress out. it will work!!!
  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    Didn't work;( onto another plan...
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Omg I'm so sorry thought u for sure would get bfp. I woke up this am with AF and I never get it on my own without taking birth control, so I called my fertility clinic and made an appointment for tomorrow at 1:15pm please pray this is the time it's our last vial.....
  • marthurmarthur Member Member
    I am sorry JP1018. Did you use donor 4046 for all your IUIs? Maybe the problem is the donor...There is a reported pregnancy but we don't really know if it was a sucessful pregnancy. I think it's time to use a different donor
  • Melissa33Melissa33 Senior Member Senior Member
    Marthur I would love to know if 4046 has had a successful pregnancy as well! Glad to hear you are still continuing on your path to parenthood :))
  • tigerliliestigerlilies Junior Member Junior Member
    Good luck! Wishing the best your way.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    So I found out I'm 7w5d and having one baby I saw the heartbeat and it was beating at 127 (a week ago). My due date is January 29, 2014!!! I am very excited! I wish everyone the best of luck ttc and don't give up. I have recently been having lots of morning sickness only vomiting one day, so far, but nauseous every single day and night. I bought sea bands, preggie pops from babies r us and been eating lots of crackers and drinking ginger ale! If you have any questions feel free to ask!!
  • rope012rope012 Junior Member Junior Member
    Congratulations!! Is this with donor 4046? How is it still going?
  • Melissa33Melissa33 Senior Member Senior Member
    Rope012. Are you using 4046?
  • 2lovergirls2lovergirls Junior Member Junior Member
    Congrats! How exciting! Curious minds want to know, was your success due to DONOR 4046? My partner and I have tried 2 unsuccessful IUIs. We don't want to give up on him just yet, but we have yet to find success story with his baby dust.
  • annie4046annie4046 Junior Member Junior Member
    Yes!!! He is a wonderful delight. Such a beautiful gift to watch him grow and be his mom
  • rope012rope012 Junior Member Junior Member
    Melissa33: yes, my wife ebjugan is.
  • Melissa33Melissa33 Senior Member Senior Member
    Rope012. That's good. Have any success? I had three failed IUI's and am in my 2ww with another donor.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Hello all I gave birth to my gorgeous daughter this past January. She is absolutely amazing. My labor and delivery was pretty intense. Started contractions at 5am got to hospital at 7 gave birth at 9:12am. No time for the epidural. Had two third degree tares n have my 6 week check up today still not healed. My baby has mostly all of my features and she is super beautiful I was in a CVS and a lady came to me and called her perfect. The pain of delivery was the worst but talking of going again in future n want same donor. My daughter is very sick right now has RSV so please say prayers! Good luck and baby dust to all.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    I did not use donor 4046 sorry girls.
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