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Hello all. so, I just attempted my second/last iui this past Saturday. I was told I had six mature follicles. My nurse practitioner said there was a risk of multiples but I don't feel any different now. I am praying I will get pregnant this time because this is my last chance. I Was wondering if anyone had an injectable cycle like me... ive been on gonal f 75u, lupron 5cc and pregnyl trigger shot... i ended up with 6-8 follicles and was wondering if anyone experienced same or similar. Please tell me your story.


  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I wish you the best of luck!!! It raises the stakes so much knowing its your last chance. My RE's office would not go through with a cycle with more than 3 mature follicles. It's their policy due to the safety of "mom" with having high order multiples. If I were to have 6 follicles they would have cancelled the cycle and readjusted meds.

    I hope this is your lucky cycle!!! Good luck...
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Thank you for your response the day of my iui my follicle sizes were: Left 20.06, 18.98, 13.74
    Right 19.94, 19.38, 17.98, 16.17, 14.65. They said the donor sperm was at 17.1m. the estradiol was 2645. my last iui was peaking at 200. so i was way up in numbers. the endo thickness was at 13.32. ughh and they said that I was ovulating I guess. I'm praying for this to be my dream come true!!! The more the merrier as long as everyone's healthy and safe! I'm praying for at least one... Two... Or even three! Whatever god gives me I know it won't be more than he thinks I can handle. I started crinone last night and feel like these days are dragging. Feeling pressure!!! Especially in lower belly and feels like my bladder is super full. Other than bloating pressure and sore bbs I'm ok! Hopefully I'll be a mommy soon! Thank u again for replying!!!
  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    I hope you have positive results! Your follicle sizes seem good!
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Thanks girl! Have you tried again since your last iui? I did my second on Saturday the 4th and I'm going crazy this tww.
  • JP1018JP1018 Junior Member Junior Member
    No, ended up with ectopic pregnancy. I'll have to wait a few mos to heal before trying again.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Omg the heartache never ends.... I'm sorry girl!
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    Based on your follicle size my doctor would only consider these mature at the time of ovulation: Left 20.06, 18.98 Right 19.94, 19.38, 17.98. The others are too small. Giving all them being similar in size it doesn't sound like you have a dominant folllicle leading the pack. This should increase your chances of getting a postive. Not sure of your age, etc. I am 41 and I had a cycle on Chlmoid with 5 mature follicles that lead to only one getting fertilized which I lost due to miscarriage. If you are over 40 some of the IVF clinics will use 4 eggs during the cycle hoping for one baby. Don't worry so much about 5 or 6 follicles. Just be glad you had that many and your doctor didn't cancel the cycle. This should only up your odds in your favor.
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