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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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I'm getting scared!!

Okay so I wrote my story on another thread but today I woke up with severe pains... In my lower back, and on the left and right side of my ovaries I feel lots of pressure and feels swollen. My belly looks like I'm at least a few months pregnant from the bloating. It literally feels like someone's pushing on my stomach. Has anyone experienced this. Iui with injectables was done may 4. Please help!!


  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    There is something called hyperstimulation when using inectables, it is a side effect. What you are describing could possibly be this. You should contact your doctor and discuss with him / her. They would tell you if it is something you should be concerned with or if you should come in and be seen. Another alternative could be implementation cramping, judging by your IUI date I would be leaning more towards this than hyperstimulation of the follicles since I would have expected that to occur pre IUI.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Thank you for your reply I've been super uncomfortable all day.... So I took an hpt just to see if I was still on the right track but I was freaked out, and it came out negative ....
    but I was thinking hcg would still be there and show up, but it wasn't so I'm a little worried now... I don't know what to think!
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    It will take a few days if it was implementation cramps before it will even show up on a home preg test. Blood test is the most accurate. You should be getting really close to the day you should know something. The month I got my + I tested twice at home, first was a negative...then I waited a couple of days and got a faint positive. The doctor wanted me to come in the following day to have blood drawn, they confirmed the pregnancy. Hardest part is to not stress yourself out over the littlest things. I know it is always easier said than trying to live it.
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