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High prolactin level

baby_emababy_ema Junior Member Junior Member
Hi ladies
My prolactin hormone blood test came back high so they requested it be re-tested. The re-test has now come back high again. They put me in Cabergoline pill for 8 weeks. I was planning to start IVF next month :(
Has anyone had high prolactine level and did it affect your IVF cycle?
Thank you


  • mamagerdymamagerdy Junior Member Junior Member
    I have high prolactin levels also. I had to have a CT scan done to rule out a tumor on my pituitary, but it came back negative. I was told I just have naturally high prolactin levels and was able to proceed with my IUI. Ironically, my prolactin levels are lower when I am breastfeeding.

    Good luck with your IVF! :)
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Hi Baby_eam. I feel your pain. When I started this process back in March 2012 my doctor found I had a high prolactin level and a borderline high thryroid. I was also put on Cabergoline for 4 weeks and retested. My prolactin went down with the Cabergoline but my Thyroid went up. So then I was put on Synthroid for my Thyroid and retested in 4 weeks (another month lost). When I retested my Thyroid went down but then my prolactin went down too far. Apparently they are linked. So then I had to go off the Cabergoline and stay on the Synthroid and retest in another 4 weeks. Then everything was fine. So it really was my Thyroid that was the cause of my high prolactin. So long story short...have them check your Thyroid also if they haven't already.

    But I understand how frustrating it is. I always tested after 4 weeks and didn't have to wait 8. Maybe you could ask your doctor to test in 4 weeks instead of waiting the 8. It can't hurt to ask! I know this process of a year and a half has mostly been waiting for one reason or another. Bloodwork and cysts have been the culprits most of the time. Sorry to hear you have to wait :(
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