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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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Donor 4174 - IVF Vials Needed

tljtlj Junior Member Junior Member
Hi ladies! I am soon to undergo multiple IVF cycles. I am seeking IVF (or ICI/IUI) vials for donor 4174. I currently have a few vials, but need additional vials to advance multiple cycles.

Thank you -- any help is greatly appreciated!


  • PlanA_4174PlanA_4174 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi! I have 3 vials I am willing to sell. Are you still looking?
  • tljtlj Junior Member Junior Member
    Sofia -
    Yes! Thank you! I will send you a private message now.
  • ctinayctinay Member Member
    OMG, I need just two. :) And i need them this week as my IVF cycle is starting soon!!

    Email is:
  • tljtlj Junior Member Junior Member
    Does anyone have extra vials stored at Fairfax for donor 4174 that they are willing to sell? I have a limited number and my RE suggests that I will need additional vials for future IVF cycles. I can accept IUI, ICI, or IVF. Thank you so much, and feel free to reach out to me by this thread or through private message.

    Also, if any other folks out there have had positive or challenging experiences, pregnancies, births or children with donor 4174, I would very much appreciate hearing from you! Thanks!
  • Shannon16Shannon16 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi, I got pregnant with #4174 just recently in November 2013. It was my first IVF round with him. ICSI was 100% successful...9 eggs retrieved, 9 fertilized and all made it to blastocyst. We biopsied and 2 came back without abnormalities...a boy and a girl. We transferred one (fresh) and froze the other. I got a confirmed pregnancy with a very strong beta, but unfortunately a few weeks later we found out it was ectopic- the little guy attached in my Fallopian tube. Grieving the loss has been the hardest thing in the world; however, I will be trying again with another round as soon as I get the ok to do so. There is less than 1% chance of an ectopic pregnancy with IVF and it has nothing to do with the sperm of course. I found donor #4174 to be ideal very step of the way and I will definitely be using him again. Good luck to you!
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