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Hello and welcome to the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum!
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

Questions about your forum access? Email

Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*

If you have any questions about the verification process please email

Help Help HELP to much info I am overloaded

I am completely overloaded and can't narrow it all down. We have tried and failed with IVF and my spouses sperm. So now on to IUI with donor sperm....Just no clue how to choose.


  • thatellechickthatellechick Junior Member Junior Member
    It is so overwhelming when you first start! I still find myself overwhelmed sometimes but I can tell you that it gets easier. Do you know your CMV status?? For us that narrowed down our options by a lot because I am negative and that makes the list of possibilities a lot smaller. We also wanted someone that looks as close to my husband as possible, we sifted through baby pictures for days but found them to be only moderately helpful and finally decided that we should just bite the bullet and pay for the club membership. We decided we wanted a donor we could see as an adult and that narrowed down our options enough that we felt we had a manageable set of donors to look at.

    I think the easiest thing is just to sit down and figure out what's non-negotiable. Things that a donor has to have for him to be right for you. Start there and that should help. Physical traits, blood type, CMV status and type of donor (ID options etc) are probably the easiest place to start if any of those matter to you.

    Good luck in your search!
  • SumSTAR524SumSTAR524 Member Member
    I am Rh+
    I narrowed it down to 5 people and me and my spouse ranked in the order we thought matched us. But now my dr says they perfer ICI vials instead of IUI vials so now my choices are gone. Feel so defeated again.
  • maria_cc79maria_cc79 Junior Member Junior Member
    Honestly if it were me, I would still go with the donor you and your husband are comfortable with and tell your doctor that even thought they prefer ICI vials that you can only get IUI vials. I'm sure that if you insist that he/she will be fine with it. My doctor told me that he preferred IUI vials but that if ICI was all that I could get then that they could do the IUI with those vials. I think my clinic just liked the fact that they didn't have to wash the sperm before performing the IUI. However maybe your doctor just said that he/she likes the ICI vials because they can charge the fee to wash the sperm before your IUI. I'm just saying that they will probably be fine with you using IUI vials. I would just call and explain that your top donor choices only have IUI vials available right now and then maybe get on the wait list for the ICI vials in the mean time.
  • SumSTAR524SumSTAR524 Member Member
    Does anyone know the shipping cost?
  • Apriljoy45Apriljoy45 Junior Member Junior Member
    The shipping cost for me was $200. It felt overwhelming at first for me too but once I made a couple of decisions about what I really wanted, it became much more manageable. Good luck you!
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