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Hello and welcome to the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum!
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

Questions about your forum access? Email

Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*

If you have any questions about the verification process please email

Anonymous donor - parental rights with contact?

My partner and I used Fairfax Cryobank to conceive both of our children. At the time of our first pregnancy, the ID Consent option was not available, and therefore we had no expectations of contact with the donor - though it would we would have been glad to have that option. We registered on several months ago were recently contacted via this website by the person who appears to be our older son's donor. We have been proceeding cautiously with our dialogue with this person, making efforts to verify his identity as the donor etc., but are also very excited to potentially have access to more information about him for our son. One concern that has been raised is whether donors have any grounds for parental rights should he decide he wanted to pursue them. My understanding is that donors give up any legal option for parental rights during the donation process. In reading through the Fairfax Cryobank materials, however, it seems that may only hold true should the donor and recipient both remain anonymous. I know you cannot disclose specifics about the contracts that donors are asked to sign. It would be very helpful to know, however, if they sign anything about abdicating parental rights to the offspring resulting from their donation. Having clarity on this point would help us to determine our next steps with this donor. Thanks for any information you can provide on this matter.


  • Fairfax CryobankFairfax Cryobank Administrator Senior Member
    When a donor works directly with the sperm bank, their donor agreement acknowledges that they have no parental rights when it comes to the resulting children. That being said, parentage laws vary by state and often take into account the child’s age and the amount of time spent with a person to determine parentage. Because your donor was anonymous we are unable to provide any identifying information. We have encouraged all past donors for whom we have correct current contact information for to update their medical and personal profiles and that information is updated on the donor’s summary profile.

    Best of luck.
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