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is 42 too old?

gabbygabby Junior Member
hi there,
I'm just wondering if there are any single women out there that are trying to have a baby with IUI and in there early 40's? anyone out there who have had any success with their own eggs and have tried IUI and have had a healthy baby?


  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Gabby,
    I'm 41 years old....using my own eggs (used Clomid on first cycle)...IUI (failed) my second attempt with clomid 50 mg....waiting to see if it'll work (2nd attempt). My doctor said don't be discouraged, b/c couples often take up to 4 times to get pregnant, but it's hard not to...I'm going to see if this second time will work with the IUI. If it doesn't, I'll have to evaluate if I want to keep trying the IUI or not...Good luck!!!!
  • RadarsmomRadarsmom Junior Member
    Hi Gabby,

    I gave birth to my son at the age of 40 (almost 41). As I'm sure your doctor has or will discuss with you, risks do increase pretty rapidly with each additional year at our age, but if your heart wants to love a baby, then it's a risk worth taking! I actually lost a baby at the age of 39 to a chromosomal problem (trisomy 18) (not donor sperm - jerk ex-boyfriend sperm) but I knew that if I didn't try again I would regret it for the rest of my life. I had to at least try! And with my own egg and donor sperm from Fairfax, after just two rounds of IUI, I gave birth to my beautiful, healthy and joyous son in December of 2008.

    My advice is to educate yourself on the real risks (they are real) and then follow your heart with open eyes!

  • natonya620natonya620 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Gab,

    I conceived at a month and a half after turning 40. I got pregnant on my second IUI attempt. My son was born 2 months before I turned 41. Go for it!
  • Kerrie MKerrie M Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Gabby

    Give it a go! I conceived first time IUI with own eggs at 46yrs and now have a terrific toddler at 49 going on 50. No problems pregnancy or breast feeding. It's tiring but worth everything. Good Luck!
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Gabby,

    Well I sure hope 42 is not too old as I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with first child and am 41 years old (will give birth after turning 42). Got pregnant with own eggs and medicated IUI. Go for it... Didn't you hear? 40 is the new 20, and cellulite is the new tattoo! :D

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I love that Janet!!! When you say "medicated IUI" you mean Clomid? I tried Clomid, but I heard about all these other meds and not familiar with them. I don't know if it's "injectables"? I"m a little clueless to those....Thanks.
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Maria,

    By medicated, I meant injectables... I succeeded on my 7th IUI - so never give up! I tried a couple natural (unmedicated) IUI's which failed. Then I did 3 rounds on clomid which also didn't take. I got a new job which demanded a lot of traveling so I kinda took all of 2010 off and managed to lose 40 lbs during that time. In 2011, decided to try again with the injectables. 1st round with Follistim didn't take but the 2nd try with Bravelle did! And here I am today!

    The truth is that I do wish I would have been more aggressive from the beginning - as in moved on to injectables much sooner. But alas, I am blessed to be where I am today, so I cannot complain. (I am sure losing the extra 40 lbs only helped me...)

    Good luck to you all!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you Janet! It's all so thank you! I'm going to try my 2nd IUI with Clomid, if it doesn't take...I'll ask my doctor about injectables. Are there any cons or side-effects by doing injectables? Thanks.
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Maria, you are most welcomed.

    All women are different. I had heard horror stories about side effects on Clomid - mostly about being a raging witch while on them... and I seriously had none of that. And I didn't feel anything with the injectables either. Only with the HCG trigger shot. Boobs hurt quickly and they hurt badly...!!! Other than that, I really didn't feel any side effects. (I am also not feeling many symptoms now that I am pregnant. Except for the extreme fatigue and excessive urination, I don't feel much else. Yes, I know I should consider myself lucky not to be having morning sickness... but is it bad to wish for a little nausea so I know my little blueberry is ok in there..?!?!?)

    Good luck to you. If you do need to go to injectables and your insurance doesn't cover the meds, see if your doctor provides information on overseas suppliers. Since I was paying for it all out-of-pocket, I got my meds from Europe. It's all the same stuff just MUCH cheaper...!!!

    Good luck and stay in touch.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck Janet with your pregnancy!!! Thank you so much for the info!!! You've been so helpful. I can't wait to be pregnant!!!! I'm hopeful but every month it becomes disappointing....I'm 41 years so I just feel like time is ticking...
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Thank you , Maria, for the good wishes! I really appreciate it.

    I wish you the best of luck in your quest for motherhood. Look all around you and you will see that more and more of us "seasoned" gals are getting pregnant. It's not just celebrities. :-)

    Best of luck and if you need to chat or have further questions, feel free to contact me.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you Janet!! One more question (sorry!)... I mentioned the trigger shot to my doc and he seemed a little annoyed about it. He said I didn't need it since the egg released on its own...but it sounds like from most of the replies, most women use the trigger I"m concerned that maybe he doesn't use it...and maybe I should get it b/c it'll help with the timing of the IUI. I'm hoping to have my 2nd IUI this Friday or Saturday.....hopefully I have some good news soon. Thanks again Janet!!!
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Maria,

    I am certainly no expert and I certainly wouldn't consider giving advice over a doctor's recommendation. When I took the Clomid, I did have to use a trigger shot. I was still checking for ovulation with the ovulation sticks and would go in when the time was right - when I was naturally ovulating. Although I have heard of others on Clomid who indeed use an HCG trigger shot.

    Now, on the injectables, I think most women do get the trigger shot... something makes me believe they have to in order to time it right. My doctor explained it to me kinda like with the injectables, they were controlling what my body was doing and when it was to do it. Ya know...? There was no counting days from period... or peeing on ovulation sticks... it was injecting and measuring follicles... then trigger and see you in a day and a half!

    If there are any medical people out there who may want to chime in or correct anything, please feel free. I am not a medical professional. Just a gal who got lucky on her 7th IUI...!!!

    Maria, keep us posted on your IUI and hang in there in your 2WW. Will be sending positive thoughts and baby dust your way.

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi janet
    I had my iui (attempt #2) this morning! Now in the dreaded 2 ww. Wish me luck! Hope to be sharing good news soon. :D
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member

    Good luck! I will keep my fingers crossed for you during this 2WW...!! If you start going a little cuckoo during these 2 weeks, feel free to reach out. I've been through many... But hey, my successful IUI was done on a Sunday morning...!!! (Hang on to anything..!!) :D

    Keep us posted and baby dust to you!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Janet (and for those of you who are pregnant),
    Today is 2 days post's weird, I'm feeling crampy again (like I'm ovulating or cramping)...and having back pains. Is that normal? Or nothing? I'm getting paranoid. Today is day 17 of my cycle....I'm trying to relax and think about it too much. But I can't help it! :(
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Maria, I felt the same way 2DP IUI so I think that's when the "business" was happening. The back pain was slight and only for a couple of hours but the crampy feeling lasted a while. Then during the 2WW I could not cross my legs and feel comfortable. I guess because the bean was moving in! I got my BFP so hang in there this could be your time! I tried not to read too much into my symptoms because this was my 3rd IUI and with my first one I had all kinds of crazy symptoms and then found out they were from the trigger shot, the second time didn't feel a thing and had back to back IUI's but looking back I think we totally missed the eggs. So this 3rd time when things started happening I didn't want to get my hopes up to get let down and here came the BFP! Plus this was the first time I used injectibles (first 2 were all natural) so I didn't know what to expect. Find something to read (not the internet) as that helped me pass a lot of time plus I was traveling for work as well so the 2 weeks came and went quickly. I had my 2nd beta today and my numbers are up to 244 and my first appointment is scheduled for 5/16 but I'm so tired I can't even think about that yet! It seems like no matter how much sleep I get, I could use a couple more hours! So hopefully I'll be rested up soon! Lots of baby dust to you:)
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Latebloomer and Maria.

    Maria, hang in there...!! As latebloomer suggested, try to distract your brain as much as possible... I know it's hard not to read EVERYTHING out there on the internet... but it'll make ya crazy...! I found I was super positive the first week. Very hopeful and always convinced "this time would take". By the time the 2nd week would roll around... it was a different story. I would get less confident and was always searching for signs of my period. (After 6 IUI's it was SO hard to stay positive that 2nd week.) On the last IUI, I was already planning on how many more vials to order and considering discussing back-to-back inseminations with my doctor. Luckily, all that thinking was for not! :D

    Latebloomer, congratulations on your BFP! Keep us posted on your beta's, symptoms, etc. Oh, and I hate to break it to you.... but if you think you're gonna be feeling less tired any time soon, I think you may be in for a rude awakening... :P I am in my 9th week and I cannot seem to get enough sleep. Once I slept for almost 7 hours straight (without having to get up to pee....!!) and I thought I was in heaven... But when I got up after another couple of hours of sleep... My body was telling me I could use another 6 hrs, thankyouverymuch! :lol: So the exhaustion is a very real thing. I am so ready to be done with it.

    On the bright side, maybe you'll be lucky and not get morning sickness. I don't have any morning sickness... <knock on wood> but it has let me go a little cuckoo on the eating... NOT GOOD! Trying to get things under control now. No junk in the house allowed.

    Keep us posted on your progress, wontcha?

    Take care and baby dust to you all!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you latebloomer and janet!
    im trying to stay positive but don't want to be super excited and then be disappointed if its bfn. So I just try to stay calm. :D. But feeling encouraged hearing my symptoms were similar to your symptoms!!! Good luck to you both with sleep! :)
  • rpm18rpm18 Junior Member Junior Member
    I was very fortunate to give birth at 48. Now almost 51 I can say that there are great rewards but of course the energy needed is not as much as I would like. Nevertheless if you can keep your youthful and patient approach to child rearing, knowing that you have support around you whether it's community or family, realize that dating is out of the question for now anyway and that your sole purpose in life has been fulfilled and importantly that you are healthy to have a baby then you go for it!!! I have never looked back and am completely fulfilled...RPM
  • gabbygabby Junior Member
    hi rpm18,

    that is awesome that you had a baby at 48!! How did you manage? did you use donor eggs?did you do IVF, natural or IUI?
    can you give more details of your story?

    are there more women out there who have had a child with their own eggs after the age of 42 and beyond?. I'm hitting 43 now. There has been a few stories of women having children after 42 on here but there are no details of how these women did it?
    thanks to the women that have replied!:)
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    YES! I would love to hear about the success stories of women over 40 using their own eggs. My doctor is telling me that it's more successful if women with advanced maternal age go the IVF with donor egg route. That will NEVER be an option for me despite the fact that I'm now 41 and have gone through 5 IUI's. I just cannot afford the hefty price tag that goes along with IVF/Donor eggs. Looking forward to hearing from the ladies over 40 that have done it via IUI and their own eggs. Congrats to the ladies that have had success regardless of the method :D
  • AnneFAnneF Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi go for it if this is your dream. I have a 3month old conceived with donor sperm and my egg, and I am 43. I have never been happier, or more tired! Best of luck to you.
  • joy42joy42 Junior Member Junior Member
    I read through all the posts and felt I should add mine. I was 41 when I conceived my second baby with donor sperm and 42 when my son was born. My first child was conceived the old fashioned way, with a husband who exited before she was 10 months old. My daughter is 12 and this year, and we finally welcomed her sibling...a boy...after 9 IUI attempts. I switched donors after the 8th failed IUI and I asked my doctor to give me the highest dosage of drugs she could. I produced four follicles instead of the general three that had occurred the previous 8 times. The fourth follicle was my son. I honestly feel that there was something incompatible between me and the first donor. There could be other factors of course, but it isn't the first time I have heard of people being unable to conceive with one person and then conceiving relatively easily in their 40s after remarrying. I was seeing someone but he didn't want any more children and ended the relationship when I started showing and the amnio test was perfect. It was terribly distressing and I worried about the effect on my baby yet so far, there doesn't seem to be any problems. We are joyous with every babble and coo and the smiles the melt our hearts. My heart is finally at peace. I wish much love and luck to all who are persisting in their dream to fill their hearts with joy and their home with little diapers!!! :D
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Thank you for sharing your experiences ladies. It certainly gives us ladies of "advanced" maternal age HOPE :mrgreen:

    Joy, I'm at IUI # 5 and am on my 3rd donor. I hope this one works and sticks! Ladies congrats on your success.

  • joy42joy42 Junior Member Junior Member
    Good luck Moe! I will be sending positive vibes your way!!! :D
  • mary313mary313 Member Member
    Hi Gabby -

    A little late to this topic, but I conceived via IUI at 42 using my own egg... gave birth a month after I turned 43. Now am 44 but soon to be 45... would love to do it again, but would worry my healthy son might have to deal with an aging mom who needed help and a special needs brother/sister... and so I've decided not to try again. I have 2 high school friends who did the same - one had her first at 41 and her second a couple months after turning 43. The other was 42.5 when she gave birth...

    All of us used our own eggs...

  • Singlemomto2Singlemomto2 Junior Member
    Had my beautiful baby girl when I was 43. Had to use donor egg and sperm and have NO regrets. She is the love of my life. Don't be afraid. If you really want a baby and to experience pregnancy, just do it.
  • DJ3196DJ3196 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi, Gabby

    I would agree with everyone else who says it really depends on the woman. I am a huge fan of the motto: Age is a state of mind. But I'm also realistic enough to know that my body may not always adhere to that same motto.

    I turned 41 in February and I'm six weeks, 5 days pregnant with donor 4031. When I did all my testing last year prior to starting the IUI procedures, I was just as concerned as you were. But everything came back great. Not only did I have healthy, viable eggs, but my FE said he normally saw numbers like that for someone in their mid-30s.

    As for raising my child, I have no doubt that I'll be the young, hip mother I always imagined I'd be (state of mind); I'll simply have a little more life experience to help me along!

    Good luck, Gabby!!!!
  • carriecrawfordcarriecrawford Junior Member
    I had my daughter using donor sperm when I was almost 43. She just had her 12th birthday and recently sprung it on me that she wants to find her "Dad." Awe Jeeze....I hoped this day would never come. I always just told myself, "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Didn't think I would get to it this quite this quickly. It's gone by really fast.

    I'm now 55.....her best friends mom is 29, but you is what it is. I don't regret one second of it. When you want a baby.... nothing else matters. I wanted a baby so badly I couldn't see straight, so it was worth the one time I was mistaken for her grandma. (Her "HOT" grandma, I'm sure)

    I just got on this site to see if there was any other information from any of her 1/2 siblings, but I was really surprised to see that that entire area is completely blank. No one has posted anything, which seems a little weird to me. I wish you the best of luck in this adventure....just know, that in the blink of an eye, you'll be dealing with the stuff I'm dealing with now.....and it's harder than I thought it would be.
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