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With Clomid, Triggers, IUI's, HSG EXAMS... etc... it gets a little confusing :? .. You almost forget that you don't have a infertility problem, your just a lesbian and don't have the male parts. There is a small window for conception and there are a lot of other factors however, I was wondering does anyone have knowledge on what the success rates for IUI's for lesbians without infertility problems :?:


  • michmich Junior Member
    Yes I agree so much technology....studies I have read show lesbians IUI using frozen donor sperm have a 20% success rate per cycle and a cumulative success rate of 70% rate after 6 cycles. Success rate decrease with age. if you google there are some intersting articles and studies.
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    The same as any other normal couple trying to conceive naturally.

    That said my partner and I had good success. Her the first try, myself on the second try.
  • bilbrey828bilbrey828 Member Member
    My partner was also lucky and got pregnant on the first try.
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    bilbrey828 and bluesky10 I am soooo jealous!! lol But I am very happy for you gals having such great success!! I am hoping 2012 is our lucky year because 2011 def was not!
  • kbehrkbehr Junior Member
    I got pregnant from my second IUI.
  • kbehrkbehr Junior Member
    I got pregnant from my 2nd IUI. I was on clomid days 5-9 100mg and had the trigger shot. Good luck ladies dont give up hope!
  • redolfin26redolfin26 Member Member
    i think it just depends...articles and research and stats are ok but have a place...i got pregnant, first try, one day of insemination, no age 36..good luck! think positive!
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thats awesome and congrats!
  • redolfin26 wrote:
    i think it just depends...articles and research and stats are ok but have a place...i got pregnant, first try, one day of insemination, no age 36..good luck! think positive!

    Wow your story is very uplifting .. How wonderful and what a blessing!! Thanks for sharing your outcome.. and wishing you well with your pregnancy!!

    Blessings :P
  • B4babyB4baby Member Member
    I totally understand. When using a fertility center to actually "get" pregnant, it can be stressful and easy to want to request fertility treatments even if it is uncertain as to whether or not you actually have a fertility problem. I say give it 5 tries of a natural cycle IUI before pursuing other fertility options - if you're over 35, you may wish to do a trigger shot after just a couple of unsuccessful tries. For us it worked on the 3rd try, no trigger shots or medications. We were also using a different donor each time as well. The clearblue fertility monitor kit worked really well for knowing the timing of when to go in for the IUI. I highly recommend.
  • XinfinityXinfinity Junior Member Junior Member
    I was 34 when we got pregnant with 7th IUI 100 mg Clomid and trigger. Yikes I know! We were very driven through each failed attempt, and are very blessed with our baby girl!! I also had a lap surgery for Endo after 5 attempts. Its amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it! We are stronger because of it. Also I should mention we used four diff donors and three diff agencies. We could only afford one at a time. So timing was critical. If you have the iphone def buy the Femcal app. It was our saviour! Works like a charm. Good luck! Never give up!
  • B4baby wrote:
    I totally understand. When using a fertility center to actually "get" pregnant, it can be stressful and easy to want to request fertility treatments even if it is uncertain as to whether or not you actually have a fertility problem. I say give it 5 tries of a natural cycle IUI before pursuing other fertility options - if you're over 35, you may wish to do a trigger shot after just a couple of unsuccessful tries. For us it worked on the 3rd try, no trigger shots or medications. We were also using a different donor each time as well. The clearblue fertility monitor kit worked really well for knowing the timing of when to go in for the IUI. I highly recommend.

    Does switching between different donors ( with different blood types, etc. ) help in trying to conceive? I have read were using different donors has helped in getting pregnant. Also I have heard that 4 to 5 tries using natural cycle IUI's is about the average for success. When you get to your 5th try.. should you switch donors or try clomid?

    Just trying to stay positive and understand the process.

    Thanks so much for any advice
  • MandaleeleeMandaleelee Junior Member
    I got pregnant my first iui with no drugs! I am 23 though so I know that plays a part. We were SO lucky though! My partner is going to try around August and I am hoping she is just as lucky but I know I shouldn't get my hopes up.
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    I got pregnant my first iui with no drugs! I am 23 though so I know that plays a part. We were SO lucky though! My partner is going to try around August and I am hoping she is just as lucky but I know I shouldn't get my hopes up.
    Ummm yeah, at 23 you could essentially sit on the wrong toilet seat and get pregnant!! Not to be a Debbie Downer but really this is like comparing apples and oranges! Congrats on your successful cycle.

    Just my opinion but I would consider a more aggressive approach starting out. Try to improve your success rate right off the bat. Why waste time and money on cycles that are unmedicated and poorly timed? I'm speaking from an over 35 year old perspective. Yes it can happen but it may take more than 5 tries.

    It really is a game of chance and there are no absolutes.
  • mc1551mc1551 Junior Member Junior Member
    I got pregnant on the third try...with twins
  • krossgobluekrossgoblue Junior Member Junior Member
    I got pregnant at 36 on the first try, IUI, no drugs. Good luck everyone!
  • oceanblue2oceanblue2 Member Member
    Thanks for sharing such hopeful stories - just had my first IUI and the whole two week wait thing is already driving us nuts. Just registered for Fx Cryo's forums - nice to be able to talk with someone about this since we're keeping it private from friends and family at this point!
  • Deaners82Deaners82 Junior Member Junior Member
    I got pregnant after my first IUI. I am 30 years old and healthy. I think good timing has a lot to do with it. We used an RE and I took the Ovidrel trigger and we did the insemination 36 hrs. after the trigger.
  • oceanblue2oceanblue2 Member Member
    Yea, we didn't use a trigger, but I think we got the timing just right too, and I'm now in the process of confirming the positive home tests with blood tests.
  • kitpawkitpaw Junior Member Junior Member
    I started late, at 40. Learned I had diminished ovarian reserve. It took about 1.5 years, and 5 IUIs (only one medicated). I got pg on an unmedicated try -no trigger shot. I had moved out of NYC to a less stressful city, and wasn't at my stressful job, so maybe that all helped. It was a new clinic, and I just assumed it was a 'dry run.' Haha. But luckily I got my little 2.8 year old spitfire girl out of it. No regrets. Good luck, everyone! Also, if any of you happen to live in NYC, the LGBT center had a great group for lesbians trying to get pg.
  • LoudTickTockLoudTickTock Junior Member Junior Member
    Is this something we can do at home and not with a doctor? My partner is 27. We are still trying to decide on a donor. SO much info out there on what we should do and how we should do it..........
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    I'm not a lesbian, but I am a single female trying to convince so we do have some similarities when it comes to this. There are not many sperm banks you can buy from unless you are under a doctors direct care. The banks you can find that will send directly to you, you need to concern yourself with the testing that they did or did not perform on the donor. I prefer to use on reputable sperm banks referred to me by my infertility doctor. All the money you spend on purchasing donor sperm I would like to think I have done everything I possibly could have done to increase my changes of BFP. Had I chose to do home insemination I would not feel comfortable knowing I did everything I could have done. It was a unnecessary risk in an already reduced opportunity for me to become pregnant.

    Your partner is 27 so you have much more time to concern yourself with reduced egg count, etc. If you are willing to spend the money I can certainly tell you doing it at home would be more private. Make sure you get the right kind of vial and research your cyro bank. Good luck to you and I wish you success in your future attempts.
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    For the people who got pregnant on the first or second iui, did you have one iui or back to back iuis?
  • Tlnb81Tlnb81 Junior Member Junior Member
    I just had my first Iui this week. My doctor said if t doesn't take we go right into the next cycle n try again. He does up to 3 cycles in a row before doing further testing to make sure nothing is wrong
  • MyBrad07MyBrad07 Junior Member Junior Member
    I got pregnant on the first try with just a single IUI...Thankfully:D I now have a handsome, happy, healthy, super active 5year old son. Planning on trying for number 2 in a few months, everyone in my house is having the baby blues..Including the baby LOL ...It's all worth it!!
  • kris&shankris&shan Junior Member Junior Member
    Our dr said there is a 33% chance of achieving pregnancy through IUI each time you try. My partner got pregnant on the second try, 2nd donor, no drugs, and only one insemination that cycle, and she was 35. We were very pleased, to say the least! It was the same with our friends, except she was in her early 30s. I hope it happens for me that quickly, but I'm going to TRY to be relaxed about it. :)
  • NatashaLovesKatieNatashaLovesKatie Junior Member Junior Member
    I'm 38 and we got our BFP on our 2nd IUI cycle with no drugs or interventions. My wife and I are on the same page when it came to on how many tries we would try which ever intervention. Neither of us were very keen on using fertility drugs for very long since we researched possible short and long term side effects on me and/or the baby. We also decided the number of tries we would try with me before switching to her carrying.

    It is very different for same sex couples since we may not have any actual fertility issues other than not producing the essential pairing of egg and sperm. Sometimes its heartbreaking that we can't just make a baby out of our love for each other like a man and a woman can. Other times I think about how sad and heartbreaking it is when a man and woman have fertility issues and all they want in the world is a little baby to share their love.

    Good Luck and PM me anytime.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    My partner got pregnant our first try with a medicated cycle and piggy back inseminations, we were 29 at the time. Now we are 33 and I am trying to get pregnant, unmedicated using the same donor. Should be having our first IUI early next week. Here's hoping for another 1st try!!

    Best of luck on your adventure. I was told though 6 cycles about a 75% chance of pregnancy using IUI.
  • gnomiesgnomies Junior Member Junior Member
    My wife 32 and got pregnant on her 1st try with a lwo dose of Clomid, but ovulated on her own so we didn't need a trigger shot. At 6 weeks right now!
  • keepwalkingkeepwalking Junior Member Junior Member
    hi,tal970,you mean the cyrobank could send the vials to your home directly,but may send the wrong ones in some cases? awful!
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