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Donor 4171

I am new to this whole process and just purchased vials for donor 4171. Has anyone used this donor and gotten pregnant? I will be getting my first insemination next week.


  • I am also going to use this donor in January! I asked CLI how many pregnancies he had and was told 10-15. If you come across anyone that has used him please email me and let me know.
  • jennjenn Junior Member Junior Member
    I have used this donor for 4 IUI's so far with no luck. I have 2 more samples I purchased, but may switch donors if he doesn't work. I ordered my first few vials May 2011 and they told me he had 5 reported pregnancies then, so he must have worked for someone. No luck here! Keep me posted if you decide to use him, I'm curious to see how he works for you!
  • I was inseminated on 12/29, IUI, no meds. I go for my progesterone blood test 1/5. My period is due around the 15th so hopefully I get lucky and am pregnant on the first try. I asked for vials with the highest motility rate, I read that on this forum to ask CLI for that. There were alot of swimmers under the microscope at the docs office so hopefully one of them found it's way! Will keep you posted.
  • I am waiting for my cycle to start this month (should be around the 7th or 9th). what was your numbers and motility rate with this donor and do either of you have any fertility hurdles?
  • I don't know what you mean by my numbers, I don't know alot about this except for what I have read up on, I just read on this forum to ask for high motility rate, I didn't get much help from my doc or CLI with picking donors. I am 26 and have no known fertility issues. My doc said to try 3 to 4 times before testing for fertility issues since it is expensive and I'm young and presumed healty. Any info you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • the doctor should've been able to tell you the number of sperm the donor had after they thawed it and what the motility percentage was. I, too am doing a natural cycle but using the HCG trigger shot to release my mature eggs which will be given to me 24 hrs before the insemination. Did your doctor give you a trigger shot as well? when will you start testing in your TWW for a BFP?
  • The doc didn't tell me anything just let me look at the microscope and did the procedure. I always thought you were suppose lay down for 20 to 30 mins. she said no need for that either. I haven't been given any meds just using the ovulation kit and today I had to get my progesterone checked to see if I ovulated, then the doc said if I needed they would put me on some meds. I don't know what the other things you asked are either. If i have to go back I will be asking these questions that you given me, thanks
  • did your doctor do an ultrasound before your iui? I'm 24 and don't have any fertility issues as well. I did an HSG to make sure my tubes were open and my uterus looked good back in november, but my insurance covers all of my blood work and part of the HSG was covered as well. When will you start testing to see if you are pregnant? Did you have any cramping after your IUI? I've heard some people in CCB's facebook group that I am in discuss there experiences about mild cramping for a few days afterwards.
  • @Jenn- when will you try again for your next IUI with this donor?
  • Artistat17- My doc only did some blood tests and said they would check my tubes if after a few tries if it doesn't work because my insurance covers nothing and the test is around $900 and painful he said, did they run dye through to see if your tubes were open? They didn't do an ultrasound either. I had a recent pap smear, I don't think they even mentioned an ultrasound.I did have some mild cramping and faint bloody discharge for like 2 days, I hear that this is common though. The 14th is 2 weeks for me. Well, this will be interesting since we are around the same age.
  • This will be interesting! I believe it was a saline water solution that was used and it did hurt like hell for all of one was a lot of pressure. Did you go in to have your IUI after you got your surge from the at home ovulation sticks? Are you doing this process as a single or with a partner?
  • I was inseminated the day after othe ovulation stick was positive. I am doing this single. I have alot of support from my family but I don't want to wait on finding a partner. I could have done the one test but chose to wait a few tries and that's what the doc recommended also. Waiting is hard, I know first time getting pregnant are probably rare but I'm trying to stay positive.
  • I'm doing this solo as well! I'm like you in the sense that I hope it takes the first time. my doc said that she expects for it to work the 1st or second try. I'm sure it will with one well timed iui. I said that I would mellow out on my TWW. Go get my nails done, read a few good books, just really kick back and relax while everything is hard at work :) I hope we both get BFP's the first go around being young and healthy...the odds are on our side.
  • I had to get my AI done at 6:30 am and go to work right after. I work swing shift so it's hard to make appts. I read on the CLI facebook page that someone reported a pregnancy by our donor at the end of Dec. Let me know when you get inseminated, I hope we both get lucky!
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    edited 2013 29
  • I say do what makes you happy, it's your life. Not to dis your friend but she sounds pretty close minded, why is it such a big deal to her that she would stop being your friend? Do you have a donor picked out yet? I hope everything works out for you.
  • I had to get my AI done at 6:30 am and go to work right after. I work swing shift so it's hard to make appts. I read on the CLI facebook page that someone reported a pregnancy by our donor at the end of Dec. Let me know when you get inseminated, I hope we both get lucky!
    I'd seen that as well! My vial is supposed to be shipped out to my doc's office today and I'm just waiting on my period to start. It is supposed to come today, but so far I don't have any signs of it. A nurse at my RE's called me last week and told me not to buy the trigger shot in case i don't need it. They have some in the office just in case. She said that they're going to try to get it as close to my natural surge as possible and then trigger so we'll see! I can't wait for you to test!! lol I'm living through you until I go for my IUI. Have you had any symptoms yet? @dreams: I've had one male friend who disagreed with my decision b/c he believes in a traditional family structure, but he understands that it's my choice and supports me as his friend. If you bff has such a problem with how you choose to conceive then I'd let her leave if that's the road she wants to take. I'm sure you'll find yourself weeding out those who carry negativity anyway once you are pregnant so I hope she decides to be in your corner rather than against you. Good luck on your journey and you can never do enough research before you go to your first consultation!
  • My doc called today with my progesteron level, 13.2 which she said is good and let them know one way or the other. I should no early next week since me period is due Sunday. I'm trying to keep a grip on myself and not get my hopes up, waiting is sooooo hard!
  • OMG! That sounds promising! are you gonna test at home around Friday or Saturday?
  • No, my period is due Sunday the 15th so I figured I would wait and if it doesn't come then Monday or Tuesday I would take a home test. Don't most of those tests have to be after you miss your period?
  • omg no! you can test as early as day 11 of your TWW and get a faint positive. Some people get a def. positive between cycle day 12-14 the average being 13. I've seen a lot of women get it when testing at home before day 14 in my fb support group. We're all POAS (pee on a stick) advocates! lol
  • you said you had your IUI on 12/29 right? so you'd be 12 days into your TWW right now. I'd try testing with First Response tomorrow, day 13 of your TWW and POAS when your urine is most concentrated like in the morning. If it's negative you can try again later that evening or the next day because by day 14 of your TWW you would've had a def. positive or negative. My doc says for me to test at home and if I get a positive by day 14 to call and they will do blood work to confirm the pregnancy. If I get a negative at home, then I just wait for my period to try again for the next cycle. The dollar tree tests would have the same potency as the First Response and the Clear Blue Digital test by day 13 as well.
  • Maybe I will do one. I read online that clearblue could still be inaccurate until after missed period. I just didn't want to do one and not get a true result. I will let you know as soon as I do though. :)
  • I'll pick up a test tomorrow and do it Thursday morning. Keep your fingers crossed, lol.
  • you just made my week! lol I just got done with my baselines and ultrasound and I had 18 follicles and blood work will be in later today but I'm sure it'll be good news. Now I just wait for any 2 lines and start testing cycle day 9. my RE's office monitors the growth of my follicles to know when will be the right time to trigger and or inseminate.
  • Sad to say before I could pee on the stick i got my period 3 days early so back to the begining for me. I have to call my doc today and see what we can do to make my chances better next time. Some people say you can still be pregnant so I don't know if the doc will do a blood test or what.
  • oh no! keep me posted. Hopefully they will do one to confirm that there is or isn't a pregnancy. also ask what your TMC (total motile count) was...they should have that info on file so that you know about how many sperm were in action.
  • I will ask that. Let me know when you get inseminated. Good luck to you.
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    edited 2013 29
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