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First experience



  • sine4mesine4me Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats Moe, that's great news!!
  • all4mybabyall4mybaby Member Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm just getting settled in from my appointment this morning and the Dr. informed me that I have 4 to 6 follicles in the making and I will be heading in tomorrow morning for my second IUI. I am extremely happy about those numbers, I just pray that at least one of them will make me Mommy. So if any of you are up at 8:00am tomorrow Eastern Standard Time, please think of me.

    Moe - All I could do was smile when I read your post. I guess it makes it real when you see the heart flutter huh? I don't know about anyone else but I was kinda thinking you were going to tell us that you were having more than one, LOL. Is that still a possibility? Nah, just kidding....I'm just superglad that everything is falling into place for you.

    Anne - I'm still pulling for you too during your retrieval tomorrow. Please let us know how you make out.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, I trigger this evening at 10:30pm PST and go in early Thursday morning for retrieval. Looks like 4-5 mature eggs. Please god! Praying that enough will survive for a day 5 transfer (July 2), otherwise it'll be June 30. I'm hoping to transfer 3 embryos and have at least one make me a mommy. My mom is here and it's great having her around.

    But tonight a friend is coming over and we are doing photos for my "dear birthmom" brochure if I have to move onto adoption. Working in parallel is the right thing for me right now.

    Moe - Awesome about the heartbeat! I know it'll only get stronger.

    Littlepete - How is your cycle progressing?

    all4mybaby - that's great number of follicles! I, hopefully, won't be awake when you go in for your IUI, but I am saying a prayer for you now.
  • all4mybabyall4mybaby Member Member

    Okay Fairfax Family, I got a phone call from the Dr's office at the last minute and they informed me that the IUI will not take place tomorrow because the bloodwork has shown that I didn't ovulate YET! So I have to go back on Thursday to have another ultrasound and bloodwork done, LOL! I'm still contnuing to take everything in stride ya'll. I'm not one to track my symptoms, but I did stop by Walmart to pick up some ovulation test strips to use tomorrow morning just make sure I don't miss my window of opportunity.

    So I thank you dear friends for offering your prayers for me, and I will post updates for the rescheduled date and time.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    No little dancer yet! A my ultrasound on Monday he was measuring 7 lbs 13 oz so not as big as doc expected him to be! Not the 10 pounder she feared! So I have donea good job controlling the gd. As of Monday I was closed up tighter than fort knox so no induction this week! I went to my acupuncturist on Tuesday to help get things moving. So far no difference even though he is in position! So I go back on Friday for another round of acupuncture and hopefully maks will make his appearance before july 4th! My last day at work is Friday thank goodness! My boss is so afraid I am goijng to deliver way! I keep reminding him when I start to have contractions I'm outta there!

    So glad you got to see the flutter! Maks' heartbeat slowed I remeber. But who knows!
    Anne, so happy for you praying for a good retrieval!

    Everyone else good luck I will keep u all posted!

  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Robin, hang in there momma! Things can change instantly! I'm glad you're going to acupuncture hopefully it will start to have a cummulative effect. I go to a massage therapist that mentioned triggering labor by using certain pressure points on your feet. I imagine that acupuncture uses the same theory. Be well and stay strong.

    Anne and Pauline good luck to you both tomorrow. I hope that they get 5 or more ripe eggs and that you have some to spare! Pauline, I'm praying that you have your IUI within the next couple of days. Here's to mature ripe for the pickin' follies!!

    I honestly still cannot believe that I have a little blueberry growing. It's not real for me just yet. As for their being more than one, it's still early to determine because the doctor seemed to focus in on that one sac and didn't really scan around except to visualize my ovaries. Also there could be two in one sac but it's tiny right now. Either way I'm thankful for one :-)

    Hope all is well!!!
    Please post your updates....can't wait to hear from everyone.

  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    Oh Moe--a heartbeat! Everything we all have wished to hear. So, so happy for you!

    Anne--I will be thinking of you tomorrow morning for your retrieval and sending my prayers into the universe. While you are doing the retrieval I will be going in for my 2nd US. I had my 1st US on Tuesday and it looked like 13 follicles at that time so am praying that they all stay growing the way they should. I feel great which is (of course) completely opposite of what I had worked myself up to in my anxious mind, thinking that I was going to be a crazy person by now and just feel icky. So far, I haven't wanted to strangle anyone :).

    Pauline--the ovulation testing is a good idea and always makes me feel that I can double and triple check when I am ovulating. Hope the IUI goes well.

    So happy for you Robin and to soon be meeting your little one that you have wished for!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    HI everybody,

    i am so sorry i have been MIA. I am finally able to stay awake to reconnect with all of you

    Moe big big congrats on the heartbeat. Isnt it the most amazing feeling. If your RE allows you bring your cell phone with you to the next ultrasound and record a video. I still go back and watch my 8 week ultrasound. it make me feel so connect with my McNuggs. As for boys and girls there is a website that you can plug in the heartbeat and how far along you are and it will predict the gender. I have gotten two girl predictions and one boy..its fun

    Anne my fingers and toes and everything else is crossed for you today. JUST breathe you are almost there. And i hope and pray that this is finally your time!!!! xoxo

    Robin i have missed you!!! i cant believe you are soooo soooo close. this is just the best time i bet. are you nervous for labor and delivery?! Don't think just because we haven't talked in a while that i haven't been thinking of you. I think of all you ladies each and every day.

    K & B how are you liking the 2nd trimester? Did you tell everybody now?

    How is everybody else doing..latebloomer and Regan what are you up to?

    Miss Mary i have missed you as well. You are long overdue for a message... i promise one is coming today!!!

    Well i have to get going i am headed to my first pregnancy massage this morning now that i am over 14 weeks pregnant. i just cant believe i am saying that..14 weeks pregnant!! what a crazy world we all live in.


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I went in for egg retrieval yesterday. It went better than expected. They got 16 eggs, 10 of which were mature. 9 survived the fertilization process. So I go in on Tuesday when they will transfer 3 embryos.

    Please keep me in your prayers and good thoughts!
  • sine4mesine4me Senior Member Senior Member
    YAY! Congrats Anne! Those are great numbers! Good luck to you on Tuesday at your transfer, hoping for a BFP to you!
  • all4mybabyall4mybaby Member Member
    Oh Anne that is fantastic news! What a pleasant surprise it must have been for you to have such great numbers. It seems we will be in our TWW together as I have done the deed today and completed my 2nd IUI. Mom was right there with me and I was fortunate enough to use the same Dr. who got me pregnant the first time.

    I want to thank all of you for your prayers and positive thoughts as I completed the first leg of this journey. Now comes the fun part, the TWW. I'm ready though because I'm making my Mom plan daily activities for me to do while I wait, LOL. Today she took me to the movies and I'm not sure what the next 13 days will bring. I figure if I have a daily event to look forward to then the wait won't seem so bad.

    I feel the positive upswing of BFP's in the air ladies so let's keep that momentum going!!!
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    YOU GO GIRL ANNE!!! That is great news. I am so happy for you! How are you feeling? Lots and lots of good thoughts going your direction.

    I go in Sat am for another US and will know more then.
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    Well, had my 4th US this AM and looks like I am likely looking at retrieval on the 4th of July! Lots of follicles in there now but who knows what will turn out and if all of them grow to enough to viable for retrieval. Just hoping for enough good ones in there to make a baby!
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats ladies!! I'm without power since Fri when a storm slammed into the dc md metro area. Writing this on my iPhone while plugged into my car charger! Just wanted to say how thrilled I am to read about everyones progress. Will hopefully have power by mid week :-(
    Sending lots of sticky HOT baby dust from my brick oven 105 degree house!
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    Oh, I'm feeling so frustrated this am and trying not to freak out! Have all of these follicles in there, like 15 or 16, can't seem to get a straight answer. But not sure if all of them will make it to maturity. They did say that there were 3 or 4 that are above 18 but as I looked at the list on the screen, it looked the rest were not going to make it to that. Is 3 or 4 worth going through retrieval? I am always first patient in the morning and maybe that is bad timing but feel like they are not answering my questions that I ask and is this good/is this ok/bad kind of thing. My normal dr has been on vacay and hoping that he will be back by the 4th when they are talking retrieval but not sure of that either. I have to wait til late this afternoon for instructions but I think they will tell me to trigger tonight. I was so happy up until today and now not sure what to think....
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    LittlePete, I feel your frustratation, but yes, 3-4 is worth going through retrieval. You also never know how they will mature. I only expected 4-5 mature ones and got 10. Remember, it only takes on beautiful egg to make a baby.

    So ladies, pray for me on Tuesday at 11:30 PST / 2:30 EST since that is when I am going in for my last IVF! They will be transferring 3 embryos!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Littlepete,
    Being frustrated is the pitts! I sure hope your doc is back for the retrieval but in the event that he's not please press the replacement doc and the nurse for answers to your questions! This costs way too much money to not have your questions answered. I agree with Anne, yes 3-4 is worth going for because the thing is there are follies that sometimes can't be seen on the ultrasound and they don't know until they get in there. I was consistently showing 6-8 follies but when the doc got in there, he actually retrieved 11 eggs and 9 out of those 11 were mature. I sure hope the doc that's doing your procedure checks all the follies no matter what their size is (that's what my doc does). You must insist on answers or at least find out who you can call afterwards (you'll be a little groggy) even if you have to write them down on paper. Keep your spirit up, you're on the home stretch now!

    Moe, sorry to hear about you being without power in THIS heat! ugh!

    Anne, best of luck to you girl! I'm going to be right behind you. Looks like my next (and final) cycle will start on 7/31. It technically interferes with a work event but my boss gave me the go ahead to handle my "medical issues" (I was not specific) so we'll see how it goes!

    Lots of super sticky baby dust to everyone! So excited for Robin this week getting her baby firecracker!!
  • k&bk&b Senior Member Senior Member
    Moe, I hear ya on the AC! We had a VERY bad hail storm here that damaged our compressor, and we just got the AC fixed this weekend (2 weeks of little to no air!) in TEXAS!!
    Char, yes 2nd trimester is much better, though I am still tired...ALL. THE. TIME. ;) And pretty much the whole world knows I am pregnant!
    As for me, I posted an update on the forum, but I will repeat myself here. All is going well. We had an appointment today, at 14w3d. The baby was moving around, and everything looked good! Our next appt is in 4 weeks, and we will find out the sex! I can't wait!
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    Thanks so much ladies for the info and words of encouragement. I called the IVF nurse in the afternoon and she clarified all for me. Looking like 8 will likely be ready and am ready to go tomorrow am. I'm very nervous and can't wait til retrieval is over so I can get excited! My doc is back--yeah! He told me he would be and so glad because I trust him and he always keeps me informed well. He knows that I get anxious if I don't know what is going on :)
    Yeah Anne! Thought of you this am and hope to be right behind you with 3 for transfer!
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yay!!! Power restored. I never imagined that I could master giving myself intermuscular butt injections let alone in the dark....well by the light of my Iphone!!! Just insane!! I have a raspberry in my belly this week and hope that he/she is okay after baking for 3 days. I stayed hydrated and ate tons of fruit. Today I made my first smoothie since Friday and didn't have milk so I used vanilla bean ice cream. OMG!! I want milkshakes for breakfast EVERYDAY!! Probably shouldn't do that often because I've already gained 4 pounds....mostly breasts and belly bloat. Way too early to show.

    Littlepete how did your transfer go?? Anne I'm so happy that your 3 embryos are snuggling in nicely. I wish I transferred 3 instead of two during my fresh IVF cycle. But my FET was 3 and it WORKED!!! Pauline how are you honey? You're well on your way in the TWW. Hopefully mom is keeping you busy. Well as always I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers everyones way! I know that we are in for several BFP's in less than 2 weeks!! Is anyone going to POAS or just patiently wait for the bloodtest? I could never wait, I'm just not patient!

    Happy 4th of July ladies and stay cool....

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    moewhit25 wrote: »

    Littlepete how did your transfer go?? Anne I'm so happy that your 3 embryos are snuggling in nicely. I wish I transferred 3 instead of two during my fresh IVF cycle. But my FET was 3 and it WORKED!!! Pauline how are you honey? You're well on your way in the TWW. Hopefully mom is keeping you busy. Well as always I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers everyones way! I know that we are in for several BFP's in less than 2 weeks!! Is anyone going to POAS or just patiently wait for the bloodtest? I could never wait, I'm just not patient!

    Happy 4th of July ladies and stay cool....


    They would only transfer two because the quality was high. They transferred a 6AA and a 5AA. Praying that one or both take. I'm reading, watching tv and just relaxing this 4th of July. My mum is taking good care of me.

    Sticky baby dust to all
  • all4mybabyall4mybaby Member Member
    Hey ladies what's happening? I hope everyone was able to partake in some fun or relaxation yesterday.

    I am 6 days into my TWW and almost at the halfway mark. I've been holding on okay and my Mom has been doing a great job keeping me busy. We've done movies, flea markets, malls, family visits and today we are doing pedicures. Being out has helped me to focus on other things to an extent, but we all know what is always on the forefront of our minds while we are waiting during this time.

    To answer your question Moe about using the home test or waiting to go to the Dr.........I am DEFINITELY using the home test in T-minus 8 days!!!! The temptation is there though to test everyday because I just want to know. I'll TRY to be strong though and hold on until next Friday.

    Anne, I've been thinking about you and hope that you are managing okay as you start your TWW. Isn't it great to have such a supportive Mom?

    Little Pete, how are you doing? K&B, glad to read that things are going well with you and your little bean.

    In the spirit of sticky dust,
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    Well, my retrieval went well. I was starting to get worried because they wheeled out a lady who was before me and she was having so much pain they had to give her Demerol afterward but luckily all went well and was hardly uncomfortable at all. I took Tylenol a couple of times and have been resting. They retrieved 11 and just got the call telling me that 6 had fertilized. Little worried about just 6 and getting them to transfer but have to think there is a good one in there. They will do a 3 day or 5 day transfer depending on how they progress-so Sat or Mon. Hope to be in my 2ww with y'all soon!

    So happy you have electricity back Moe! been thinking of you pregnant in the heat! So, glad I don't have to do the PIO shots but these Progresterone lozenges are the pits-yuck)!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey little pete

    I just wanted to let you know that I got 6 eggs 4 fertilized two were transferred on a 3 day and I am 15.5 weeks pregnant with one healthy little Mcnuggit. :). I also have one frozen peanut waiting for us.

    Your in a great place. Stay positive and this tww will go quickly!

    Lits of baby dust
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    Char--you made my night! Thanks! I am focusing on someday soon being where you are!
  • alwayshopefulalwayshopeful Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I found this thread yesterday and got sucked in and read the whole thing! Hope you don't mind if I join in :) My partner and I are probably doing our first round of IVF in August. We've tried inseminating me at home with fresh donor sperm for a year and that was unsuccessful. I'm 30, but have endometriosis and was told by the RE that it looks unlikely that I will conceive with IUI but that we could try. We said that we didn't want to end up of trying cycle after cycle of failed IUI's and depleting all of our savings so that we couldn't get to IVF if needed. NOTHING is covered by my insurance so we're footing the entire bill out of pocket. We've had two different doctors tell us that our best bet for what we can spend is IVF. We just decided to go for it and are in the process of picking out our Fairfax donor now. We go back on the 13th for our IVF consultation which will probably be when I get my injectables and the med schedule is explained. Hopefully I'll start those about the last week in July.

    We're hoping that if this works we'll still have embies to freeze and possibly be able to get full siblings out of an FET down the road. That's the dream anyhow but that's wayyyy ahead. Just reading your stories has given me so much hope. I'm already excited but it's nice to know there's people here going through it and talking about it. Infertility and putting your body through all this can be so hard sometimes.

    Anyway, thank you. You ladies have already helped calm me down about this process more than you could know! Thanks for being willing to talk.

  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    So, got a call today from the embryologist and he said my 6-pack was doing well! So, heading towards a 5 day transfer on Monday. Happy Dance!
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Welcome Alwayshopeful! It's wonderful to have you join us. I'm glad that you were able to find support here because this can be a very isolating experience. I agree with pulling out the big guns and going jumping aboard the IVF express. Please keep us posted on your progress!

    Littlepete, I'm so happy that your six pack is doing well. I remember how good I felt knowing that I could have a few more robust embryos for day 5. Of course 3 three transfers are successful....just look at Charlotte :-) By the way, how is Charlotte? 15.5 weeks that's just such great news! I'm just over the moon.

    Anne keep your mind occupied girl...Good luck.

    I had a bit of a scare yesterday when I saw about a teaspoon of bright red blood when I wiped. Then I had light cramping to go with that. Thankfully today, I saw what's now grown from a little raspberry to a little frog like creature and HEARD the heartbeat (184 bpm). I made the doctor do another a scan to make sure there wasn't one hiding. It's a singleton although 3 were transferred. I'm blessed and so thankful.

    Sadly, my RE released me to my OB at today's visit. It was a bittersweet experience. All the staff came around and said their goodbyes and gave me big hugs. My nurse was so compassionate and awesome throughout all this (almost 2 years). Whew!

    I'm here to encourage you all that it can be done. Here I am, single over 40, and no fertility coverage but somehow I wasn't easy but this is a success story that will continue......

    Baby dust to all!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    littlepete wrote: »
    So, got a call today from the embryologist and he said my 6-pack was doing well! So, heading towards a 5 day transfer on Monday. Happy Dance!

    Excellent news. Very happy for you!

    I'm halfway through my TWW. Spending today watching a Yankees / Red Sox double header and very happy. The toughest part is not being able to be active and outside. I'm just praying hard.

    Moe - Congrats on the release to your OB. Awesome news.
  • littlepetelittlepete Member Member
    I'm finally excited for a procedure--usually nervous and sense of dread so enjoying looking forward to tomorrow and what the day of transfer will bring.

    Anne & Pauline-you both sound like you are feeling pretty good. Hopefully your 2ww is flying by as fast as any 2ww can!

    Moe-wonderful news to be released to your OB! How are you feeling? Any pregnancy symptoms to share?
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