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Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
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Donor number
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*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Well the deed is done. At 9:58 this morning I had three (day 5) blasts transferred. The office called me at 8 a.m. to tell me that there really was 4 not 5 that were frozen. But the doctor still wanted to transfer three. All three thawed well and were "expanding" blast, two were fair and one was good grades. The doctor said the fact that they were all expanding was very good. During the transfer I asked him the likelyhood of all of them implanting and he said it's very unlikely. I have one frostie on ice for now...
Charlotte to answer your question, I'm not hoping for multiples. I would be satisfied with one or two healthy babies, but God is in control so who knows what HE thinks I can handle??
I drove directly to my acupuncturist and she did a treatment to assist with implantation, bloodflow, and relaxation. It was wonderful and I think I was in the deepest sleep...Slobber and All!!
Now I'm home on "bedrest" for today. Got everything in the bed with me, cell phone, laptop, remote control, book, snacks, spinach salad, oh and my house phone, and here comes one cat Laila!! Not much room for the other cat at this point :-)
Anne, I'm so glad AF finally showed up! Let me know what your fresh IVF protocol includes. Wishing you all the best!!
Thanks for your prayers ladies :-) Beta is scheduled on June 11, might POAS next Friday......
Baby dust to all!!
I was thrilled to read that you had a wonderful birthday, and although I am just reading your post, I will send a follow up prayer to God in hopes that you receive the desires of your heart.
I started the BC pills on Friday. I'm on them until the 11th and then I go back to the Dr's too see what we are doing. I expect the protocol to be very similar. I responded well to the meds last time. Just praying that at least one sticks this time!
I have to admit I've been calm and very positive since the transfer last Thursday. Unfortunately, recently I've spent too much time on the "What to Expect" website/forums and Google. Those two factors have contributed to me running out after work a few hours ago and purchasing 3 Dollar Tree HPT's. Came home with the thought that it would be positive eventhough it's 5 pm. In my mind that would mean that I'm REALLY preggo if it shows up. Well that theory went out the window when I saw the BFN. I even held a high powered flashlight up to the stick. Nope! Not even the faintest line :-( So pissed and disappointed at myself for giving into temptation because all these folks are gloating about having "symptoms" since the transfer and they had positives within that first week of the transfer.
So now of course doubts that were hidden away somewhere are starting to consume my thoughts....
How could it be negative after transferring THREE blasts (which survived the thaw)??
Doesn't implantation take place within 1-2 days after a transfer of day 5 blasts??
After implantation isn't that when the hCG starts and that triggers a positive result on the HPT??
Shouldn't the line be faint?
Okay, I'm going to take myself off the grid until my beta because this certainly cannot help my stress level at this time. I'm trying to keep things in perspective since it's 5dp5dt and it wasn't my first morning urine. I'm going to be in total shock if after all this, this doesn't work. WTH??
Hope that everyone is doing well on their paths..
I have not been through IVF, so
I can't respond to most of your questions, but I can tell you this...I was symptomatic from Day 5 after every IUI that was negative. On my 6th IUI, which resulted in my current pregnancy (which remember was twins until 8w1d) I did not have ONE symptom until about 6.5 weeks. Not one. So hang in there, keep us posted, and as always I'm praying for you.
Don't read too much into symptoms. I haven't had any symptoms except for i have been tired. Oh an my nipples are dark. No morning sickness no nausea, no soar boobs..nothing.
Just try to stay calm until the 11th. My thoughts and prayers are with you until then!!
Today is one week since my FET. I was fine until I took the HPT (Tues) and the BFN really took me where I had no business going. That same silly voice that told me to take the HPT way too early also told me to dig it out of the trash the next morning.....(head hung in shame) Of course with the chemicals in those tests it will show a line if you read it beyond the specific timeframe. DUH!! I know that but something in me just wanted to see that line and feel like this worked. So I carried that happy feeling with me to work yesterday. Then I noticed at about 11:30 a.m. I had pink spotting with a small less than pea sized clot. There was also mild AF like cramps. Now my mind went right back to January....chemical pregnancy? Immediately I called my nurse who reassured me that I shouldn't be alarmed as long ast the spotting isn't like a full AF flow. She also told me that implantation after FET is anywhere from 4-5 days depending on the person. I was somewhat relieved because I was right within that timeframe. Then today around the same time I had just a slight dime sized drop of a brown spot, still some fluttering feelings on the right side. So I'm more at ease today because even if there's something going on with implantation, maybe that third frostie is trying to exit while the other two have already made a home??
My nurse said I technically I could POAS Sunday which is 10 days past transfer and get a result (if they did betas on Sunday that's when I would be in) I honestly don't know if I can refrain since there are tests in the house already. I'm proud that I had some self control and didn't continue to test over the last few days. All bets are off for Sunday.
So I'm in a better place today and will try to keep a positive outlook.
Wishing everyone a peaceful journey and healthy and happy pregnancies to those who have been blessed already.
I'm praying for you. It is such a roller-coaster and just believe that it will happen for you. It only takes one! If you can, try not to POAS on Sunday and wait for the beta on Monday - but I know it's hard.
Prayers and good thoughts.
Woot! Praying for positive and STICKY baby dust
In the spirit of sticky dust,
So happy for you! I woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep and tought.... I need to check the forum. So glad I did! This is wonderful news! Trust the stick and enjoy this news all weekend. The sticks can drive you crazy at times but it sounds like this time it brought greaT news! Praying for you and your little one!
So tomorrow is beta day and I will have the numbers by 3:00 so stay tuned....
Praying for high beta # and sticky beans :-)
I go back on Thursday for a second beta anyone want to guess what that will be?? Okay I just got home and my sister who's visiting has a celebration dinner waiting for me. She made my favorite homemade Thai dish.
Ladies, I'm proof that it can happen!!! Thanks for ALL of your support. This is just the beginning....
Lots of sticky baby dust to all!!!
Enjoy every second of every moment of every day
Gives me hope. I too am finally going down the IVF train and am on BC pills right now. I will be starting on meds on the 21st I think. Can't wait to be where you are!