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Some Frustration...

So just to provide some background info:
I'm 40 years old
Very fertile but no partner
Decided to finally move forward with using a sperm donor. Began my journey at Shady Grove Fertility Center and through all the baseline tests the MD was amazed at my "ovarian reserve" My ovaries were that of a 20 year old. Had a total of 22 follies (they hope for 10 minimum) upon the initial tests and all of my hormone levels were well within optimal range. So I go through all the paces and prepare to do my IUI next cycle using Clomid. So despite the fact that I still had many follies, I was instructed to begin Clomid 100 mg day 5-9. I questioned my nurse since this seemed like a high dose for someone the is perfectly healthy and have no previous health problems. I specifically asked if I should start at 50 mg?? I was told no because I'm 40, and that's the protocol for women your age. So fast forward to day 12 and several monitoring sessions later. I have 6 follies and FIVE of them could potentially be released if I go forward with the trigger shot and subsequent IUI. They were HUGE more then 20 mm each. I'm so irritated because I could try to manage as a single mom with twins but NOT FIVE!!! My doctor said that I'm amazing and don't look anywhere near my age. He also said that if I was his daughter, he would advise her not to do the IUI this cycle. I took his advice and now I'm out over $1000 for this missed cycle. Then he says "Don't shake hands with anyone in the next few days!!" WTF??

Should I insist on not using Chomid this next cycle?? The doctor says he wants to back off on the dosage. I'm wondering if I should even take it?? I'm I was also warned that I may have cysts on my ovaries during the next cycle from the Chomid which will further delay the next IUI. I'm so frustrated. Sometime times I wish I were the type of woman that could just hook up with somene for a well timed one night stand......But that's just STUPID!

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


  • KJtrips+KJtrips+ Member Member
    I got triplets using 100mg of Clomid, I would say with your awesome response to the meds I may try an unmedicated cycle just to see what your body does without meds. Good luck!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    My partner had 3 very large follicals and still went through with it. We ended up with twins, one was lost at about a month to two months in. However had a very healthy baby girl. I would have done it still.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Thanks ladies for your input. I really don't know what to expect during this whole process. So now I'm waiting to start my next cycle of Clomid at a lower dose (not sure how much yet). I hope that my body doesn't get too out of wack!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and having positive thoughts for everyone here to have their hearts desire :-)

    Good Luck!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Ok so I went for my day 3 bloodwork and ultrasound. I have 21 follicles, which the MD isn't overly concerned about starting Clomid again but using 50mg (was 100mg). I'm really going to roll the dice on this one because my gut tells me I'm going to have more than one mature follicle which may cause multiples. I will take Clomid day 5-9 then go in on day 11 for monitoring. Then hopefully my first and only :) IUI on Jan 10/11. I'm anxious and hope this cycle isn't cancelled again due to too many mature follicles.
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    good luck! When I had my IUI I had 2 that IM still not 100% positive I am not pregnant. I am waiting awhile longer to test again, but whatever is going on with this spotting is weird and nothing like my period. Its not even enough to make it past wipeing. Grrr adds more frustration! Either way if I am not I cant try agian until Feb as the clomid gave me cysts.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    I can imagine how frustrating this 2ww is for you, especially with the spotting. Stay positive, stranger things have happened. Maybe the HCG levels are not high enough to register yet and you will get a BFP tomorrow :) how big were the folliicles before you had the trigger shot? That sucks about the Clomid cysts. I thought I would get them also but didn't. Good luck! Baby dust!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    well after 4 long days of spotting I woke this morning with a regular period. Guess its Feb for the next try.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Keep your head up Bluesky your time is coming. Feb will be here before you know it!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Update on my cycle...
    My MD put me on 50mg of Clomid and monitored me on cycle day 11, instead of day 12. Thankfully this time I have one very large follicle, 23 mm and I was most likely was going to ovulate on my own depending on bloodwork results. So I scheduled my first IUI for the next day, today Sunday!! I was told to use my trigger shot the night before. Very strange to self administer a belly shot. Burned somewhat but I survived.

    So here I sit in a packed waiting room waiting with the masses. Had an 8:30 appt and they are running behind with all the patients that had to be monitored first. Okay the waiting room is finally clearing out! I'm a bit stressed because the lab thawed my donors sperm around 7:30 and it almost two hours now! I'm going to ask if I'm next..... wish me luck!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Well that was easy...
    I finally was called in to the office for my IUI an hour after my appt time UGH! Apparently after the sperm is thawed, they keep it warm so nothing is compromised if there's a delay in the schedule. The sperm count was at almost 9 million, which is three times the minimum according to the physician's assistant. By the way, I didn't know they can do this procedure. Anyway, I didn't realize the IUI was happening, it took about 2-3 minutes! Basically I was asked a question about if I was going to watch the football game today and before I could answer it was OVER!! LOL! I've had more eventful Pap smears. I was instructed to lay on the table as long as I like but that five minutes was fine. That was a few hours ago and I noticed that I have some strange spotting on the panty liner and when I wiped there's a pink tinge. I'm also crampy on the right ovary (probably the follicle releasing egg).

    According to my bloodwork, I'm going to ovulate tomorrow, so today was just extra to make sure that sperm was waiting in the "wings". And tomorrow I will go for my 2nd IUI. Then the following day I begin Prometrium twice a day (suppository...yuck!) and continue this until BFP or AF. This is to help with implantation by "plumping up" the uterine lining.

    I hope that this works. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    good luck!

    You can have a bit of spotting after the IUI because it loosens things down there and you do bleed a bit when they do the proceedure.
    Nothing to be worried about. Mine was painless as well but took a bit longer, apparently everything sits back a bit in my body and tips down some so it took a little more work to get there.

    I am counting my days till my next cycle to go again. I am not sure when that will be as when I finally got a cycle this last time it lasted two days. Arrr, not that I mind a short one but I hate that it messed up a perfectly normal system I was used to.

    How many follicals did you have this time around?
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Hi Bluesky!
    I only had ONE follicle which measured 24 mm on day 11. Which is why I was told to trigger the same day and schedule two IUI's just for good measure. That's so weird how I went from 6 mature follicles on 100mg on Clomid then one jumbo one on 50 mg :( Here's hoping that this one big target is good enough for the 9 million swimmers :D There were other smaller follicles around 12 mm but no where near mature.
    Here's hoping that your cycle gets back on track. It's crazy how this journey can mess up a perfectly "Normal" cycle and get you off track. But you will be back in the game soon. The waiting is the hard part. Hang in there!

    Thanks for the well wishes and encouragement!!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    They keep growing until they release. So if its another day or so they could be big enough. They grow anywhere from 1-3 a day and they only need to be 15 or bigger to take.

    Again good luck.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    So after an insanely LONG two week wait, my bloodwork came back negative. GURR! All the symptoms are apparently from the trigger shot and progesterone suppositories. I took 3 HPT over the past 4 days....all BFN. Now I'm starting a new contract job 100 miles away from my MD. Have no idea how I would begin to start monitoring from that distance! And AF hasn't come yet so I can't start my cycle yet and will start my job in like 2 weeks.
    Don't know why the IUIs didn't work...I'm getting frustrated and I'm out of pocket for ALL costs!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    I know exactly what you mean, that 2 week wait was brutual! I had my IUI on 1/16 and was for sure I was pregnant only to be fooled by symptoms from the HCG shot. I'm surprised to find you had to do yours in the stomach as mine insisted I do it on my left rear hip area. That was also the side with the 22mm folicle so I just figured it was because of that. I too am like you and all of this is out of pocket for me until i've had 6 unsuccessful attempts and then my insurance will kick in and cover costs but I'm hoping I don't have 6 unsuccessful attempts as that would be a HUGE chunk of cash and I'm not sure I can handle that emotionally??!! I was not upset that I wasn't pregnant but I was upset that I put out that kind of cash and got nothing out of it but experience! I wasn't exactly looking to pay what I paid for experience! I have however learned to ask more questions. I cheated and took a HPT 2 days before I was to go in for the lab test and it was negative so in some small way I was getting prepared for the "no you're not pregnant" news. I was so optimistic it was going to take the first time I hadn't really considered that it might not until I read this book called "Knock Yourself Up: No Man, No Problem!" It was a funny read about a lady going through all of this (including home inseminations, which I am not open to!) and she interviewed several other single mothers by choice. That's when I began to ponder, ok so what happens if it doesn't take the first time and my answer was nothing, just wait until the next month and do it again and hope for the best which is where I am now. So if all goes well the next IUI will be around Valentine's day. I'm keeping my stress levels down (have had to cut some people out of my life!), watching my diet and keeping my head up. I've continued to read and research and the new thing I've come across is how celiac disease can interfere with fertility and you can be symptomatic but not actually have the disease. I don't think I have it but I am looking to incorporate some gluten free diet options. WebMD also has a lot of good articles about becoming pregnant and how to prepare your body. Since you are going to be away from your doctor for the new job I would ask if he has a counterpart or knows anyone in the area where you will be working. Most doctors that study in the same field know a colleague or two either from being at the same seminars, practicing or studying together or just because they know them. Best of luck to you and I'll be waiting for your update!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Hi Latebloomer!
    Thank you so much for your encouraging and informative reply. I really appreciate your message. I know that I'm not alone on this journey :-) This morning was my day 3 ultrasound and bloodwork. Thankfully I don't have any Clomid cysts. The nurse found 19 follicles in my right ovary and 16 follicles in my left one. She said they were all very small. This is typical for me on day 3. Anyway, I'm waiting for a call within the next few hours to give me the green light to start Clomid cycle day 5-9 (50 mg). And I've decided to just suck it up and go for monitoring my first day at my new position. I have a 7 a.m. appt and then make the trek to work. I'm just going to let my manager know that I will be about an hour late and then hopefully work something out for the following two days. Since based on my results most likely I will need to go back for the IUI's during the next two days. I have a pretty good rapport with my job (I've done contract work with them recently and they asked me to come back). Hopefully they will be flexible....

    I've invested so much time and $ at this point and couldn't bear to start all over with another doctor. Timing is everything. My HCG trigger shot was subcutaneous not intermuscular. I may be mistaken but the hip area is for intermuscular shots(?). The subcutaneous (under the skin) method is pinching a peice of belly fat just a few inches away from the belly button. Did you pinch the skin on your hip or just inject it straight into the area? Looking forward to hearing about your next cycle and BFP :)

    If you have a smartphone you should get the app for What to Expect When You're Expecting. The full website is awesome also Good luck and baby dust to you!!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Last time I tried I knew a day before I started spotting I wasnt preggo. I was driving and had this overwhelming feeling that I wasnt. My partner kept telling me to stay positive and I tried but deep down I knew.

    I should be starting a new cycle either tommorow or the next day. I am not near as excited this time around, maybe its my way of being protective of myself to not get my hopes up just in case. I do hope this time works as its the last vial of this sperm I have and he is not available. I was really hoping to have a half sibling to my daughter now. Either way if it dont take, I hope not to get cysts from the clomid again. I hate having to take a month off.
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Hope all is well! moewhit thanks for suggesting the what to expect site. I went there after reading your last post and was literally on information overload for 2.5 hours and didn't move from the couch! Lots of info but lots of ladies dealing with baby daddy drama. I can't imagine it which is why I took this route so I wouldn't have to deal with that! I had enough of that with my first "real" job when I worked for the state at the Child Support Enforcement office for 5 years! It was instant birth control for me in my 20's!

    Bluesky you'll be fine. Ever heard of saving the best for last? Perhaps this last sample is exactly that! I'll pray for you. I should be starting my cycle tomorrow so round 2 of IUI will be right around the corner. I have a different feeling this time and it's a good one so let's hope it works.

    Stay positive ladies, we can do this!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    At Latebloomer: Yes that "what to expect" website is like info overload. I find myself on there for hours....not good :-( I find the birth month boards uplifting and have found a few cycle buddies. However, the single moms forum is quite depressing. Basically mama/daddy drama. I don't have all that negative energy and couldn't imagine myself in those situations. The choices we make.....That's what finally brought me to trying to do this alone. It's all on me and there are no expectations of a deadbeat dad doing the RIGHT thing.

    On a side note, today I drove to Fairfax to pick up my donor vials. It saved me about $200 and it was only a 25 minute drive to get it and then about an 1 hour to my doctor's office. It really didn't register in my mind that I would actually be handed a nitrogen tank which I had to carefully pack securely into my car so that it didn't knock over. The Fairfax employee told me to treat it like it was a baby. YIKES, I'm a crazy NY driver in D.C which has some of the most seasoned aggressive drivers. With the ice storm on it's way I was so scared I would flip my SUV on a patch of black ice. Anyhow, I made it safely to my destination and now have to return the empty nitrogen tank within ten days or Fairfax will charge me.

    I felt weird carrying this huge tank through the parking lot of the hospital. I felt like everyone was reading the labels on the sides which read cryobank, gif, do not tip, etc. Anyway, who cares what people think right ;)

    Bluesky, we can be cycle buddies if you'd like since I will be having my second IUI next week. Where are you in your cycle?

    Best wishes and sticky baby dust to you ladies!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Still waiting for it to start................arrr there has been signs since sunday, but nothing happening. SOme spotting but after last cycle I wonder what really is normal, or if what is going on now would be normal.
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Well AF came today so I should be getting my next IUI soon. I have to call and confirm my appointment. Who would have ever thought I'd be happy to see AF come! Since I just had my first IUI last month I wasn't sure if AF would come on time but she did so I'm crossing my fingers for the next time.

    Moe your story of the "daddy pickup" was funny. I would have strapped him in and told him to hang on and would have let him know this was probably not going to be the kind of ride he was used to! I've been to both NY & DC and now I live in Vegas and the drivers are just as crazy! Maybe Fairfax will give you some extra time if you're not able to get the tank back on time b/c of the weather. Let us know when the 2ww starts so we can do the count down with you! I just hope I don't cheat this time and take a HPT! I still have one left but I really need to learn to be patient! It's so hard though!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Well the deed is done! I had one IUI yesterday followed by another today. Had two good follies PLUS the new sperm donor had awesome counts! Post wash was 32 million and 27 million. The first donor only had 9 million and 6 million. Booooo! It wasn't up to Fairfax standards. Anyway, I will start the TWW and I have already purchased 3 dolllar store HPT. I will start testing on Feb 23rd. I hope this will be a successful cycle. :)
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck! I am in my clomid part right, and my body is doing much better with it this time around. Im not so sick feeling. I go in for the first sizing ultrasound on if its like the last cycle it should be next weekend.
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Best of luck ladies! I go in this Friday at 8am for my mid cycle scan so my IUI will be either Monday, Tuesday or Weds of next week :) The first time we just did one procedure even though we had 2 samples so they had me order another one just in case so we'll have 2 this time as well. I think my 2WW will be occupied by the dreaded taxes! I started looking them over and was like, this is when you get your papers together and pay someone to do your taxes! Let me know how it turns out! I will think good thoughts for all of us!

    BTW did either of you have the trigger shot? I seem to not be able to get enough sleep since I did that but surely the side effects don't last that long do they??
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    The frst round I had the clomid and the ovadril shot. From the time I started the clomid through about 3 weeks I was sick. It was pretty much as soon as the pills started work their way out of the system then I had the shot which started it over. I felt worse after the shot then with the clomid.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    My trigger shot combiined with the progesterone suppositories made me very sleepy. And this time I have this general fatigue which really hits after I eat dinner. I went to bed at 8:30 last night! The last time the trigger shot symptoms seemed to be gone by about two weeks then AF arrived (thankfully on time)
    Good luck today!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Ok ladies, I went on Friday for a scan and had a 7 on the left follie and a 14 on the right follie (didn't even have anything on the right last cycle!). They had me come back in this morning and the left is up to 16 and the right is at 21! Trigger shot tonight and IUI scheduled for Tuesday morning and then the 2WW begins. I'm excited that my body is doing its job with no meds! I'm really hoping this is the one!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    It looks like Friday is the day for me. I currently have 4 follicals. Sizes are around 14, 13 and 2-10's. I will take the shot on Wen and go in Friday morning. Now, I only have one vial left but got called for a wait list I was on for a guy that is no longer available. Trying to decide if I should order them or not.......any suggestions????
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Bluesky the call for the wait list is almost like "insurance". How long do you have to decide whether or not you want to purchase? That would be a tough call but on the flip side if you order and you don't get BFP then at least looking for another donor will be out of the way when you're ready again but I could also see how placing the order could mentally mean that you don't think it's going to work this time. I think I would have to ask how many people are on the wait list and if it's not too many then I think I would gamble and have my 2WW and see what happens. Tough decision for you but best of luck. Whatever you decide just make sure you don't second guess yourself and make sure you don't regret your decision. Hope that helps!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    I did decide to buy them. I only had until tommorow. The donor is no longer donating and he is one of the very few mixed donors that I found(I used this sister site for my vials). If I dont have twins when I do finally get preggo I will be trying again so either way I should be safe. IF I do have twins then I will just sell them back.

    I decided to be safe rather then sorry. My other three choices were all unavilable or not donating anymore. I didnt see any others on there that caught my eye.
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