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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
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2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
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If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth
*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
So glad that your numbers are going up
I'm going to pop my Clomid as soon as I'm done with this message as this is cycle day 5. I'm taking Clomid CD 5-9 and then hopefully my follies will be big enough to trigger on Friday May 6. So that means I could potentially have my IUI's on Mother's Day.
As always, I will post updates :geek: Lots of sticky baby dust!
Sounds like you have a good doctor. My doctor tweaked things too which I'm sure is what helped. Timing is definitely everything. I have a good feeling this time for you! What an awesome mother's day gift that would be! Fingers crossed and lots of baby dust to you:)
I'm on pins & needles waiting for an update!! Did you have your Mother's Day IUI?
You are too cutie....I just had my IUI today at 2pm and I go back tomorrow for another (just for good measure). Mothers day I had a follie check and it showed a follie at 21, 16.5, and 14 so I gave the belly shot. My estrogen was at 273 and the washed sperm count was 38 million with 42% motility. The nurses seemed impressed and hopeful. This time I inserted the Instead cup and lifted my hips on the table and pillow for 15 minutes (took a cat nap)
How are you feeling? How many weeks are you? Thanks so much for asking!
More updates to come.....
Good luck!
I feel pretty good for the most part but I think I'm in denial about the morning sickness. I am hungry all day! Before I never ate past 7pm and now I have to eat something at 9pm before I go to bed and I still wake up starving like I haven't eaten in days. I don't wake up sick but the past couple of days after brushing my teeth I've had to take a few deep breaths!! Now though after I eat I feel sick but I think I might be overeating and just need to adjust my portions to smaller ones. I am also hairy as an ape but at least my hair on my head is turning nice and silky! My hair has always been a little more drier than normal because of my thyroid but now I don't need as much pomade to wake it up!
My first appt is supposed to be a week from today on the 16th but I had to call and get alternate appointments because my grandmother is on her last days so I'll have to leave and go home for her services and I'm not sure if I'll be back by then! Bummer because I'm anxious to know what's going on in there! It's so funny that since I am pretty much munching all day long everytime after I eat it sounds like there's a lot of gurgling going on down there so I can't tell if I'm making the little one happy or sad! I hope it's just a "thanks for feeding me message!" Oh well I guess I'll just have to be patient! I'm 5W5d today.
I'll wait for your update! Lots of sticky baby dust to you!
What's your screen name on WTE? Let's be friends my handle is FortyLooks27. I have tried to refrain from going to that site too often, it can be info overload! But I really like the month specific forums. The single moms forum is one that I avoid for the most part because the women seem tormented, sad, and angry. I certainly don't want to feed into the negative vibe.
I was laughing about your bottom-less pit syndrome. I'm like that naturally because I have the metabolism of a fruit fly! My grocery bill is crazy expensive. I can't imagine my appetite increasing.....but hopefully time will tell...
Sorry to hear of your grandmother, hope you get to spend some quality time with her and she's comfortable. Good luck with everything. I'm gearing up for my IUI later today. Oh, I totally forgot that I had the Instead cup in place yesterday after the IUI. It was about 8 hours later, which was okay since the max time is 12 hours but gosh, that means the donor sperm was sitting at the base of my cervix all that time. To my surprise, there was residual in the cup when I took it out. Sorry for the TMI :oops:
As always lots of sticky baby dust to all!
All the best!
I'm SMBCChristy on WTE but you're right, those boards are something else! I rarely post over there. I do more looking/reading than anything.
I don't think there was probably any donor sperm in that cup! Once they get it in there, it stays! They go past your cervix to get it in there so I think what you might have seen could have been discharge! How's the 2WW going?
I made it home and back in time for my 1st appt so I got to see the heartbeat today and it was nice & strong! It made it VERY real! I am 6W4D today. I am elated and my mom is over the moon and already driving me nuts, "now you know you can't be eating a lot of fast food" um yeah, I eat fast food like once every 3-4 months if that! I guess that's her job and I might even be like that one day! I told the doctor I feel like a baby myself because all I do is eat, sleep & pee! She laughed. I was relieved though that I do get to take my zyrtec. My allergies have been out of control but it's on the "safe" list so it was like getting 2 presents today! I go back in 2 weeks and the doc said we should definitely be able to hear the heartbeat when I go back on 5/31. I can't wait!
Bluesky, where have you been dear? We need an update please! Hope you're doing well!
I am here. Not much to report. Doing pretty good, just tired all the time, and hungery all the time. I am working on 15 weeks. I am currently 14w4ds. I can’t wait to find out, only a few more weeks, hopefully at my next doc appointment I can get that set up.
What is really weird anything that I dream now is actually reality? For example I dream about jobs I interviewed or applied at, the dreams tell me before I even get told whether or not I got the job and who actually got it. I also had a dream that I felt baby move, and 2 days later I felt the little bubbles. Well last night I had a dream that my pants barely fit, so time to get out special clothes. I already grew out of my clothes but just moved up a size in pants that my partner had so it works ok for now. I am not a little person to start with so I am looking extra big right now, I want it to actually look like baby and not fat.
I have become even more claustrophobic since being preggo. Half of my t-shirts I can’t wear because they feel too tight around my throat and arms. I am going to have to find other clothes.
I am here. Not much to report. Doing pretty good, just tired all the time, and hungery all the time. I am working on 15 weeks. I am currently 14w4ds. I can’t wait to find out, only a few more weeks, hopefully at my next doc appointment I can get that set up.
What is really weird anything that I dream now is actually reality? For example I dream about jobs I interviewed or applied at, the dreams tell me before I even get told whether or not I got the job and who actually got it. I also had a dream that I felt baby move, and 2 days later I felt the little bubbles. Well last night I had a dream that my pants barely fit, so time to get out special clothes. I already grew out of my clothes but just moved up a size in pants that my partner had so it works ok for now. I am not a little person to start with so I am looking extra big right now, I want it to actually look like baby and not fat.
I have become even more claustrophobic since being preggo. Half of my t-shirts I can’t wear because they feel too tight around my throat and arms. I am going to have to find other clothes.
Bluesky, glad to hear you are doing well! I am feeling a little uncomfortable in some clothes but not many yet and I'm going down fighting when that time comes because I don't want to be wasting a bunch of money on maternity clothes! I am going to try the belly bands from target to see how they work. One of my cousins used them the whole time and only ended up buying tops and was able to wear all of her pants all the way through. I hope I get that lucky!
That stuff about the dreams is creepy! Right now I am getting super sound sleeping with a random dream here and there. I think I'm so tired when I do drop that my mind just shuts off and goes blank! I actually like it because it's a nice restful sleep!
WTE is a site that Moe suggested I check out. It's actually whattoexpect.com they have some good info but it's so much info it's overload. They have some forum boards over there and it's pretty cool because they have some local groups that you can hook up with or just be on the regular boards. Some of the boards are total drama so sometimes it's just too much for me to relate to since I live a drama free life!
I will need to decide if and when I can try injectibles because IVF is not an option $$. However, the injectibles are way more expensive than the Clomid route. Soooo irritated. I'm done right now and don't have any more to give.
Sorry to hear that it yet again didnt work. Do you get ultrasounds to check the size before you trigger?
I'm probably going to try the injectibles but will need to find a local fertility center since I'm currently driving 100 miles one way to continue with the same place. They have a protocol that uses back to back IUI's when using donor sperm eventhough one is usually 36 hours after the trigger shot. Perhaps my new facility will be more flexible and only do one at 36 hrs after trigger. I started off using 100mg of Clomid and my cycle was cancelled due to 6 huge follies developing at the same time. I don't think I'm suited for Clomid and my cycles are typically like clockwork but the Clomid screws things up . I'm always monitored on several cycle days leading up to IUIs by ultrasound and bloodwork to check my hormone levels. From what I understand, when on fertility drugs doctors should always monitor atleast by ultrasound so that they can know whats going on.
Anyway, wishing everyone much success on this journey!!
All the best!
Good luck with whatever you try.
I have sad news though. I went for my 8 week visit and thought I was going to hear the heartbeat but they couldn't find the fetus today or see the heartbeat like we saw it on the 16th. So then they sent me to a radiology center to see if their machine could pick up anything and there was nothing but the yolk sac. Doctor says I've had a missed MC so I'm going to have a D & C in a few days so they can pull out the tissue and do some analysis. Doctor said if it was a chromosonal issue then most of the time nature takes care of itself and stops the fetus from growing. Won't know anything definite for sure until we get those results back. There is no history of miscarriage in my family. She wants me to wait 2 regular cycles before I try again so that probably won't be until August or Sept and now my donor is no longer available but I need to call about that.
I just got back home from being with my family and my cousin was so stoked he said, "do we know if it's a boy or girl yet? Let's go to the mall so we can get the baby some Jordan's." and I told him at only 8 weeks we had a while to go before we needed any Jordan's but I appreciate the offer! He's going to be so bummed but things happen for a reason. I'm going straight back to the injectibles & my acupuncture when it's time to start again.
Moe you might want to ask if your new clinic has any donated injectibles. My clinic takes back the ones that are unopened and unused. I was actually going to donate the 5 doses of Luveris that I didn't use but was waiting till I made it past the 12 week mark so I'm glad I didn't. I'll still have some cost as I will have to get the follistim again but we'll hang on and see what happens.
I have to go in for injection teaching given by the nurse next week. I'm anxious to get started but honestly don't have my hopes up because I've had such a difficult time and I'm healthy to begin with. This clinic only does one IUI 36 hrs after trigger so the cost will be slightly less but then the medicine will probably be around $1200 plus $1800 for multiple monitoring visits and one IUI, plus the donor sperm.....And yet there still aren't any guarantees.
Latebloomer I sent you a private message....I'm so sorry for your loss. And thank you for your positive outlook and the suggestion about the meds donation. Good looking out! Bluesky thanks also for your message. As I've said in previous messages, it truly helps knowing that I'm not alone on this journey.
Good luck ladies!
I'm excited to try again but it will be awhile before I get to that point. Right now it's one day at a time but I'll be checking back in on you ladies to see how you're progressing. Take care
Congrats! It really seems like a distant dream for all of us that have been getting BFN's the past few cycles. Good luck and here's to a happy and healthy 9 months!!
Please don't ever hesitate to post great news! We all need to hear that people do get those BFP's! Congrats! Let us know when she is born! I'm so happy and excited for you!
Congrats to you! Don't hesitate to post! We need your motivation to keep going!
I went for my follow up appt yesterday after the MC and all looks great and AF should be here within the next couple of weeks according to the dr and my HCG is down so with my next cycle after this one I'll be at it again. I'm excited that it's just around the corner!