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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
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If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth
*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
I was very sad to find out yesterday that a friend of mine had a miscarriage over the weekend and she was almost 5 months and was going to find out the sex next Monday. It was so heart breaking to hear that and be excited for myself at the same time. I decided I would be sad for her because I can be happy for me later. she & her husband had been trying for quite some time and her sister was looking into the IUI route but is not a good candidate for it and can't afford IVF. I felt bad but I guess the man upstairs has his plans for us all!
Good luck ladies and be sure to post updates!
I completly understand what you meant by that feeling of calmness during this second round of IUI's. I knew what to expect this time and it was better. I didn't have the uncomfortable cramping or spotting afterward. Just some slight ovulation aches but nothing like before. I'm trying to "ignore" the hot flashes, gas, and crazy vivid dreams. Plus two days ago I swore I felt something trying to attach to my uterus. I had moderate sharp cramping which was intermittent over the last two days, which happened to be 7 and 8 days past IUI's. I think that's around implantation time?? Now today nothing just slight twinges now and again but nothing like the past two days. I read on the What to Expect website that some people can test 10-11 days past the IUI and get a BFP. Now I think I will take one of my $ Tree cheap HPT on Sunday and then again on Wednesday. I just ordered a refill of my Prometrium which was $200 for a 90 day mail order supply. YIKES!!!! When I went to the Target pharmacy I've been paying $150 for 30 pills. It will really suck if I'm not preggo because I will have all these freggin pills!!! Okay, I'm not going to go off on a rant. :-(
As always, lots of baby dust ladies!! Can't wait for you BFP posts!!
Moe, I thought it was just me with the dreams! It was way crazy when it first happened! I was dreaming about people I haven't seen in years and woke up thinking, now why the heck am I dreaming about him/her? Geez Target is making a killing on the meds! I have to say I lucked out on mine though, they're only $13 for 30 day supply of the inserts and the trigger shot was only $27 so I haven't dumped out a ton of cash on that thank goodness and at my doctor's office they gave me a $500 break on the IUI price this time.
I went back Wednesday for my second round and the doctor was not available so her nurse practitioner did the deed and when she was done she stood next to the table and i thought she was going to talk to me but she came to adjust the table. She gave me no warning and I literally thought I was going to slide off the table head first! She was fixing the table so that my hips were elevated and my head was down. No biggie but some warning would have been nice. I laughed so hard because I could just imagine how my face looked! I'm sure it was a kodak moment!
Well lots of baby dust to the 3 of us! I'm going to have to do cheers with the sparkling white grape juice out of my wine glass!
I'm waiting for my beta Friday and AF sometime around Sunday. Not feeling hopeful. Hope your cycle is a good one!
Are you considering IVF at all? My RE will do 3 IUI's before additional consultation. I just don't know if I can do all the meds for IVF plus the expense! Right now my train of thought is do the IUI up to 6 times and if still no BFP then do IVF when the insurance kicks in. Guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it.
Good luck this week! Let us know how it goes.
I too feel normal this time. THe only thing is im am extreamly tired and I need my mid day nap. I am also craving excess water then normal. I have no desire to test, or have the 2ww jitters. ITs all going pretty well for me this time. I have to call tommorow to set up my progesterone test on friday.
I dont want to test until next Wen which would put me at 12piui.
I was 39 with my first anonymous donor baby and was offered no clomid etc. even with a history of 2 miscarriages with my ex husband in my 20's. I did it again at 42 and had the last "donor unit" available that I used for my first son so I said give me everything you have and took 5 days of clomid and an HCG shot and was successful and so grateful.
I am a nurse and think that it is totally ok to share your clomid questions with the nurse practitioner or MD, Shady Grove is huge and maybe they have protocols set up and not exactly needed especially since you have no trouble ovulating. Good luck I wish you the best.
I had the HSG before I started down this road and it showed "wide open" (my doctor's way of putting it!) Will this be your second one or did they not do that before you started? I think back to making the decision to move forward with this and I was so full of hope that I didn't really prepare for "what if it doesn't work". Lots of thinking to do if BFN this time. Still got a couple of days so I'm hanging on with fingers crossed!
I opted not to have the HSG in the beginning. It was my thought that I really didn't need this "extra" expensive out of pocket procedure. My doctor didn't push the issue but did say it would need to be done if there were unsuccessful cycles. Looking back, I wish I would have done it initially. But there still aren't any guarantees.
I had my first drink since Nov/Dec last night plus a huge cup of Starbucks right after my bloodwork. At happy hours I would descretly order sprite and cranberry juice with a lime wedge or water with a lime. If someone overheard I would say its part of my New Years resolution or I'm taking an antibiotic. People can really be nosey!
Glad your 2ww is zipping by
I so hope this time works as this is the last of the vials for the donor I used and would at least give my daughter a half sibling.
Well Blue looks like it on you! Best of luck to you and let us know how you turn out.
I got the results today. She seems to think it’s the ovidrel still in my system even though it was 12-13 days after the shot.
The previous cycle it was out of my system by day 10, maybe earlier but didn’t test until day 10.
She said my levels are low for a pregnancy until she realized how early it was and then proceeded to say they were really high (hcg came back as 18) considering it was day 11 and that she isnt sure its an actual pregnancy.
That said Im all worried now, so I went and got more tests, one for every day until Friday when she pulls blood again. I tested just a few mins ago. Yesterdays line was faint, and only about half visible. Today’s is a full line, and darker. Still faint but very noticeable.
I am still 100% positive I am preggo. My period is due either thurs or fri. I have no period signs and normally I spot for 2-3 days before my period actually starts.
Friday cant come fast enough as I want a for sure thing.
My nose is on over drive I smell things others dont and suddenly cant ride in my partners car as it smells like peroxide.
Latebloomer I'm sorry about your BFN. I was really hopeful for you. I know how hard it is to get a negative Beta because you know that's the real deal unlike POAS at home. I'm glad you are taking some time to regroup. I didn't realize how much pressure I was putting on myself each month. I actually feel relieved and haven't taken my basal temp in almost a week! I just wake up and start my day without the all consuming thoughts about my temps, cervical mucus, or POAS. It's fine for now but I know that I will have to revisit this in a few short months. Hang in there and good luck with your next cycle.
As for you Bluesky, CONGRATS on your BFP :-) I don't think the test was picking up the Ovidril because it's usually gone by day 10. So I hope that your numbers for Friday are way up!! Please keep us posted. This is a very exciting and I'm sure nerve-racking time. It's almost Friday girl! Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust!
Moe I decided to make another consult with the doctor because I actually sat down and wrote down everything I've spent so far and I did not like that number! It was sickening to know I've spent that much money and have nothing to show for it. Sigh! So I made an appointment for next Tuesday to ask a plethora of questions and see where to go from there. I know it's not a guarantee doing this at all but I don't seem to be as positive about it as I was before so I guess I need a little reassurance. I too am glad to be taking the month off but I do think I'll use my overpriced digital ovulation monitor to make sure I still ovulate on my own this month so more POAS next week! If you think of any questions you think I should ask please let me know!
I would go with a single one at 36 hours. You have 12-24 hours to get the gets after ovulation so either way your covered. Most women do not ovulate until around 36 hours after.
I ovulated 33 hours after my last shot. I had 4 eggs by taking clomid days 3-9.
Thanks guys. Right now the blood test is just a added "yes". I know the test are right. Got another positive today so that is 3 days in a row and today is day 12 of my wait.
I need a break after this.
Praying little one hangs on..........
You know how I said I was going to have that glass of wine?? Well something in me won't let me drink so it's been sparkling white grape juice disguised as wine! baby dust to all!
I'm praying for you bluesky! Everything is going to be just fine. Hang in there girlie :-D
I was thinking they had little 'tank cozies' that are knitted to go over the tank!
I talked to the tanks when I had them in the car... And I felt like taking a picture of the vial before the procedure as a sort of first baby picture!
I was reading all these posts...and just reminds me of what my girlfriends and I always say....how we tried to prevent pregnancy when we were younger and now we're all so desperately trying to get pregnant in our late 30s/early 40s. How sad...my 2 WW is over tomorrow....and it's been painful. During the 2 weeks, I've been desperately googling things wondering if I'm experiencing pregnancy signs....tomorrow will be it. If it's negative, I guess I'll be enjoying some drinks, sushi, and starbucks for sure!