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Anyone moving on to injectables??

Hi Ladies!
Well I wanted to see who was on Clomid or natural cycles, and have moved on to injectables. From other posts you probably know my story all too well :roll: :-)

My 4th IUI will be with Menopur which I will have to give myself in the belly. The difference is that UNLIKE Clomid, Menopur improves the follicle development and therefore egg quality is better. The monitoring is increased to adjust the level of meds based on my response. Clomid is generally an all or nothing situation.

On Monday, the nurse will show me how to mix and administer the Menopur. Thankfully they are covered and I only have $60 copay instead of $1400 out of pocket! The office visits and IUI are $1800 since my plan has no fertility coverage :o . So AF is due around June 26th, and CD3 will be the continuation of this ongoing journey....

Be encouraged and positive!! Baby dust ladies!!


  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck Moe. I hope that the meds are intact covered. All this out of pocket money is making me crazy. I Pray that this month works so that we don't have to explore either ivf or injectables. Keep me posted. Char
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Thanks Char! How is your TWW? Are you taking progesterone supplements? Any crazy symptoms? I'm anxious to start again but happy to know that the injectable med won't give me all those Clomid symptoms. It was aweful waking up drenched in sweat! A few mornings I woke up completly NAKED :?: and don't remember undressing :oops:

    I am so excited for you and I truly hope our guys swimmers found their way! Oh it looks like he sold out of ICI samples again. It makes me curious because no one on this forum except us seemed to use him. I wish others would share their experiences AND report their pregnancies...even if its early.

    Wishing everyone lots of luck and baby dust!

  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member

    Glad to hear you only had a $60 copay! That's what mine is too for my follistim! You know I've moved on to injectibles and had good luck the first go 'round so I wish you nothing but the best! I went back to acupuncture last week and looks like my insurance will start picking up those visits since I've now met my out of network deductible! They still won't cover the IUI but that's fine they're covering other things so I guess I can't complain too much!

    I won't get to try again until my 2nd cycle after my mc but it gives me plenty of time to get my head space together. I'm excited and wished I didn't have to wait but you know it's all about timing so I will wait my turn!

    That's so funny about you waking up naked! The only side effect I had on the injectibles was a mild headache for a couple of days but it went away as soon as I was done with them. I'm so excited for you!!! Keep us updated!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    I was just wondering how you are doing. You are in my thoughts! I also remember that you had success on injectables the first round and remain hopeful. I haven't done the accupuncture because my work schedule has been all consuming. But I do want to schedule a massage before my 4th IUI. It's been a tense month! I'm glad to hear that the meds only gave you headaches and none of that crazy Clomid stuff.

    Continue to heal and be encouraged! Looking forward to updates :geek:
    All the best!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I have moved on to injectibles gonal-f. Glad to hear about the 60 dollar copay. I have good insurance but had to pay 20% of the meds and it was 360 dollars. That was for trigger too but trigger was only like 16 dollars. I am hoping to get some of it back because with that I have now met my out of pocket deductible! I have given myself 2 hasn't been that bad. They were going to give me a pen to use but then just gave me regular needles. I'm glad they just gave me the needles because it makes it really simple! I definately like the injectables better. I too am not having any side effects like I did on the clomid. On the clomid for two days my emotions were a rollercoaster going from crying to wanting to scream! Nothing like that on the injectables! I go on Monday for an ultrasound to see how things are progressing! Hoping to have at least two follicles. I don't think ill get too many as I only have one ovary but hoping for more than one! Ill keep you all posted and good luck to you all!
  • Cmartin6706Cmartin6706 Junior Member
    My wife and I are doing our 2 IUI (with Clomid) this coming week either Friday or Saturday. We are hoping for more follicles this time as the last there was only one ready. If this one doesn't work the doc office has already ordered injectables for us. If my wife gets more than 3 or 4 ready follicles on that med then we will go straight to IVF not missing a cycle. We are feeling good about something working soon. Our insurance leaves us with a $60 copay for 3 months worth of injectables.

    Good luck everyone!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    It sounds like your wife and I will be on the same cycle this month. I go for my first ultrasound on the injectibles tomorrow and then will probably have a second ultrasound later in the week. If all goes the same as it did with the clomid I will have my third IUI on possibly sunday. I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts and baby dust!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    robin wrote:
    It sounds like your wife and I will be on the same cycle this month. I go for my first ultrasound on the injectibles tomorrow and then will probably have a second ultrasound later in the week. If all goes the same as it did with the clomid I will have my third IUI on possibly sunday. I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts and baby dust!

    Hi Robin!
    I'm so excited to know about your follie check yesterday!!! What did the doctor find? Are your meds going to stay the same or adjusted? When do you go back for another follie check? Hope it's all good news. Can't wait to hear your update.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I went for the follicle check yesterday and surprise surprise I am not normal! The follicles are very tiny so I had to double the dose I am taking. I take 300 units for the next 7 days and go in for another check next monday! I was kinda shocked because with the clomid, they grew really fast and I was ready on day 12. With the gonal-F they are growing much slower. Although I have been told if they grow slower that is better, just hoping they don't grow too slow! This will just be different for me. So instead of having the IUI this weekend like I thought, it will be next week sometime. which is ok by me! This may mean that my doc can do the procedure instead of one of his co-docs. I definately feel more movement after the 300 units yesterday! I had to order more meds and I thought OMG this is going to be like $700 for the month for meds and imagine my surprise when they told me it was just $83 dollars for 2 vials. When I asked about the difference, they told me that I am close to my deductible and it is possible that if I have to do injectibles again it will be free! Although I am hoping that this is the month :D There was definately more than 1, i think more like 3 but they were so small he said it was too hard to tell if each of them was going to mature. they were all like .4. Glad he knew what he was looking at cuz I didn't see anything ;) With the others I saw them clear as day they were so big! So here's to a fruitful weekend and lots of mature follies on Monday! thanks for the good thoughts and baby dust. I will say that I feel the 300 units going in more than the 150 and it is a little more ouchy but not too bad!

  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Sounds like lots of BFP's brewing! I love it! Good luck everyone :)


    You've gotta get the acupuncture for fertility (not just regular acupuncture), it really increases the bloodflow to the pelvic area which helps in implantation. If you can't go a couple of weeks before up until the time you have the IUI I would try going at least the week before and then a couple of days afterward. I'm pretty sure it was part of the magic pixie dust for my BFP along with the injections. I tried massage before round 2 which didn't take but I have never felt like I felt after the acupuncture. It was undescribable! Still got my fingers crossed for you though!

    Robin, can't wait to hear your updates! You will be surprised how quick those follies grow with the injections. I want to say there was a medical website that was offering up to a $500 rebate for the gonal-f. Try typing that in google and see if you can find it.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    That's good news! You don't want super fast growth on the injectables. From my understanding the quality is improved this way. I can identify with you being surprised because I also had a quick response on Clomid and was ready to trigger CD12/13. Sounds like I may be on the same path. I wonder if our different meds will make a huge difference?? Menopur has both FSH and LH. Is the gonal f only one??

    WOW!! Double dose?! How are you feeling?? Bloated?? Any mood swings?? AF started today, so I'm feeing all of the above! Anyway, I can't wait to read your update.

    Latebloomer thank you for the encouragement! You are always such a positive influence for all of us on the forum!

    Lots of baby dust!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Definately move to injectables! No side effects like the clomid! No bloating no moodiness, ok maybe I tear up at some things on tv ;) but nothing major! I definately feel the follicles growing but it isn't unbearable just like regular ovulation but with a few more twinges. I should probably know what is in the gonal but honestly I haven't looked. I know it has fsh not sure about lh. I'll look tomorrow and let you know. Wish I would have started on these! Giving myself the shot really isn't that bad just a little prick. Its a little weird pushing it in each time but I don't hesitate, the nurse told me if I hesitate it will hurt more so I just go for it each time! Thanks for the words of encouragement. I go for my next follie check Monday. I had to switch donors this month to so here's hoping the stars align this month for all of us :mrgreen:
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Well after my bloodwork and follie check yesterday, I was given the green light to start the injections. I was very nervous about the mixing and making sure I followed the directions to a "T" I'm taking 150 IU of Menopur the powder had to be mixed with liquid then injected into the belly fat. The whole process took almost 30 minutes because of my nerves. It should get better each day. I'm scheduled to give the shot in about an hour. The shot is similar to the Ovidril trigger shot but that one comes preloaded with the meds and it's simple.

    On Wednesday, I'm scheduled for bloodwork and follie check and based on the results the dose will be adjusted accordingly. Then there will be other visits every 2-3 days until I'm ready to give my trigger shot. So maybe sometime during the 4th of July week, I will have my 4th IUI?? I really hope the injections are the trick and it's a successful viable pregnancy.

    More to come.....

    Lots of baby dust ladies!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Oooh Moe, 4th IUI on 4th of July?? Sounds like good karma to me. My fingers, toes, arms, legs and everything else is crossed for you! You are right though, the shots will get easier each day. I was like that too and even laughed at myself along the way:)

    Good luck to you (and everyone else!) and be sure to post updates!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Oooh Moe, 4th IUI on 4th of July?? Sounds like good karma to me. My fingers, toes, arms, legs and everything else is crossed for you! You are right though, the shots will get easier each day. I was like that too and even laughed at myself along the way:)

    Good luck to you (and everyone else!) and be sure to post updates!

    Hi Ladies,
    Todays office visit went as expected. This is the 4th day of injectables (Menopur) and I have two follicles on the right measuring 12 and 11, there were several on the left but not measurable yet. My 150 dose remained the same and wasn't adjusted. My estrogen on Sunday before starting meds was 45 and today it's 200. I can't remember the other levels but the doctor seemed pleased with the dose and my response. He wants to see me in two days for more bloodwork and ultrasound. This seems to be less stress than my previous 3 cycles on Clomid. I'm sure it's because I'm not driving three states away to get monitored or taking those CRAZY pills like before. I don't mind going in every 2-3 three days to get checked if that's going to get me my sticky bean :mrgreen:

    Latebloomer, thanks for the positive thoughts and keeping everything crossed....except your eyes :ugeek:

    I'll let you know what happens on Friday....Oh my sperm sample arrived at the office today and he's chillin 8-)

    Throwing baby dust your way.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I hope your doc appointment went well. Do you have follicles that are looking like they are ready? You already know that the injectables did not work for me, I guess they don't work for everyone. My doc told me today that for some women clomid works better..... Leave it to me to be one of the few! So I had lots of blood drawn and will go in for another consult on the 13th. Here's hoping that all my levels are good and I can try the femara. If I have to use clomid again I will.... I will just have to lock myself away for the first few days until I get used to the mood swings! The doc said, he didn't think the femara would give me the mood swings I had with the clomid. My doc seemed optimistic and did not seem overly concerned just confused. So I sit and wait! I hope that your tww will start soon too.

    sending lots of baby dust your way!

  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Hey Ladies...
    Todays update is that I'm either starting to feel the effects of my "extra" hormones or just feeling stressed about the unknown. I have been very pissy and crabby today. My visit went just like the previous one two days prior. I now have one follie on the left at about 11 mm and three follies on the right measuring about 13. The doctor was thinking that I would have to back off on my med dose because we don't want to stimulate too many follies. But based on my bloodwork, everything is progressing well and now my estrogen is at 800 (which positively relates to the number of developing follies). So I was instructed to keep the same dosage level AND return in two days, which is Sunday for another follie check and bloodwork. I guess this is all par for the course and I need to be patient and remember it will happen when it's supposed to...

    Robin, I'm sorry that the injectables didn't work for you. Hopefully the Femera will be your magic shot! This is all so "trial and error" There's no hard and fast rule for absolute success. That's what I find the most frustrating because I think logically. But this is not the case and we have to just go with the flow.....NOT aunte Flo ;)

    Okay, it's shot time so I better go now....

    More later...

    Baby dust ladies!!!

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    congrats on the follies! I know its all trial and error and that I am not the one in charge during this whole process. Thanks for helping to keep my spirits up! You ladies are a great source of support and inspiration! I hope you all have a great 4th of July :D I will be spending mine finishing a paper and working on a study guide for the grad class that I am in but I am taking Sunday off to go to a small waterpark with my neices and nephews! I can't wait until Wednesday when my class will be over and my schedule can go back to normal!

    Lots of baby dust to you all!

  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Well apparently I'm an estrogen factory....This morning I went in for another follie check and bloodwork. It's only been two days and now I have about 3 mature follies on the right and one on the left. Then there are multiple follies just below 10 mm. This made the doctor somewhat nervous but she wanted to see what my estrogen levels were before making any decisions. Just got the call and today it's 2051 (two days ago it was 800) and my LH is 12. Needless to say, I was instructed to stop taking the Menopur and I can trigger tonight but I have to take 2/3 of the Ovidril and dump 1/3. They don't want me to stimulate anything extra between tonight and the IUI scheduled for Tuesday. I'm so thankful that I ordered my Ovidril and it arrived on Friday because there's no way I would have been able to get it anywhere on a Sunday during a holiday weekend. I really thought that I would trigger later during this week but the injectables are NO JOKE. So far only side effects are obviously the ton of estrogen that my ovaries are producing and the subsequent feelings of feeling out of sorts and somewhat moody. But again.....NOTHING like the crazy Clomid pills.

    I couldn't believe how much developed in such a short period...The doc asked if I was willing to do selective reduction if it's triplets. She said it's a low risk given my age but had to ask. I said yes but will actually cross that bridge if/when I get to it.

    So I trigger tonight with smaller Ovidril dose and then go for one IUI approx 36 hours later at 7 am on Tuesday. Hope that it's a successful cycle!! Thanks for reading my rants ladies and keeping me encouraged.

    Throwing lots of baby dust your way!!

  • aaskaask Junior Member
    Good luck, Moe!!!!!!! Baby dust to you!!!!!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    That's great news! Good luck with the iui on Tuesday! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you! Also sending lots of baby dust your way!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Awee :D thanks for the well wishes ladies! I took the Ovidril (smaller dose) last night. Have had a headache ever since and I'm very restless/anxious :? This is certainly different.....Good luck to everyone on this journey!

  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    So despite being on injectibles instead of Clomid, I got yet another BFN. I truly don't understand why this 4th IUI didn't work?!? Donor numbers were great, I had a strong response to the Menopur, and I have NO health issues! Now I have about 10 cysts that developed from this unsuccessful cycle. Doc just started me on bc pills until next week then see if the cysts are gone and start the cycle. That will be the 5th and LAST IUI for me. Just can't afford to toss this money away month after month....

    More to come!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    Im very sorry Moe I do know the feeling I had my 3rd unsuccessful IUI which was my last IUI with any ins im going to be going to a different more expensive doctor to get a second opinion who I probably should have seen from the I think this next attempt will be my last time as well atleast for a few years because Im not even sure how I will pay for the next try so I def wont be able to pay for more after that...good luck tho...and again sorry for your BFN
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    So after a few emotional days...and a lot of thinking...I have decided to switch from 50 mg Clomid to injectables. The nurse told me today that since I respond to 50 mg Clomid, not going to increase to 100 mg....I was trying to see if they'd just increase to 100 mg instead of injectables...but no go!

    Any advice, you ladies can give me? I'm a total newbie to this...never even looked into injectables it's all new to me. I just know that my RE said that I start day 3 and go about 8 days, with some ultrasounds in between...and a HCG (trigger shot)--which I never had before either.

    I really hope I respond to it because insurance covers I'll have to spend out of pocket the $1000-$1500...ugh.
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Maria,

    Glad you have decided to keep going! This is what I posted in the other forum to you:

    On the cost of the injectibles I would ask which ones he's going to put you on and call more than one pharmacy as they all have different prices believe it or not. I've been using Apothecary Pharmacy but I've also heard Freedom Pharmacy is pretty good too. There was a site that was offering a $500 rebate on gonal-F. I think you can find it on google. Even though my health insurance is not ponying up any money yet my injectibles are actually covered which is a blessing.

    I was a little intimidated at first but I was a pro by the time I was done! I was only on them for 6 days and was out of town for work for a couple of days right after I started them and the weekend hit as well so by the time I went in for what they thought was my 1st check I was already ready! I triggered that night (Weds) and had the IUI that Friday morning right at the 36 hour mark. I think it probably had something to do with the acupuncture since it stimulates blood flow to the ovaries. So if you're still doing acupuncture I would keep that in mind for yourself, your follies might grow quicker but since they monitor you, you should be fine. This time I have no work travel (yay!!) so I'll be able to do my monitoring properly!

    Good luck and let me know if you need anything!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Well fortunately a weeks worth of birth control pills was what my ovaries needed and the cysts are gone. The pills apparently "reset" my cycle by surpressing the hormone that feed the cysts. I can start the Menopur shots on Saturday. I most likely will be on it about 7-8 days because my body responds very quickly to all meds. I'm thankful to be moving forward. But once again my job is transferring back out of state next month! So I hope this finally works!

    Baby dust!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Good luck Moe!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Jl2011, thanks for the well wishes! I started what felt like another AF yesterday, its been 6 day since AF left!! Apparently the birth control pills "reset" my cycle just as the doc had anticipated. So once the pills were stopped a few days ago the spotting started. My hormones are soooo out of wack now. I will begin the injectables tonight and then go for monitoring starting Tues and then every two days after that until the IUI (#5)

    I have an acupuncture appt on Wed, but the person is almost 9 mos preggo!! So I don't think she will be around for many more sessions. Hope 1 or 2 sessions will help.

    Well hope everyone has a great weekend and much success.

  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member

    Looks like I will be about a week behind you! My AF is due this week so I should be starting my injectibles by next Saturday. Keep us updated on the follies! I do have a quick question for you though, if the pills "reset" your cycle does that mean you will ovulate later?
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