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Anyone moving on to injectables??



  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Ladies,

    The results are in and BFN but my chin is still up and I'm actually excited for this next cycle. AF should be here by the end of the week and I am doing the next cycle on injectibles. Only thing I have to do is navigate my next doc appt around my boss's visit here this week! Yikes! I think I've got it all worked out though. This is hopefully my last cycle out of pocket if it doesn't work but I'm thinking this is going to be the best 40th b-day present ever! Based on dates, I should find out right on my birthday next month. You should see my smile right now! We all know it's all about timing and I think this is mine so fingers crossed and we'll see:)

    Now on to my confession...I too spent lots of time on the skinnytaste site and decided I'd make the cream of zucchini soup! I got all the ingredients yesterday so I'll be making it tomorrow! Can't wait! Should have done it today but I gave myself permission to do nothing other than settle on my next plan of action!

    So here's hoping the great pumpkin stops to see the rest of you in the 2WW! I'm going to catch up to you next month!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm so sorry about your bfn! :(
    Sounds like you have the best attitude though! That would be a great bday present and sounds like the stars could be aligned for you next month!

    Sending you lots of positive thoughts prayers and baby dust!

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Latebloomer, I'd say sorry about your bfn, but with your positive attitude, I don't think you want me to be! What a great plan and positive vibes sent out, I'm so happy for the place you are in!

    Thanks for the ideas for dinner ladies, cream of zucchini soup, how could you go wrong, and anything fiesta with chicken is awesome in my book! I am going to try the "santa fe chicken" crock pot recipe first...Darn, now I'm hungry again! All I had at work last night was salad, a turkey/cheddar wrap, a boiled egg, grapefruit and apple. I'm not really *hungry*, I just want something that tastes good and is bad for me!

    Still waiting on the great pumpkin... a little worried as I'm having cramping that feels like menstrual cramps now, so I'm back to being 50/50 on my chances. I think I'm going to take a hpt tonight before work, if I don't get up to pee a thousand times. (more like 2, but it's so annoying unless I'm preggers!)

    Here's wishing everyone a good day, no a GREAT day!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Latebloomer, I'm so sorry about your bfn but as Robin and Regan both mentioned your positive attitude is wonderful! I commend you for keeping your head up and remaining encouraged. If you are anything like me during the TWW, its great to have major distractions like a hectic schedule. It makes the time fly by and you don't dwell on every "symptom". I think it helps when you finally take the test...even if it's unfortunately negative. I know during those cycles where I had quite a bit of idle time, the BFN was harder to handle. That's just me. I truly hope that you get the best :shock: birthday present next month Christy!

    Yesterday, I went to my acupuncture session and she continued with what I'm going to call "jumper cable" therapy. When she places the electrode clamps on the 4 pins on my belly, I feel like a car battery that's being re-charged. :roll: I'm willing to try anything that's going to boost my chances. Strangely I've had cramping on and off since the weekend which made me think AF would show early. Not the case...and I just knew AF would be here today since I'm typically 30 days to the mark. Nope still no sign...I'm anxious to start this cycle already! I wonder if all this acupuncture has changed my cycle?? I definately feel lots of energy in my uterus just don't know why AF is being shy..

    Anyway, Regan I hope you get that BFP tonight!!! Please keep us updated. Sending lots of positive energy and baby dust your way!!

    Good luck ladies!!

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Ppffbbbtt, took a hpt and got a BFN yesterday. Really struggling with my mood this week! I still have the beta scheduled for tomorrow, but my transfer was 10/10, so I think if I was pregnant it would have shown up in my urine already. So much so I'm sure that I didn't take the estrace and progesterone shots last night (and my "girls" thanked me). But I'm taking them this morning, as I guess there's still this really small chance I could still get a positive...

    C'mon ladies, I'd really be boosted with someone's positive this month!

    I'm going to take a few months off, but will still be lurking around here checking the board, as it's become my internet habit when I get home from work in the morning.

    Wishing everyone well, and thanks for the good wishes and thoughts!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member

    I'm so sorry for the negative test but remember your still in this game. I remember a few other girls that were convinced they were negative for one reason or another and they were actually pregnant. It actually seems to be the trend around here lately.

    I'm here if you need anything. Well I'm off to make skinny taste pumpkin spice cupcakes. I'll let you know how they turn out

    All my best

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I am hoping that the hpt was wrong and that tomorrow you get a positive answer from the doc. I know it is hard but until af arrives you never know what could happen. Charlotte is right recently there have been some women on here who thought it was negative and it was really positive. I will continue to think about you.

    I understand taking some time off. You know I have to take every other month off whether I want to or not my body makes me! I hope you will continue to share good food stories and your support means a lot to me. Us LOR ladies need to stick together!

    Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts your way! Have some cider and some cheese tonight!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your BFN, too, but love to see your positive attitude! I'm actually having a mid-cycle bleed, which started back in July but skipped out in September (it's basically like having a cycle every 2 weeks but I only ovulate during my "regular" cycle), and looks like it's back again. Really hoping this isn't going to throw off the "real" AF in 2 weeks, since I was planning on having my HSG then; like all of you, I don't want anything to stand in my way or delay the process any more than I have to.
    Well I'm off to make skinny taste pumpkin spice cupcakes. I'll let you know how they turn out

    How were the cupcakes?? I made the Turkey White Bean Pumpkin Chili last night in the crock pot and it was yummy! Not as spicy as I normally prefer but it's very hearty- and I love the orange colour from the pumpkin puree (you can barely taste it, though). Next time, I'll add some Chipotle Chili Powder, more green chilis and some thinly sliced jalapeno- YUM!

    Best wishes and baby dust to all,
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member

    The cupcakes were insane. I brought them to work and people think I'm a great baker. Lol.
    I have the pumpkin chilli cooking now. I really can't wait to get home and try it. If you like spicy try the Santa fe chicken. You will love it. It's so fun to me that we are all trying the same recipes

    Regan. And news. I've been thinking about you today.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Charlotte and jamie,
    I tried the santa fe chicken this week, I think I keep calling it fiesta chicken! I loved it and took it to work everyday until it was gone. It was nice and hearty and healthy! i am so glad that you guys suggested the site. I can't do any of the baked goods as I am supposed to eat mostly vegetables, some fruit and some meat due to the kidney yand deficiency and the spleen qi deficency. On the plus side I have not really craved sweets this month. I have been able to turn away from everything except the pumpkin roll! I figure one slice a night won't really hurt me since pumpkin is healthy right! In past months I woudl have eaten the pumkin roll and other snacks throughout the day. This month my snack is oatmeal with raisins, dates and walnuts in it! The young ladies I work with now all ask, where's your oatmeal! I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks so I am NOT complaining and will stick with this.

    I have been thinking about you all day. Know that I have been sending positive thoughts to you! I keep hoping that the BFN will change into a BFP and that the hpt was wrong! I hope that you are taking care of yourself today and that you are able to keep a positive attitude.

    Here's hoping that the great pumpkin visits someone this month!

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Sorry I haven't been around, trying to keep my negative nancy self in check! Tests were correct, got a BFN with my blood test, and am taking some time off. Just bought a ticket to go to FL for a wedding in November, and trying to make my left over funds stretch out some healthy eating. I get so amazed at how much more it costs to eat healthy! I didn't use a skinny taste recipe tonight (I'm trying that santa fe chicken this week). I used an "All-recipe" for "Champagne shrimp over angel hair pasta" and it was yummy. Not sure about healthy, as I used cream, and Parmesan cheese, but it smells and tastes really good! And now I can have the half a glass of champagne left! Too bad I used a cheap bottle since I was cooking with it!
    Sorry I don't have much more to say, really happy to see Robin got a visit from the Great Pumpkin! More proof that it only takes one! I guess I'm back in a holding pattern for a month or two.
    I'll be lurking around, thinking of you ladies!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Regan, sorry to hear the news but good to see you are taking some time doing some fun stuff before you get back to it. You'll get there! We all will but all in due time.

    I start my injectibles tomorrow for my next cycle. Moe, Charlotte & Maria where are you in the journey?

    Oh yeah BTW the cream of zucchini soup was delicious! I could eat that once a week! Just might now that it's cooling off!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Regan, I'm sorry about your BFN...I've been there 4 times and it truly sucks. But just have faith that your time will come. I hope that you enjoy your me time and enjoy your travels. Sometimes a break from all this baby stuff is all we need to get our batteries recharged and give us a new sense of clarity. Be sure and check in and let us know how you are doing.

    Latebloomer, looks like we are on similar cycles. Today was my CD3 visit for baseline U/S and bloodwork. I was given the green light to start my injectables tonight. So I just shot my belly fat with Menopur 75 IU. This dose was at my suggestion to the doctor who wanted to start me on 1.5 vials instead of the 1 vial. I quickly reminded him that I respond strongly to any sort of stimulation and it would be better to start LOW and SLOW. He agreed and called me a smart patient :geek: This way we can bump me up if I need more of a response after a few days on it.

    I go back for bloodwork on CD6. Probably won't be much change but I'm willing to be patient if this is going to have a positive outcome.

    Can't wait to have some cycle buddies....let's get this done ladies!!! Wishing you all success and lots of pumpkin seeds.

  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Well ladies it has been a while. I took some time off after my HSG and laparoscopy. They found no endometriosis so that was great news. A lot of cysts including one huge one that was the size of a golf ball if not a little larger. But, after taking a little over two months off I am back at it! I lost 20 lbs in two months! It had to be the meds because they literally made me eat my face off. But, getting back to normal and eating healthy and going to the gym really made me feel normal again.
    I started yesterday and I have my appointment today for the ultrasound, bloodwork, and chlomid. My doctor wants to go with chlomid again since I have developed multiple eggs using it every cycle. I am thinking maybe my tubes were blocked and that is why it hasn't worked 4 times!?!?! But, let's hope the 5th time is the one ladies! I should be having my IUI on 11/8/11.
    Who is with me this cycle? I need some cycle buddies! Good luck to all of you ladies! I am praying for all of us!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm in November too. Just a little behind you. Af is due nic 4th and my iui will be around the 18th. So we will overlap a little Good luck I'm so glad you are back
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    robin wrote:
    I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks
    jl2011 wrote:
    I lost 20 lbs in two months!

    Alright, ladies... PLEASE share your secrets with me for this amazing weight loss! I lost 30# on Weight Watchers this year (January to August) but have slacked off since I was diagnosed as being in the early stages of Premature Ovarian Failure in September, "thanks" to stress/depression/frustration/etc. I still have 20# still left to go before I reach my goal weight- so any tips would be greatly appreciated!!

    BTW- Thanks for the reco for both the skinnytaste Cream of Zucchini Soup and Santa Fe Chicken recipes! I can't wait to try those- plus I'll be making the Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes for a friend this weekend, too! It's nice to keep my mind occupied with something OTHER than than TTC, sometimes, and cooking healthy and delicious food is always fun :)

    JL and Latebloomer- Glad to hear you're going to be cycle buddies next month and I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and hoping for lots of sticky baby dust :)

  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member

    Honestly I was just being lazy and eating too much when I was ttc. I used it as an excuse to stay away from the gym and I tried to "relax". I had to get the junk out of my house...I was eating chips like crazy. And I don't know if it was just hormonal or what but I was eating junk.
    When I took a few months off I just got back to normal. Cooking and eating healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies. I bring fruit to work to eat throughout the day as snacks. And I just got back to the gym and the weight that I put on while ttc just fell off.
    This time I am doing it different. No junk...strictly healthy foods. I know you are supposed to eat healthy throughout but man I was craving junk food like it was nobody's business. I don't know why...I just was. :oops:
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I lost 65 pounds over an 18 month period, even when during 4 of those months I was unable to exercise due to a torn hamstring (OUCH!).

    I learned what my "crack" foods were. I can no longer have ice cream or cookies in the house. I also try to limit when peanuts are in the house. I can't seem to have just a normal size serving of these foods. Yet, I can have dark chocolate squares (like Ghiradelli) and have just one for dessert. Now, if I want ice cream it is a big treat and I have to go to the ice cream parlor and order just one scoop. Often, when I get the craving, I'm just to lazy to head to town to get it.

    I also learned not to deny myself foods - if you limit yourself to just certain foods you will get bored and the binge.

    I learned about portions and learned to stop eating when I wasn't hungry. I used to eat these huge plates of food, cos I love to eat. I always ate healthy food, just way too much of it. A protein portion is about the size of your palm. Stuff like that. I also learned in resturants to tell them, no bread, etc. I often now take home doggie bags. No rapid weight loss, more of a lifestyle change for me. I've kept it off (with a few pounds fluctuation) for over a year now.

    I also cycle every weekend and try to at least once during the week or going to walks in the evening. I hate the gym!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    No rapid weight loss, more of a lifestyle change for me. I've kept it off (with a few pounds fluctuation) for over a year now.

    Anne- I'm very similar to you... Since starting WW, I've made a complete lifestyle change and know my trigger foods (pretty much any kind of salty snacks) so I don't keep them in the house. I also shop on a weekly basis and only buy enough for that one week, which keeps my pantry and refrigerator pretty bare on a regular (i.e. can't overeat if it's not there!). But the last 1.5 months have been so rough on me emotionally that I've slipped into old habits... Actually BUYING chips and allowing myself to "check out" the vending machine at work "just to see what's there" - which I never, ever do! I've maintained my weight loss the last 3 weeks but I'm not at a point, yet, where "just" maintaining is a place I want to be. I think like JL said, she increased her activity and started eating healthier- and that's what I need to do. I'd LOVE a quick fix -and was hoping she or Robin might have one (LOL) :lol: - but I know that slow and steady wins the race. Like you, I'm a cyclist but it's getting too cold for that where I am- although I did just participate in my 2nd 100k Century ride on 10/15 (total of 66mi in 5.5hrs WITH an injury to my left knee). What I NEED to do is get back on my treadmill because I love the endorphine surge after a good run and it always helps to clear my mind.

    Thank you both for the suggestions and encouragement!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    GeminiJai wrote:
    Anne72 wrote:
    Like you, I'm a cyclist but it's getting too cold for that where I am- although I did just participate in my 2nd 100k Century ride on 10/15 (total of 66mi in 5.5hrs WITH an injury to my left knee). What I NEED to do is get back on my treadmill because I love the endorphine surge after a good run and it always helps to clear my mind.

    Awesome! It was on a Century that I tore my hamstring going up a nasty hill. But I still rode another 25 miles. Yep, I'm an idiot my doctor was pissed at me. Due to that stupidity, I was on crutches for 3 weeks and off my bike for 4 months. But now my cycling buddies call me the "Mountain Goat" since I'm much faster and stronger on hills. Lots of slow training. But I'm taking it easy on during the TWW. Although I still want to COMPLETE a 100mi ride!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne- I actually injured my left knee on my metric Century ride... Something with the miniscus- like it slipped out of place, at mile 34. I pushed through to finish but was in excruciating pain! With every downward push on the pedal, my knee felt like someone was bashing it with a crowbar :cry: BUT I wasn't about to quit! I had to stop every 3 miles or so and rest, and finally came across a fellow cyclist (and nurse) who wrapped it in a compression bandage and gave me Motrin, which helped once it finally kicked in.

    Anyway, I totally agree with you: take it easy during your TWW!! No need to risk anything; you've got a lifetime to ride your bike ;)
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    No fast cure. Just really changed my eating habits, more vegetables, no caffeine, oh and of course acupucnture. That really helped with my cravings for sugar! That was my weakness. If there was a sweet around I would eat it. Now I turn them away. Let me tell you that would be difficult if i still craved the sweets because the cooks where I work are always baking cookies and cake for the kids. Now I am sometimes nauseated from them..... okk that is probably the hormones and the pregnancy at work! ;) But even before that they just no longer had that same pull on me. Belive me I did not have the will power to say no! Now I crave hot oatmeal and my daily herbal tea!

    You guys make me feel like a slug with all the biking that you do. Guess I need to start getting out to at least walk! Great job all of you!

  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I would LOVE to take on cycling but every time I tried the seats always killed my butt :D and I have screws in my knee and I still have trouble from an old college sports injury. Torn ACL and other ligaments.
    Ladies, I have a question. I went to the doctor today and had my ultrasound and will start my meds in a few days. I have continued taking my prenatal vitamins. But, I could have sworn I have read somewhere on here before something about women taking fish oil capsules. Am I crazy? Am I getting fish oil confused with folic acid? Because folic acid can be taken in capsules as well but my daily prenatal vitamin has folic acid in it. Do any of you take fish oil???
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    My new accupuncturist recommended fish oil so I isn't started taking it. What could it hurt
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    My new doc (had 3 unsuccessful IUIs with old doc) has me taking prenatals, Vit D, and wants me to take fish oil too I am not sure what for but I have trouble swallowing big liquid gels and they are huge =( I have been trying to find smaller ones I can take more of but havent been successful. So I dont think it will hurt to take them but try calling your docs office or talk to a nurse!! Good Luck
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Ladies- I came across a feed in the forum specifically about prenatals and it seems to be most docs recommend to start taking them at least 2 months before TTC - and I've seen that fish oil seems to be recommended, as well. I just bought One A Day Women's Prenatal Complete Multivitamin + DHA last night, and already take Nature Made Fish Oil capsules once a day (in addition to buying the bottle specifically expressing that claim "No Fish Burps!" I also freeze them- which helps; I've never experienced that side-effect). I've never had problems taking larger pills- but I'm Iron deficient/resistent and have been taking HORSE-sized Iron pills to supplement my intravenous Iron for years, so maybe I'm just used to them??

    JL- Cycling seats aren't good for ANYONE, which is why we wear padded shorts - but it still doesn't help that much... With my Century ride, my "downstairs" kinda went numb after mile 25 or so. But the more regular you are with your rides, the more you get used to the discomfort and it's really not a hindrance.

    Robin- I read somewhere that simply walking is one of the best ways to be/stay active while you're pregnant... And, like running, walking always helps to bring calm to my day and give me an overall sense of peace so- it couldn't hurt to get a good, leisurely walk in every now and then- and spend some quality time with your little pumpkin seed ;)
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    My new accupuncturist recommended fish oil so I isn't started taking it. What could it hurt
    Fish oil can effect the thickness and ease of bloodflow. It is very important that you talk about this with your healthcare provider. If you have clotting factors or underlying bloodflow disorders it can effect your ability to carry/maintain a pregnancy. Again, it's important to ask questions and do your research. Read labels closely...

    I know that my previous fertility doc recommended discontinuing the use of fish oil supplements. I'm going to ask my doc during my appt tomorrow. There's just so much conflicting information out there. We all just have to be informed consumers.
    Good luck!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    I have to stop writing from my new phone. I sound ridiculous! Thanks for the info moe. Let me know what the new doc says
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just had my 4th IUI with injectables on Thursday, October 27, 2011!!! Now in my TWW!!! Really hoping 4th time is the charm! :D Anyone else in TWW?
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    maria2 wrote:
    Just had my 4th IUI with injectables on Thursday, October 27, 2011!!! Now in my TWW!!! Really hoping 4th time is the charm! :D Anyone else in TWW?
    Good luck Maria and lots of baby dust is sent your way!

    I may not be too far behind you in the TWW.....Today the bloodwork showed that my estrogen is rising appropriately. Yesterday it was 154 and today 234 and that's on the low dose of Menopur injections. I have one leading follie at 17.5 (yesterday it was 15) and there are two others that are close in size. So tomorrow I have yet another visit for bloodwork and U/S. This will make three days in a row and a total of 5 visits in one week. I'm starting to look like a drug addict with my buised arms from so many blood draws. :(

    Today, I had a doc that I've never see in the practice and he wasn't a ray of sunshine...I asked him about the fish oil supplements and he took a deep breath, seemed annoyed and then said "I have no comment" Seriously!!!!! I'm asking you as a medical professional (I'm thinking this). So then I pressed him with a follow up question like doesn't fish oil affect bloodflow? He still didn't answer it directly. He says that he hasn't kept up with the herbal remedies and doesn't know. But then he said that he doesn't take it. So I said "are you on blood thinners??" Again he hesitated and said that he takes baby asperin. Then I just looked at him like he was a moron......because that IS a form of blood thinner. So basically I didn't gain any info from this doc. And he rubbed me the wrong way....well maybe it's my rising hormones :evil: but anyway it was a very frustrating way to skirt a question.

    More to come......

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