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First experience



  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck today Anne

    Hoping and praying for a great retreival

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck, Anne! Hope everything goes well for you today, crossing my fingers!

    Congrats, Robin! I am so glad your sugars are under control, and that you are getting such good care. Long legs, huh?! You almost made me re-think my donor choice! I keep saying I need to grow a few inches, get a smaller butt, or buy bigger jeans as I gain weight on these hormones. I'm still waiting for a growth spurt... but it's nice to know there are some "height challenged" people here!

    Charlotte, how are snoopy and donald duck doing?! I had a totally inappropriate moment at work when I had some bandaids with these cartoons on them for the kids I draw blood on and saw the Peanuts ones! I was also thinking of you when I saw the Peanuts comic on Easter, it had Snoopy on his dog house popping those yellow chics (peeps?) in his mouth like there's no tomorrow, and he says "These sure are good, aren't they Woodstock? Woodstock??..." Made me laugh! So I think you picked the right names for your embies!

    Hope everyone else is doing well...
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    The retrieval went well. We got 9 eggs! I'm now on pins and needles waiting for the call from the lab to find out how many fertilized and are surviving. Really praying for good results and a day 5 transfer.

    Robin - that is awesome about your little baby boy and your blood sugar levels!

    Charlotte - Thinking of you

    Praying for sticky baby dust for us all!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Good Luck Anne

    I had 8 retrieve. 6 were mature 4 fertilized and two were transferred. One is frozen. A day three transfer is really good too so dont worry if you have a three day! Its all based on the number of eggs and your age Jut breathe through the next few days. Each one is better than the last.

    I am days away from finding out and it's getting very difficult. I'm antsy and feeling depressed. I don't even know why I feel like this. Yesterday I was happy. So weird

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, I just got the call from the lab. Of the 9 retrieved, 1 did not survive the ICSI, and 6 fertilised! So I will get a call Saturday morning to find out if I go in that day for a day 3 or, hopefully, Monday for a day 5. They will transfer 2 -3 based on quality.
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats. Day three still isn't bad.
  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats, Anne, hoping these next few days go by with less stress!

    Char, what's going on? Hormones? Keep your chin up, hang in there...But I'm here to listen!

  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Regan. In scared that it will not work. Sad that my life is like this. Scared that it will never happen

    That pretty much sun it up

    Anne. Any news?
  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    So sorry, Char. Wish I could just say to keep hoping, keep the faith, all those positive thoughts, but the truth is, I'm right there with you. I hate feeling fake or phony, and know this is one place I don't have to be. And if I offend someone, well, I hope they just ignore what I have to say and find people in their lives that CAN support them.

    I would like to think there is comfort in knowing you are not alone with your feelings of fear, I think a lot of the time it makes me down right depressed. But when I feel that way, I usually try to find something that brings me joy (my puppy - who's now almost 22 and a half, not really a puppy), the people that love me (even when I'm a cranky hormonal slightly crazy person) or even just a good meal (which I won't begin to address is making things worse since it's making me more fat!). So, you are not alone, and let that fact bring you some comfort, in the absence of my ability to fake out a few hopeful remarks that I'm not really believing. I don't know who it was, but someone told me not long ago "Don't worry, you'll get pregnant, just keep trying, it will happen" and I remember thinking, how the hell do you know that? What an insensitive thing to say, when what you were thinking was, let's not talk about the painful fact that this might not work for you and the devastation you might be feeling, since that's kind of "icky" and not pleasant enough to talk about. I hope you honor whatever stage you are at, whatever amount of hope you have, and if you are anything like me, you know that will change, as you have good days and bad. Today for me, I'm thinking why would I even be trying so hard to bring a baby into my life when my relationship is in a pickle, but by tomorrow, the roadbump we are having will be resolved, and I'll be full swing ahead, feeling guilty for even thinking that! And then of course, I'll think I won't get pregnant since I second guessed my motives and jinxed the whole thing! Oh the hormonal shifts, someone save me.

    I'm going to go try to drag myself into a bath, I feel like crawling into bed under the covers for about 22 days. I really want to hear a big fat positive from someone right about now, but please forgive my "downer" post, and I hope any rambling thoughts I had didn't upset anyone. Just my opinions... skewed as they may be!

  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks regan

    Your sweet for really putting your heart on the line for me. That means a lot to me. We all go through our ups an downs. I need to stay hopeful because that is who I am. Hopefulcharlotte. Hhehe
    My road has been longer than most to motherhood but I am very happy to know one way or another I will be a mother. It will come when it is meant to. I was reminded today of how unfair life can really be. Today A young man died way to young. My pain is nothing compared to the pain his wife is feeling. I know there are always people that are worse off than me and people better off but I vow to just be thankful for the life I have been given.

    God bless everybody on this journey. Keep yor faith!


  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I think your post was honest not necessarily depressing. I think we have all gone through those moments. I agree we need to accept ourselves where we are at. We need to make sure that we are nor beating ourselves up for our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes weneed to let ourselves cry! We also have to recognize that we do have control over our thoughts and feelings and we can work on changing them. I don't say that to mean we need to be positive all the time because we don't. Sometimes we need to feel sad and angry. I say that only because when we are done feeling that way we can take control of our thoughts and feelings. For me in this journey it was about focusing on what I can control. I couldn't control the number of follies or what the outcome was but I could control my thoughts and feelings. Please don't take offense to what I am saying, I am just sharing what worked for me. I know what worked for me wontwork for all but wanted to offer my support. O am here to listen to all and if you need me to be positive I can do that if you need me to just listen I can do that too. This journey is too hard to go it alone. It is the support we find here that helped me to get through.

    Baby dust to all

  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Ladies,
    This forum has been too long without some good BFP news. I think we all start to feel down when we each are struggling and doing all of those injections, been used as acupuncture pin cushions, eating for healthy sticky beans, limiting coffee (not me), and limiting sugar (also not me) but we've all made changes in the hopes of improving the successful outcome. There must be something positive out of all of this....Then the waiting really messes with your head space and the self doubt begins to creep in. It's only a natural process of going through a stressful situation. There are times when you feel hopeful like when I got my follie count. Then there were the nerve wracking times where I felt hopeless and depressed. The hardest time for me has been waiting for the fertility report on how many made it to day 5 and then getting the very first faint BFP. I was happy to see the BFP but along with that came another load of worry and stress. We all know that this is all a serious waiting game. And as a recovering "control freak" that's my one lesson, which is nothing is within YOUR control. The real measure of control is your thought process and trying to stay balanced. With the loads of hormones on board it's easy to slip into that dark place and settle in....I've certainly been there and my spirit isn't the same when I'm there much too long. So find what works for you to get your head around all the baggage that is going along the very hard journey, then get your head back into the game. Hopefully the next wait will be the first trimester mark and beyond.

    We all have our ways of getting through this difficult fertility journey and remember that this is a supportive forum. It's not all hearts and flowers but it has become a place of support without judgement. It offers insight into your experiences which is always a sense of comfort because your realize that you are not going through this alone. Thanks ladies!!

    I'm just waiting for AF to show up, which is my new stressor :oops: Always have been very regular but now my cycle is very wacky and I've been a tired, salt/sugar eating, depressed, hormonal "B" for two F'ing weeks now.

    I hope this week brings peace of mind and to us all and that there start to be BFP's popping up all over this place.

    All the best!
  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    I think I should be on a daily check in here, because spending a few minutes reading and feeling the support really turns things around for me. I didn't go and hide under the covers for 22 days, darn that job commitment thing, but going to work does make me feel better. I guess I'd rather be making money and not feeling 100% happy than sitting at home not feelings 100% happy! I think a good point is that we DO need some BFP's, so in honor of supporting you, I decided I'm going to go get pregnant instead of worrying about it! If only it were that simple...
    Moe, your post made me laugh when I read that you were a "recovering" control freak, I didn't think there was recovery! So I'm more hopeful! Now if we can add in a cure for my obsessive compulsions, that would be great! I've determined this week, for the first time ever, that I'm "emotionally eating", and that's why I can't loose weight. I've never struggled, or had to try to loose weight before since I was always thing, but I gained 75 pounds a few years ago. I never really had a reason to slim down, and other than having to buy bigger clothes, I didn't really notice. But I think it's as challenging as trying to get pregnant, and it's a daily struggle that I feel with everything I eat. Or, as I say at work, I just have a tapeworm! That's the only reason I'm eating AGAIN!
    But the real issue I'm hesitant to post about, so am going to take a big leap here since I'm putting all my emotions on the net lately. My relationship really isn't where I want it to be. I know that we are going to work things out (we've been together for over 12 years and had a few ups and downs), but I keep second guessing bringing a child into the world when our "energy" isn't where it usually is, or where I want it to be. I know part of things are the frustration of infertility and this journey, and if I wait for everything to line up, I"m going to wait forever, but I just can't stop thinking about it. Then I ask myself would I be a single mother, and I would, I would still want a child, but I'm not single! I need to go upstairs right now and beat my other half into thinking about things my way and just getting over our little hurdle (which of course is not my fault, since I'm only a crazy hormonal person driving everyone around me to their wits end!)
    I'm with you, Moe, and let the bleeding begin! (or is that supposed to be beatings?)
    Robin, I'm going to try to work on my thoughts and feelings, and stop trying to control eveything, that's going to be the ONE thing I meditate and work on today, nothing else.
    Char, I'm glad you are more hopeful, your post was the first I read, and I'm going to try to be hopeful as well. Not sure if I can find the faith you have, but you are right, so many people are not as blessed as we are.
    Take CARE ladies, and I mean CARE for ourselves today....Thanks for making me smile, and feel cared about,
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    When thinking about your relationship, remind yourself that you will get through have in the past. There is a reson you decided to start this journey when you did.....has any of that changed? Like you said you want to be a mom and want that even with the ups and downs. Sometimes we get so bogged down with everything around us we forget to take care or ourselves! So I agree today let's take care of ourselves ladies! For me that means not working 10 hours today and sleeping in! I do want all the time at home with my baby as I can get but that won't help if I get sick right now so I am listening to my body and mind which says this week has been stressful and overwhelming and I need some time to recoup.

    I hope all of you are able to find what works for you today! Can't wait to read te positivwe news of bfps and af arriving for those of you who want her too.

    I love the support I feel on this forum! Even though I have already gotten that bfp I know that when I am having a difficult day or need support all of you are just words away! Thank you to all for being here for me and providing support in a way that family and friends were and are just not able to do!

    Lots of baby dust and positive thoughts to you all!

  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member

    I want to write more but I have 10 minutes to leave before I am late for work

    You all mean the world to me. Thank you all for coming on here everyday and laying your heart on the line

    We are all so lucky to have each other. Let's promise to be like robin and still show up after our bfp comes!!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    well ladies. it has been a really long road for me and i hope my story is a true testament that good things come to those who wait. i am happy to report my nurse just called and i am PREGNANT.

    i will write more later. thank you all so much for your love and support.


  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Yay Charlotte! I am so happy, I just knew there was going to be some happy news here soon! I'm doing a little happy dance for you, and my dog and cat are both looking at me like I'm crazy, but I can't wait to hear how you and Robin do through your pregnancies! And let's not forget all of us that are going to be not too far behind...

    Thanks so much for the good news! I'm on the east coast, and was a little amazed, thinking, WOW, her nurse was really up bright and early to give her those results!

    Phew, all that chair dancing wiped me out! Robin, I'm with you! I worked 2 back to back 12 hour shifts and have to go back in tonight, and am beat! Wish I could call in tonight, but there's no other nurse on duty, and they have this new policy in New York state that if you call in sick, they subtract the overtime you've worked from the sick time, and you use less sick time. I don't love it, but it keeps me at work every night. But I have 11 hours before I have to leave to go back, so I'm off to bake some healthy fish, take a shower, and get lots of rest. Hope you are feeling ok with all that stress!

    And Charlotte, you went to work?! How on earth did you do that! I'd be busting at the seams to tell people (don't think I want to right off, so that would be a no-no for me personally) but am such a blabbermouth I'd need a few days to compose my joy!

    Thank you all, for your kind words, your understanding, and for today, I'm motivated to be positive and peaceful and accept this journey for what it is, as it is.
  • mauimaui Junior Member Junior Member
    OMgoodness I am so happy for you I knew this was it for you!!!!!
    Yay you will get your Christmas miracle after all. I am so incredibly happy for you :) now we will just have to wait and see if it will be one or two little bambinos :)
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Wow, Charlotte!! CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you and hoping I can join in sharing some good news later this week, when I POAS on 4/20 :) Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy pregnancy!! {{HUGS}}
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yay Charlotte!!! I sent you a PM. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!! I'm so thrilled for you after all that we've been through! See aren't you glad you finally got on the IVF train?!?

    Chat later!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! Can't wait to here the results of your beta test! I am so mad that I didn't check this forum earlier!! So excited for you now! Will be on cloud nine as I am sitting in class tonight.

    Regan..... stress, it's crazy and messing with my blood sugar! On a low dose of meds to help as of today. Don't want this little guy to get too big! Keep taking care of yourself!

    Jamie, Good feelings about the 20th as it is one day before my birthday.... has to have good vibes right!

    Good luck to all of you and lots of sticky baby dust!

  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    thank you thank you thank you to everybody for the amazingly sweet messages all day. You helped make my very special day even better. :D:D:D

    most importantly i want to thank you all for at different times picking me up when i was down. this was the scariest almost two years of my life. I know it is by no means over now but at least i know i can work for me and will work for you too. My transfer was on good Friday and my baby (based on my internet search) will be due on Christmas eve. Life is full of miracles. Last year i prayed and prayed and prayed for my Christmas miracle. i remember being devastated when i didn't get that bfp in December. What i now know is god did hear all my prayers. I would have eventually forgotten that i got my bfp around Christmas but now i will never forget about my true Christmas miracle. I now know i was heard all along! There were signs along the way.

    Please all keep believing in your miracles too. Time and faith will make anything happen. Stick with your gut feeling on things and just lets all keep being there for each other. i can not wait until you all join me in this journey. my fingers and toes are crossed for you all.

    sorry if i sound a bit silly today..i just literally cant help it.


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member

    Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Awesome news.
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    I am happy to report my 2nd beta exactly doubled this morning from. 2 days ago

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    More good news, Charlotte! I am so happy for you. I trust you are taking time to just enjoy this success and look forward to what comes next! I continue to hope for a healthy and happy pregnancy...

    In your honor (well, my mom thinks it's her honor, since she lives there, but I'm tossing the ball to you) I'm going to try to head down to Charlotte, NC for a few days. I just wanted some time off work and hopefully a little distraction to keep myself away from all the stress! I'll still be checking in, and of course, all bets are off. It's so difficult to predict when my cycle will start, but it's only a 10 hour drive, and worse case scenario is I head down there, get my cycle the next day and have to drive home for monitoring and to start stims. At least the drive is nice?! I also know just seeing my mom and family will make me feel a little more centered, so this would be a nice plus before this cycle of IVF truly begins!

    Robin, I hope your sugars are more controlled on some medicine and that everyone has a great stress-free day!
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yay Char for the double beta numbers! Great news, I'm praying for your sticky bean.
    Regan, safe travels to Charlotte! My sister drove there yesterday and is helping my neice move in with my nephew. I've been dog sitting for her. It's an 8 hr drive for me from MD. Where are you driving from?
    Robin, I know it's early but I wanted to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday :D How are you doing with the medication? I hope it's not too rough on you.

    Jamie, I wish I could tell you that each BFN gets easier but I don't want to mislead you. I know how hard it is and difficult to hear "it's only your second time". Regardless it still hurts especially when you know that everything is done correctly with the best timing and med doses. That's always been the hard part for me because I cannot understand why it wasn't working after several tries and great response to the meds plus very high sperm counts. Looking back eventhough I had many follies perhaps the egg quality wasn't good. There's no way to determine the egg quality with IUI you have to get lucky and as my doctor said the planets have to align and "good sperm has to find a good egg". With age that gets more challenging. I would like you to look at all the successes on this forum and be encouraged. Keep your head up, it will happen but not if you stop moving forward.

    Anne72 I'm praying for a sticky bean at the end of your TWW. Keep yourself busy.

    As for me, I'm back on the IVF train, it's actually the local and not express like I'd hoped. It will take about 6 freaken weeks to prepare my uterus for the FET!! Why on Earth does it take that LONG?! I have start taking BCP's tonight for 20 days and then start estrogen injections and THEN PIO injections. That puts my FET all the way at May 31st. I'm just really feeling like I'm losing so much time that I just don't have anymore :( Patience is not one of my strong traits. Guess this is something I still have to master.....

    Thanks for reading.....
    Wishing everyone peace of mind and lots of sticky baby dust!!

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just stopping in before I get some much needed rest! Moe, I'm so excited to hear about your next cycle starting, I'm sorry the process is so long, but take care of yourself! How do you tolerate the PIO? I had such horrible reactions, but I think it was because the needles weren't inserted deeply enough into the tissue (I have enough back there, I don't know what I was so nervous about!) I'm wondering if I should switch back to suppositories this cycle, or try the PIO again.

    Robin, I didn't know your birthday was coming up, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Still excited for you! Hope your sugars are more in control, and you aren't working too hard, and staying stress free!

    Moe, I'm heading from the southern tier of NY, so it will be a 10 and a half hour drive for me. I'm doing it without GPS on my phone, but I know the road well! I'm still a little uncertain as to how things are going to work out, since I'm due for my period and starting to get a little PMS. I had thought I could leave on Monday and come back before my monitoring began, but now I'm nervous. I would also miss my acupuncture appointment this week, so I don't know that I SHOULD go now. I'll decide in a few days, it doesn't take me a lot of prep to go, just toss some clothes and the dog in the back and get on the road. How is the dog sitting going?

    Speaking of acupuncture, has anyone had horrible leg cramps from it? I know that estrogen causes me to have leg cramps, but these are muscular, and are relieved when I tell him about them and he removes the needles. Today was so painful I couldn't relax (making it ineffective I"m sure) so he had to take them out and "flip me over", using different points.

    I'm just sending the happiest hopes to you all out there, for success and health to us all, best wishes!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    My sugars are under control with a small dose of medication at night as my resting sugars were a little high like 106- 114. Those numbers aren't bad to begin with but with him already big she didn't wnt to let anytthing go. Now they are like 85 in the morning and throughout the day. I can't eat many carbs as that seems to spike ot at times. I am starting to crave just bread! I have nevr craved bread, I'm not a huge bread eater to begin with. Anything I can do to hep him be healthy is what I will do though! As for stress just figured out I only have 3 more weeks for my internship and then I will be done with my hours!!!! So that puts me at may 11th for my last day having to work 6 days a week! So the last two months of my pregnancy I can work just 5 days a week and 8 hours a day.

    Hope you are able to relax. Never had leg cramps from acupuncture just an itching sensation near the needles.

    Moe, congrats on starting the journey! Who knew there was so much prep for a fet?

    Charlotte, still so excited for you!

    Hoping your wait flies by!

    Sending lots of baby dust to you all!

  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    So glad your sugars are down, but this statement makes me feel your pain:
    So the last two months of my pregnancy I can work just 5 days a week and 8 hours a day.
    Yuck! I'm so disappointed my job eliminated the 4 day work week of 10 hour shifts, and am really thinking once I get pregnant that I can find something that has those hours. Working 3 12 hour shifts was too hard, but I guess I should just remember how grateful I am to have this state job that I enjoy most days and have such excellent benefits for. I hope in those forty hour weeks you can take a day here or there for yourself, but I imagine you are like most pregnant people at my job and saving your vacation time for after you have your bundle. Here's hoping he stays healthy, and (how to put this delicately) that his weight is not all in his head? I'm imagining a vaginal delivery and fretting for you, but I know you'll be fine!
    Looks like I'm on the end of starting AF, woke up with a migraine today and feel a little crampy. So frustrating to think it could be a week before I start bleeding, or tomorrow. So not sure if I'm going to head to Charlotte or not. Trying to do some nice things for myself without spending a ton of money, going to go to a new place for some nice veggies and fish/chicken recipes to try something new, and resist the urge to buy a Kindle fire or a new computer or something costly, I get so impulsive! Focusing on the future is hard when I want to feel successful or happy right now. And Robin, bread is just heavenly... truly! I found out Dunkin Donuts sells this sandwich on my favorite kind of bread, and it's jut under 400 calories, so it's the only processed/fast food thing I'll allow myself to eat, despite how bad it is! It's this crunchy french type bread I love, hard and crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside, wait, I'm not helping, NEVERMIND! Forget I said anything... buying veggies and fruits later, yep, that's it!

    Anne, how is your wait going?

    Hoping you all have a great day, today the intention of the day was actually about love and kindness, so I'm still focusing on that.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm doing well. My mom is still here until tomorrow. She's been taking great care of me. I work at home so she makes my breakfast every day and brings it into my office, she is also making me lunch and dinner. She wants me off my feet as much as possible. She's going to do a grocery run for me tomorrow so that I don't have to carry them in. I will sure miss her. I hate that I live clear across the country from family.

    But I'm keeping in good spirits. I talk to the "little bits" every day and am just assuming that I am pregnant.
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