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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
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*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
thinking of you.
how is everybody else doing?
The dog has been quite a bit of work! He's an energetic 2 year old hound/Lab mix. And for some reason he wants to make friends with my two cats??!! My one cat was so funny, she arched her back, puffed up twice her normal size, turned sideways and then ran in a diagonal pattern towards the glass door this 75 pound dog was standing behind. He just tilted his head and looked confused. Anyway, I'm getting used to the long walks twice a day and picking up "hot" poop BLAH!!!! His mom comes back tomorrow...thank goodness
Well, I'm going to kick back and relax. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
I just wanted to thank you for the warm poop comment, and here I thought I was the only one who would talk about such a thing! I'm glad your time is almost over, but I know how comforting it can be to have your furbaby with someone you trust while on vacation, I'm sure your sister is grateful. And cats, well, it's cat-politics! I like the tactic of charging the glass door, smarter than the average feline!
I did inject my thigh once with the PIO (home alone that night and didn't want to ask anyone at work). I'm not going to sugar coat it and say it didn't hurt, I limped for two days, but I also attribute it to me not placing the needle to the hub (all the way in) or my extreme reaction. I'm not at a point where I need to make that decision, but I think if I were today, I'd go for it again. We'll do whatever it takes for the best odds, right?!
Speaking of me, my cycle started Saturday. Of course, I promptly panicked since I don't have a protocol laid out and have to rush to the doctor on day 3, being Monday, without an appointment to a clinic an hour away! Oh the drama. I really need to relax. So, due to arrival times, there will be no trip to Charlotte for me this week (but I'm still thinking of you hopeful Char!)
I think I'll be maxing out with follistim (600 every night) and Menopur 150 every night, and start the dexamethasone, antibiotic (which I just realized I don't have), and stop taking protonix. It's the only prescription I'm still on and have SUCH a hard time weaning off. My acid reflux is just terrible without it, and I end up taking tums by the handful. I know I'm forgetting important factors of the protocol, but this is why they write everything down and save it in my e-mail to print out!
I hope you ladies are all doing something wonderful today, and maybe have the day off work! I'll stop in tomorrow after we get home from the doctor, and hopefully don't have any terrible news (blood work being off or cysts)!
I am now 5 weeks 1 day pregnant and it is still not believable to me. I hope I feel better after my ultrasound on Tuesday. 7 more days to go!!
Hope everybody is well!!
I went to Syracuse and decided no matter how tired I am, I'm going to go there for my monitoring. It's only about 70 minutes each way, and so worth the drive. Added incentive is there's no co-pay since it's a "Center of excellence" with my insurance, but I just like the way I'm treated! I've started a "mini-protocol" by taking Clomid for 5 days, going in for another u/s, then starting what they hope to be a lower dose of injectibles. I didn't respond to Clomid for IUI, so I'm not tremendously optimistic, but we are all hoping to improve egg quality, not quantity. I put in an order and my poor insurance company dropped 10k yesterday through mail-order, and I got nauseated. It's so insane that the drugs cost so much. My FSH was again elevated, 13 or 18, I forget now and refuse to look again, since i"ll start obsessing! I'm off all week and COULD go to Charlotte, but realized I'd rather do some projects around the house and spend time with my other half.
Anyone else think Clomid is worse than the injectibles as far as side effects go?! Phew!
Back on the IVF train... Sorry I'm so tangential, blame the Clomid! Off to make some protein for breakfast to get me through vacation days! So nice to just be able to lounge around!
I had a huge cry this morning. I'm working from bed today in hopes that it is just spotting but not feeling optimistic. I called the REs office and am waiting to hear back. Ugh!
So back onto the IVF wagon. I have enough coverage left for one more fresh round. Then any FETs will likely be out of pocket and then my journey ends I'm praying so hard, I really thought it was my turn. ARGH!
So glad that if this IS a BFN you have another round... keep your hopes up!
What day are you on. Spotting and cramping is a sifts of a positive. Honestly!
Wishing you all sticky baby dust and peace of mind.
I am so so sorry! Just know I am thinking about you and know yor time will come!!!
I am so sorry! Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way!
Will know more on Monday, trying to get plenty of rest and take it easy this week. Hope everyone else is doing the same!
I've got two follicles at good size, pending review tomorrow, I'll have retrieval on Friday, and most likely a transfer on Monday (hopefully). I'm not doing the out of town monitoring, and driving an hour each way to go up to the clinic, so it's a different experience... and boy am I tired! We got a call from the humane society for a foster, the vet spayed a cat he didn't know was pregnant with 4 kittens, so now she won't have milk, and we've had them since Sunday. They are still pulling through, but it's touch and go, and we are so scared. They get fed every 2-3 hours, and it takes an hour to feed them all and get them to do their business and clean them up. Of course, I feel incompetent, since they won't eat as well for me! But I'm also trying not to get attached or heartbroken... and still take care of myself and go to work.
Phew, busy busy week, but here's some thoughts for you ladies that all is going well.
We are going to try another fresh cycle. Doc is telling me that at my age (40) about 60% of eggs likely have some genetic/chromosomal issue and that's why they are implanting. He gives me a 25% chance of getting pregnant on a fresh cycle and then a 20% chance of miscarriage. Ugh, depressing numbers. But I'm trying hard to stay positive.
I'm taking the month of May off and will start again in early June for a transfer around the 4th July. I'm praying hard that it is my turn. If not, I will then have enough embryos for 1-2 frozen cycles. Then, this portion of the journey is over and I move on to adoption. I've already started the research.
Wishing everyone lots of sticky baby dust and sending prayers for all of us
Yay regan on the egg retrieval. My fingers are so so crossed for you
Moe and late bloomer. How are you. What's new?
As for me I am happy to report that I am officially 6 weeks and 0 days pregnant. Right on schedule! They even detected a heartbeat. It was magical. Just magical!
Hang in there, Anne, any special plans for your month off?
I've still got the two follicles, so planning on a retrieval on Friday morning, I'm not overly hopeful, but it DOES only take one. Just hate getting all expectant that these are going to be the greatest eggs ever and fertilize and implant. Not sure where we will go if it doesn't work, so just hoping it does, as we ALL do, EVERY TIME! Yeesh! Maybe the planets will align!
Sending everyone good thoughts,
Anne, I'm sorry that the weekend was rough. I've certainly been there. It's especially difficult with IVF because the process is much more time consuming and the emotional component is magnified (it was for me when compared to previous IUI cycles). Anyway, remember that grief is part of the healing and it sounds like you were able to have several good cries. But on the other side is renewed strength and courage to pick yourself up and press on. It was a challenge for me to redirect all that anger that was building within me. I'm here if you need to chat.
Regan, yay for your two follies. Remember Robin??!! One ovary and one follie= 1 baby It truly only takes ONE and there are times when that one splits :shock: So keep your head up and be encouraged!!
Latebloomer, enjoy Boston and let's chat upon your return.
I've started back to the gym and have continued with weekly yoga and acupuncture. The gym has really helped me shake the blues....I didn't realize how much my mood has been affected by not having a vigerous workout. Yoga is great for stretching and meditation but I need to sweat and release some endorphins. I tried a Zumba class and that was aweful because the lady had ZERO coordination and was almost 60. But I've managed to get a good sweat on the stepper and lifting weights.
Oh I have about 6 more BCP's and that will make 20 pills, then AF should show up soon after the last BCP. Only then can I start the Estrogen shots and then Progesterone shots.
Anyway, I hope that you ladies are doing well where ever you are on this journey. Wishing you all lots of Baby Dust!!!
Regan I will for sure be thinking and praying for you tomorrow. Positive thought can make the best things happen in this journey. Robin I the perfect example of 1 follice one bfp. How could we all forget that post. Lol. You are goin to get your bfp. Keep strong and carry on my friend!
Moe. I am so glad that your enjoying yoga and accupuncture. I havent done much of either since my bfp. I am scared of everything haha. I am not going to excessive for the first 12 weeks. So just 6 more to go. I have a slight case of ohss and I just think its better to be safe than sorry. Keep your positive thoughts rolling in. I know your time is next.
How is everybody Else. I miss you all!!
Char, I didn't know you had the ohss, but wouldn't that have resolved by now? I guess I just figured after the fluid starts to drain out and your cycle progressed (thankfully into a pregnancy) all that would have been behind you?! Are you having symptoms of it? None of these journeys are ever simple, are they?!
Moe, I know what you mean about the gym, although it's been a long time since I've worked out much of a sweat (I mistyped swear there, but that kind of sweating usually promps a lot of swearing, so I guess that's ok!). I am doing the weekly acupuncture, but not massages, I'm really thinking of working it in. I found someone who preforms affordable 30 min massages, do you get massages longer than that?
Hope everyone is doing ok, and has a wonderful week, thank you for the good thoughts...
My fingers are crossed that both fertilize. Or at the veryeazt just one. Try to just breathe until the call. That was the worst part for me.
As for the ohss I am not really having symptoms. They just noticed it when I had my uktrasound. They think my pregnancy actually caused it. But they think it is on the down swig
Please let us know when u hear anything
I think a key this cycle is keeping too busy to worry about getting calls, hormone levels, how many follicles, etc, and just letting go and hoping for the best. This IS all out of my hands, anyway! So I'm just doing what I can, to help make our miracle happen.
Hope everyone else is doing something nice this weekend! If I don't look too hard outside, I might realize I have some nice weather! Boo for having to go to work tonight!
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/47305522/ns ... 6VmWFL-KuI
Just saw it on the home page I look at for news.
Are you icing the area BEFORE you inject the PIO? If not try that for about 10 minutes prior to injection then follow with heat and massage the area. Yes, I know that's time consuming but I heard that it's much more tolerable. It probably would be less than 20 minutes out of your day. Oh speaking of massages I've had really good ones for and hour plus but 30 minutes on a targeted area is just fabulous!!
Good for you keeping yourself busy. I have a new kitten and she's about a year old plus a 7 year old cat. It's all a can do to keep my cool head when they are playing like WWF at 2 a.m. And the kitten has this thing about toilet paper! Why is she compelled to shred three ply down to the core on a weekly basis??!! I have to keep it out of sight which isn't great when you really need it.... Anyway, I'm glad you are able to devote your time to nursing them. What great practice!!
Oh, I read somewhere that OHSS can last for several weeks after your initial BFP. Pregnancy actually makes it worse and in severe cases there are usually 2 or more embryos that have implanted.
So I think I'm less than a week away from AF and will be done taking my BCP's Monday. Thank GOD...lately I've been eating bags of potato chips meant from 4 people in one sitting. Can't get enough salt then sweet snacks. My belly is bloated and gassy and I'm also brusing like a peach which is likely from the baby asprin I started last month. As a matter of fact I have a huge bruise on my belly from one of the acupuncture needles, it's bigger than a silver dollar. Incidently it was one of the needles on my belly attached to the e-stim used to stimulate bloodflow. I'm considering decreasing the frequency of my visits by the end of the month when I'm scheduled for the FET.
How's everyone doing this weekend?? Remember it WILL happen when it's supposed to happen!!
So glad to hear about 2 embryos! Remeber it only takes one! So glad there are 2 though! I will be thinking of you on Monday! I agree the more you are busy the less you can worry! Since january I have been so busy I haven't had time to worry about much!
I am glad to report that I am officially done with the first half of my internship! Yeah!! Now I can go back to 8 hour days and 2 days off. I can now focus on getting the baby stuff ready. It was so nice being able to sleep in today! I get to go toa later mass and then clean my house a little!
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well!
Have a great weekend!
About Monday, I went in and had one "good" embryo, which I never got the grading on, and one that looked as if it didn't cleave, that the doctor thought was "on it's way out", but we put them both in. He said it wouldn't hurt the healthier embryos chance to develop. He also did something different, by placing some hcg in before the embryos, and cleaned inside prior to remove any cervical mucus. I will say it was more painful than any other transfer, but as I keep saying, I'm a big baby! So, I'm not PUPO, although there is not the greatest hope for a little 3 or 4 cell embryo. I'm not over-thinking it, mostly because I'm too tired! It does only take one! I test next Friday!
I'm thinking about skipping acupuncture this week, only because it hurts! I really can't relax with the knowledge that if I move my legs, I get intense cramping, and have to ask him to remove the needles the next time he stops in to twist and turn. I had thought about getting a massage instead, but I really just want to sleep in! We'll see...
Moe, did you not know that toilet paper was invented for cat's enjoyment? How DARE you try to hide it from them! I don't remember what I did to keep my last "devil-cat" from doing that, she was actually the first cat I ever had a problem with. She was so bad, the neighbors thought her name was "dammit". All they could hear was me saying "dammit don't do that", "dammit get down", I was mortified when they knocked on my door to see if they could play with "Dammit!". I miss that cat, and three of these kittens look like her, it's going to be tough if we lose any! They are actually thriving, just one little one I'm worried about, but even "runt" is doing well today, and that's all we can go by.
Robin, if you want to stop by here to clean a little, you're invited! Still crappy weather, but it's a nice place to visit, and you could help clean! We certainly haven't had time to do much "maintenence" things, I'm taking a frozen dinner to work since I'm too tired to cook or pack a lunch! I did stop at WalMart today to pick up a food scale to weigh the little bits, and forgot ALL about what I needed! I got carried away in the Mother's Day card section.
It's time to feed the kittens, but so nice to stop by and tell you all I'm still here, and cautiously optimistic! That's all I can do! Hope everyone else is doing well, and has a great week!
Wishing you sticky baby dust! Good luck