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Currently in tww



  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Sounds like triplets to me! Haha!!
  • chantillylacechantillylace Member Member
    Yay!!! Happy and healthy 9 months. Sounds like multiples for sure :)
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    D-Rizzy I would pass out if the doc told me more than two. I'm single and only have two arms. But it could be just a fluke number... I'm already talking my self out of really being pregnant because it's so unbelievable. Ive always been strong willed and it has carried me through mostly good but some difficult things in my life. So when I decided to go the donor route, those close to me weren't surprised in some way. I one just hadn't imagined I'd be turning 38 this week and not married etc. So my back up plan two years ago was this if things hadn't gotten serious with someone I would look in to a donor. And I was on board almost immediately. Initially my close family didn't really understand nor were they overly enthused with the idea of me doing this alone. To the point that I've gone to all my doctors appts alone even the iui. That one was hard emotionally. But I reminded myself that I was for sure on this decision being the right one for me. And the tough girl inside me said, just get use to doing this alone now because that's how it's going to be anyway. I did pull in my girlfriends during this process to help cheer with me through everything. They have been my emotional life raft. I told my mom yesterday the news and she said, I'm watching golf but okay. That hurt and sucked at the moment. But I have to move on. I think I'll leave this at here for now. It's getting hard to write thinking back at that.
    Though please know I'm so excited for you girls. Please share all new things. It's an amazing journey. I'll post again after talking to my ob.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I'd love to chat more lposh!! Email me if you would like!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Iposh you are stronger than I am. I don't know that I would have been able to go through this process without the support of my family. I'm sending positive thoughts your way!!! Let us know how your talk with the doctor goes. Friday doesn't seem like it will get here fast enough!!!
  • Danni_GirlDanni_Girl Junior Member Junior Member
    This is going to be the 4th time I've tried to post to this thread. I hope this time works. :)

    I am also on my TWW and will be testing on the 25th!!
    It's very exciting to see so many of us who are testing the same day, or very close.

    How are you all feeling right now? I don't know if this is because of the HCG trigger I did on the 11th or what, but my breats are killing me!!!!
    I really hope it's a good sign, but who knows at this point....
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Took another blood test very low. The first one must of been false reading. So negative on the pregnancy.
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I was MIA a few days. So excited a few of us test on Friday. Txgirl, now I getting pains every once in a while. At first I was just crampy for the few first days post. Now, it's different. Yikes

    D-Rizzy- you're just after us right? How do you feel?

    Iposh- I am a single too. So please feel free to reach out. My parents and my friends were all extremely supportive. My brother isn't happy. He also doesn't get it though. He told his wife several years ago that if she didn't get pregnant with their 3rd baby by the time he was 40 that was it. - lol- his 3rd!??? So, that is pretty much hypocritical to tell me to keep waiting. I know it's coming from the right place though with him. I just tell myself, this is my life and my journey and it's not for others to understand. Nobody asked for my permission in their life choices, you know?

    I'm sending good vibes to u all.
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Wait, iposh! I forgot to say Congrats!!!! Cheers to your healthy strong "bean(s)!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Lposh, do you know it is negative for sure?
    Nyfly, I was inseminated on Saturday and Sunday so I am just starting my TWW
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi nyfly, my cramping has always been random. This time has totally been different for me. Friday doesn't seem like it will come fast enough.
  • candace0108candace0108 Junior Member Junior Member
    I am in the tww and test this Saturday!!! This whole waiting process has been terrible...just want to know already!! :) our first IUI so we are ready to be mommies!!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I am doing a quick recap for testing:

    Unsure of dates of toup, lposh, chantillylace

    Hope everyone gets a positive!!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Got final negative this am. So I don't know when my next iui will be. I haven't started my cycle yet.
    I never imagined what an emotional ride this would be. I've had one failed iui. And I read stories of women who have more issues than I have endured. I just can't imagine their grief and strength.
    Learning I was pregnant Sunday to only be told it was a false reading has been difficult. That one day knowing even though I know now it wasn't real was amazing. I was so excited, enchanted, happy and so many things words can't describe.
    I'm allowing myself to hide under the covers for a little while, then I know I have to pick myself up and see all the things I have to be grateful for and continue fighting for the future I see for me.
    In actuality it's just another few weeks and I'll be at the TWW.. Oh that double edged sword. Maybe I'll get more creative with my time during those weeks to distract me from overthinking.
    I'll keep all of you in my prayers these next couple weeks.
  • callencallen Member Member
    Hi everyone. Just looking to make some friends.
    Getting ready to start my third IUI. First time using Clomid and injectables.
    Wishing everyone baby dust!!!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey Callen,
    Welcome. I've only been in this group for two weeks and it's been great.) I did just get my first negative iui. I used 50mg clomid days 3-7 and profasi trigger shot 36 hours before my iui. The clomid doesn't bother me much but the profasi trigger shot was more on my body. But way doable. In fact I worked 7 days straight after taking a day off for my iui. I know for me I'd rather take them to increase my chances of conceiving. I'm even considering doing 2 iui's at 12 and 36 hours post trigger shot. But that last plan is my own personal one and haven't shared it with my doc yet though I'm sure it will be fine. And I'm a big advocate for myself and future baby.
    There are many women going thru the TWW ( two week wait) which took me forever to figure out all the short terminology.. Lol And have been beyond supportive and are women who understand exactly what I'm going thru.
    I'm single. I'm turning 38 tomorrow and just knew my future including a child. I've decided not to wait for the "ring". I hope your first month on meds goes smoothly. I'm sure it will.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I like how you think lposh. Definitely take some time to sulk but then pick yourself up and go for round 2. On my Round 1 my period was 4 days late and I kept hoping I was pregnant even though I never got a positive pregnant test. I was pissed when my period did come!! But I knew it was less than 2 weeks before I went in for round 2 so that kept me going. It is tough but we will get this!!

    Callen, good luck!!! I just completed my second IUI but haven't had used any medication yet. Keep us posted!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks D-rizzy. I'm defiantly in semi sulk mode. But better today than I was yesterday. I literally drove home from work in complete silence and laid quite on my couch for hours. I even was mad at God for a little while. Hearing someone say one more time "you can try again next month" made me want to throw my phone.
    Though I'm starting to feel the pick me up already. I even did the counting on my calendar for August. When this will happen, when to start the clomid, when to go in for ovulation check, when to trigger, writing the days I'm post iui....
    My calendar looks like a psychotic persons scribble pad. Only I can decipher it... Lol
    I'll be alright. I now know what to expect.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    It is sometimes difficult to hear friends advice that are not going through the process. Like, oh sure, I'll just doing again next month, no biggie. When in actuality, it is a big damn deal!! We all want a baby on Round 1 but it didn't happen for us. I am staying positive for round 2!!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Omg this is exactly why I joined this forum. Because as supportive as my friends and family are, sometimes I think they think money grows on trees. If the IUI doesn't work for me this time, I'm going to have to wait a month or two as all of this comes out of my pocket and I'm not sure I will be able to continue for a few months. I know they mean well but I just don't feel that people who haven't struggled or have medical issues completely understand our dilemma's. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is my month but I have to think realistically that it might not happen and I have to prepare for that. I'm 39 and have medical issues that make it harder to conceive. Anyway sorry for rambling.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Txgrl it is nice as well to have the support of people going though the same experiences as well. At least it seems that way for us.

    This is my third IUI. this time we used a trigger shot because I ovulate late but that's it. I think the next round (if this one isn't successful we are going to try with clomid and piggy back inseminations. I enjoy the forum to get others feedbacks and see their experiences and what is working for them. Friday can't get here soon enough.
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Hi everyone,
    I agree this has been great. It's nice to check in and see how everyone is doing. Something kind of interesting - my bf since birth Is going thru iui now. She has a toddler girl. We had procedure day apart - she has been über supportive of the big picture, but has taken some digs (unintentionally- I hope) and won't really discuss too much w me. Anything technical I can ask, but I feel like it's going to be rough if it goes BFN for her BFP for me. I am always so happy for everyone - I'll be okay if it's vice versa- I know this will happen for me, eventually ( I took a lot in what Lposh said and love your attitude). I guess it has been stressing me out a bit b/c we test a day apart. Any thoughts ?

    I did letrazole w ovidrel trigger. Iui at 24 hours post shot. Anyone know why some RE's do 24 hours and some 36 hours iui post trigger?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    nyfly... and everyone else

    Interesting is my WHOLE story! Enjoy!

    My partner carried our daughter when we were 29. Used a different clinic then we are using now, it was a Clomid cycle. Used profasi as a trigger on a Monday and piggy back inseminations on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Got a BFP 12 days later and now we have a 4 1/2 year old daughter. While the Dr. obviously did her job, her bed side manners were not so great and there were a few services the clinic offered for other people that we just didn't agree with.

    Roll forward to now. We are 34. I wanted to experience pregnancy as well using the same donor so that the kids would be biologically related. Our R/E suggested we do 3 unmedicated/unmonitored rounds first as he is assuming that I don't have fertility issues that I just can't get pregnant because I am no having sex with a man. First IUI was end of October... I showed ovulation on an OPK at day 17 which seemed spot on with my cycle and exactly what we expected. We were out of town for Thanksgiving, but flew back when I started showing signs that I was going to ovulate and the OPK never picked it up. In December, we ended up having the HSG test done (which the RE had recommend from the beginning) it came back fine. Also, my AMH had been tested and was at 2.54 which they said was right on for my age. At this point I cannot remember why we didn't do an IUI in December. I suppose that I didn't show ovulation again. January I should positive on an OPK at day 11 (way to early in my opinion but the RE said to come in). EPIC FAIL! Feb showed early and I didn't even call in- it just didn't feel right. March and April I never had anything register on an OPK. AGGRAVATED!!!!!! Called ask for appointment with RE to talk about the issues and see if we could set a new plan in late May when my period had already started. So, we restarted in June. He wanted to monitor me with ultrasounds to see what was going on because I was getting what he said are clearly false positive at day 11/12 etc. Possibly I was dialing my samples from drinking too much... either way. Day 11 had an u/s and had a follie that was 1.2 went back day 15 was at 1.4 and should have been at 2.0. Went back day 18 just to check and it was at 1.8 (showing that I ovulate late). I took an Ovidrel shot the next evening and had an IUI the following day. Now I am in the dreaded 2ww.

    I tested on Monday just to see if the HSG shot was out of my system and it was as I received a negative. Friday the 25th is 13 days from IUI date, but is also the date I should start my period. So... we will see.

    My partner Nichole and I were talking last night.. if for some reason this doesn't work out this time, I think I am ready to go to the Clomid route. Thoughts? Ready...set....go.

    I am sure I could have written allot more but this gives you the gist. Its hard not to compare myself to the fact that my partner got pregnant on her first IUI (medicated) and I am having these issues. Like what's wrong with me. The RE keeps reminding me that she is the the 1% that gets it the first try and that my tests are all fine and I should be fine it is just hard not to compare sometimes.

  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Nyfly, that is a tough situation. It is sad that you know your friend might not be ecstatic for you if you get a positive and she gets a negative. I have a few friends that are more concerned about whether they were told before so and so or get pouty if they were left off and update email. To that I say, this is my journey and I get to chose how I am going to live it, I refuse to do something based on someone else's feelings. It is not exactly the same but I am sure you have other friends and you have us that will be beyond excited to hear about a positive test. So let your friend sulk if she wants, she will come around eventually.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Kerri, it must be so difficult not to compare yourself to Nicole but like your doctor said, she was the exception so be easy on yourself. I think we all out additional stress on ourselves during this process when what we really need to do is relax. My doctor wants me to do 3 unmedicated cycles before adding Clomid. While I am staying positive and praying this round works, if for some reason it doesn't, I am going to ask to start Clomid at Round 3 instead of waiting.
    I think I am lucky in the sense that I am the only person my friends and family know that went or is going through this. I do not have anyone to compare myself to which from listening to you ladies, seems like it is a blessing!
    I am sending positive thoughts to all you ladies on here that we get pregnant this month and can move forward with our bundles of joy!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm not sure. I know that the first IUI for me I had the trigger shot. I got it at 6:30 Wednesday evening and had the procedure Friday at 11:30 am. The second time I got my positive ovulation test on Thursday at 2:30 and then had the procedure Friday at 2pm. I don't think I she said either way why it was the time frame. If she did I might have forgotten. I've also wondered why some dr's do back to back inseminations and some don't. My doctor has never suggested it.

    Another update, I had some major cramps this evening. Severe enough that I felt the need to stop what I was doing and lean down on the sink. It lasted a minute or so and hasn't happened again. Also, I've had 3 different surgeries that were laparoscopic and they went in through my belly button, I've been having some pains in my belly button. May not be related but I'm not sure this is the first time I've felt these pains, twinges.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I went with back to back inseminations this time. My doctor said it only slightly increases the odds so it was my decision if I wanted to spend the money on an extra vial. I decided to try it for one round.
    I hope the cramps are a good sign!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm just going chime in a vent!! I'm totally not pregnant my cycle is almost 3 days late! All my blood test are negative. Why can't the red glow come so I can move forward and confirm in my brain 100% this month I'm not pregnant. It's probably waiting to come on my bday tomorrow. PERFECT. Ugh I must have hit a low
  • chantillylacechantillylace Member Member
    I have no ovulation issues (that I know of) HSG came back clear i get a positive opk every month. We added clomid hoping for more "targets" all it's really done is thin my lining, delay ovulation & give me horrible hot flashes! My doc REFUSES to give me a trigger shot.(he claims they are dangerous blah blah blah) If this attempt doesn't work we will try injectables although at almost $2000 a try it will take months to save!!
  • Brandy1550Brandy1550 Junior Member Junior Member
    I'm on Lucky #7 iui ... yeah your reading that right #7 this is my 2nd try with a new donor and my 2nd try using femara/letrozole plus trigger I did my trigger shot on monday night at 9 and will be getting my iui today at 9 am so that puts me at 36 hrs post trigger.

    NYFLY- my dr let me choose this time (sorta) if i wanted to do iui 24 hr or 36 hr post trigger. when he asked me that I told him I wanted the best chance he said he thought for me 36 hr was better!
    I'm sure your doctor knows whats best for you! How many follicles did you produce and when can you test?

    I wish that i was on the cycle with all the ladies who get to test on the 25th. Best of luck to you all!!!
    Here's to my TWW (which feels like a whole month long!)
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