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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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Currently in tww



  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    Sending you lots of baby dust dimples! We had our first ob appt Monday and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. He/she is going strong so far!
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    awww thanks Corinne. I appreciate your positive thoughts/vibes. Isn't it so wonderful and exciting hearing the baby's heartbeat? Best of luck and will continue checking in for updates as well as posting updates on my journey. ❤️
    Corinne wrote: »
    Sending you lots of baby dust dimples! We had our first ob appt Monday and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. He/she is going strong so far!
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    k&b- so glad everything looks good <3 I am sincerely happy for you. Babies really are such miracles. So amazing. Keep us posted.

    I am a mess myself. I haven't felt anything this entire cycle, but after my IUI's in July, September and March, I felt different symptoms... mostly in March when I had the 3 mature follicles. Anyway, I thought maybe because I wasn't feeling anything, that maybe this was it, maybe I was pregnant! I took an at-home test on Tuesday and again on Wednesday, both negative... stark white. Today is 14dpo, and I can feel AF coming on any minute now. I just feel awful... I've been crying on and off for the past two days. It's getting really expensive, and I've been asking for so much time off of work. I think I may take a month off and try once more, since we will qualify for the free vial (pregnancy pledge offered by Fairfax). I'm going to talk to my doctor's office and see what they recommend. I do have some Gonal-f leftover from our cancelled IVF cycle, so I am hoping they will recommend I use that to give us more follies and in turn, more targets. I'll keep checking back for updates from you though :)
  • k&amp;bk&amp;b Senior Member Senior Member
    I am so sorry and sad to hear this. With our daughter it took 6 IUIs before success, and we switched donors the last one. I was so sure it was never going to happen. Hang in there and keep trying if you can, mentally and physically. Keep me posted on what happens. Huge huge hugs to you.
  • k&amp;bk&amp;b Senior Member Senior Member
    Update! 11 weeks today. We had the Progenity testing and the baby is healthy and a....boy! I'm in shock!
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    First of all CONGRATS!!!! I'm so happy that everything is going well and your little boy is healthy. Secondly, I didn't know they could find out the gender so early. What is a Progenity testing?? I've never heard of that before.

    I hope all continues to go well. xoxo
    k&b wrote: »
    Update! 11 weeks today. We had the Progenity testing and the baby is healthy and a....boy! I'm in shock!
  • k&amp;bk&amp;b Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you! Progenity is a genetic test that looks for trisomy or turners syndrome. They draw blood from the mom, and they can see blood from the baby too, because apparently it mixes! If they see a Y chromosome, they know you are having a boy! It's not something they had when I was pregnant with my daughter. It's more accurate then a quad screen (it's definitive). It can be done as early as 10 weeks.
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    OMG! Congrats k&b!!!! I have a son, he is just a peach, and I am sure yours will be too! This is great news!! I am so glad that things are going well. I go for my IUI tomorrow... 3-4 mature follicles. Hopefully this is it!
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just wanted to give everyone an update.

    Babies were born 5/5/2016 at 9:34/9:35 and 9:36

    Baby A, our girl was 3lbs 10oz
    Baby B, first boy was 2lbs 7 oz
    Baby C, 2nd boy was 3lbs 15 oz

    They are in the NICU for a few weeks to grow and learn to nurse/take a bottle but they are all on room air and are doing FANTASTIC.

    Keep on trying and never give up hope ladies.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just wanted to give everyone an update.

    Babies were born 5/5/2016 at 9:34/9:35 and 9:36

    Baby A, our girl was 3lbs 10oz
    Baby B, first boy was 2lbs 7 oz
    Baby C, 2nd boy was 3lbs 15 oz

    They are in the NICU for a few weeks to grow and learn to nurse/take a bottle but they are all on room air and are doing FANTASTIC.

    Keep on trying and never give up hope ladies.
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    OMG Pot this is the best news ever. I'm soooo excited and jumping for joy. I'm so happy they everyone is doing fine and continue prayers and positive vibes. Congrats on your 3 bundles of joy. xoxo ❤️
    POT03005 wrote: »
    Just wanted to give everyone an update.

    Babies were born 5/5/2016 at 9:34/9:35 and 9:36

    Baby A, our girl was 3lbs 10oz
    Baby B, first boy was 2lbs 7 oz
    Baby C, 2nd boy was 3lbs 15 oz

    They are in the NICU for a few weeks to grow and learn to nurse/take a bottle but they are all on room air and are doing FANTASTIC.

    Keep on trying and never give up hope ladies.
  • k&amp;bk&amp;b Senior Member Senior Member
    I'll be thinking about you J!!! Keep us posted!
  • k&amp;bk&amp;b Senior Member Senior Member
    Yaaaayy!!!! Congrats!!!!
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    CONGRATS P0T03005!!! I'm so glad that your babies are doing well :) GREAT NEWS!!!
  • LisaAtlLisaAtl Junior Member Junior Member
    Congrats!!! I'm so excited to see this. I hope your babies are doing well. Mine will be a year this month!
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    k&b - How are you feeling? How's the little guy?! I am currently in the torturous 2WW! I told myself that this time I would go into this hoping for the best but expecting the worst. This was our 6th IUI and today I am 6DPO. I'm trying not to look into every twinge and cramp, but it's extremely difficult not to. I took Clomid for the first time and had one mature follie on the right (27mm). I had two small ones on the left (14mm each)... which I was bummed about, but I decided to go forward with it anyway. The Clomid thinned my lining (7.1 mm IUI day...usually like 10mm for me!)... but I am on Estrogen and Endometrin. I don't plan to test until late next week (Thursday?). I just don't know what we'll do if it comes back negative again. Fingers crossed for the BFP this time!!!!
  • Blake88Blake88 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey All!!

    I'm new to this whole thing, but am loving the support and enthusiasm I'm seeing on this site. Long story short, my fiancé and I are wrapping up nursing school and have decided to go ahead and start trying for a baby now since she will be 30 in March....ok, I know 30 is not old and that's what I keep telling her, but she honestly feels like her maternal clock is counting down with extreme haste lol. We had our first IUI on 8/11/2016 and she was getting all these positive signs that she might be pg (i.e. boobs hurt, acne, cramp that started on her left lower abdomen and the moved to the middle of her pelvic region with a shooting pain through her lady part, hot flashes, nausea, etc.), AF was a day late and we thought maybe she was actually pg and we were just getting a bfn that wasn't real, but then the next day AF came with a vengeance. She was absolutely crushed...I was too and still kind of am, but I Know I have to be strong for her. We were bad and tested early because of all the symptoms she was having, ps we are not on meds, but no luck just bfn after bfn. So, we are now keeping track of her temperature and doing the true blue ovulation test kits every morning, she's supposed to peak sometime in the next 2 days, and then we will be undergoing our 2nd IUI attempt. I'm REALLY hoping this one takes. I love her and all I want is her to be happy. All she's ever wanted is to be a mommy and I'm praying with everything I am that this one is it for us. Any and all encouragement, advice, baby dust, etc etc would be VERY welcome!
    .....sorry about the novel :)
  • twinkletwinkle Junior Member Junior Member
    Congrats! I've read your story and I'm so happy for you and your family that you've made it through so much! You are inspiring. How are you coping with 3 new babies? I'm a single mom to 3 kids (age 12, 9 and 3). My 3 year old daughter was conceived with donor sperm and I'm now expecting baby #4!
  • Coll217Coll217 Member Member
    This may be getting old, but who else is currently in their tww? I'm 5dpIUI#1 with donor 5132
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