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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*

If you have any questions about the verification process please email

Currently in tww



  • callencallen Member Member
    Good to talk to you Drizzy. Glad you are doing well. 😊
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Callen Congrats on your iui! I think the hcg shot can mess with opk's my first one was positive after my trigger shot then the second month trying it was positive before I triggered. So who knows. I think your good. I would have done it the same way I did it last month if I was to do another iui. I'm glad to hear your doc is good with moving to ivf if this one doesn't work. Honestly that helped me through my last TWW. I actually am looking forward to this ivf but still super nervous about the drugs. I generally have a lot of energy and hope that it doesn't wipe me out. And two giving myself shots isn't something I look forward to. But I've read most women get used to doing it and it doesn't become any big deal after you do.
    As always good luck and baby dust girl!!
  • HoustonHouston Member Member
    My RE isn't a great communicator and never discussed the side effects of Ovidrel with me. If I didn't obsessively read everything I can find on the internet, I'd probably have convinced myself by now that the medication side effects are *real* signs of pregnancy. What a letdown that would be :( I'm having some waves of nausea but otherwise I think the Ovidrel is working itself out of my system. At least the god-awful fatigue is gone; I think I slept 13 hours/night on the first 2 nights after the shot.

    I'm now 5dpIUI....nearing the one week mark! Aaarggggghhhh the waiting......

    Thinking of you Moonlit and keeping my fingers crossed for that test tomorrow!!!

    Moonlit - IUI 8/12 —> 8/26
    Robo - IUI 8/18 —> 9/1
    Houston - IUI 8/20 —> 9/3
    Callen - IUI 8/23-24 —> 9/6-7
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Major issue!! I have one vial of my donor and my doc needs two per ivf round. I like the donor I picked already but he's on a wait list now. So I'm having to look at other banks to find a donor I like. Ugggh
  • HoustonHouston Member Member
    I'm sorry Lisa...that sucks!
    Does it matter what the prep type is (IUI vs. ICI vs. IVF)? Or will they only use IVF preps?
    I wondered how the conversion process worked when people with IUI vials moved to IVF; I guess the answer is they buy new vials/preps?
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    They actually want washed iui vials for the ivf. Which I have one but not two.. Err I know my donor is still donating however I don't have any idea when they will come out of quarantine. So I looked at a zytex donor but I would really rather stay here with my current one.
  • HoustonHouston Member Member
    How frustrating! This whole process is kind of bananas. If someone had told me 10 yrs ago that I'd be buying hundreds/thousands of dollars worth of sperm over the internet, I'd have told them they were nuts.

    If you can't get another vial from this donor as soon as you need it (I think quarantine is at least 6 months), maybe you can do one more IUI with the last vial, then move on to another donor for awhile? I also looked at Zytex and found some good candidates. I didn't like the California cryobank because they don't have pics of the donor as an adult.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Oh my gosh Lisa!! That sucks big time! Is there a way to see if anyone has an extra vial and is willing to sell it? Is that allowed? I have seen some posts about it but not sure if it can be done
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Lisa I feel your pain. My donor is not in the system anymore at all. I have a son by him so I wanted to stay with the same donor. You can purchase from others if you can find someone to sell a vial. I was also told you can purchase ICI and have your clinic do the wash are their any of those available?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    If you can find someone willing to sell you the vial, it is allowed. That is how we got four of the vials we used this cycle from someone who has a half sibling to our daughter. Fairfax charges some fees to change it over to your name etc which is required (at least by RBA) for FDA regulations. Best of luck with that... will they work with just one if that is all you have for this cycle?
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I think they would do just one vial like Kerri said, they just might want two for a better chance for you. But if your willing to do it with just one they should. Off to go shoot up with Follistim! :-)
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    It said in my papers they recommended two so I called and ask the nurse if one would be okay and she said no actually they need two in the lab. I just never imagined I'd be looking for a new baby daddy. I'm stressed that I just layed down today and ended sleeping the entire afternoon away. I guess I'm emotionally drained.
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member

    I just inquired about this because I was buying vials in bulk to try a few rounds of IUI and God willing, have siblings, so we're hoping to do this all over again in a few years, preferably with the same donor. I currently get ICI prep type because my clinic insists on washing it themselves. I asked if I purchase bulk and happen to need IVF would they be able to use the ICI prep type and she said absolutely. She also told me 1 vial would be enough for 1 round of IVF. Honestly, if I have to do IVF, I would only be able to afford 1 round (unless I win lotto)! :)
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    I totally understand your frustration. We just went thru a similar situation. We chose a donor, were led to believe he had vials coming so we took the last 2, went on the wait list. Turns out he doesn't have vials coming so that was a waste of $ (I feel bad saying that, but it's true). I guess in hind sight everything happens for a reason & maybe that's why we weren't successful the 1st time around. I don't know, I have to grasp something! It's very frustrating choosing a donor then having to re-choose.
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    Maybe someone can give me some advice. Sorry for hogging the thread tonight with all my posts ;)

    I had my appt today, this time around they are trying to catch my ovulation instead of waiting for the OPK positive. So today I am on cycle day 12. Last month I ovulated on day 15, the month before that day 17 (that month I only used the OPK. So today they did ultrasound and blood work, called me told me no ovulation yet, come back Thursday morning. I only have 6 OPK test sticks left! Am I ok to not check tonight and tomorrow or should I still check? I don't want to run out this cycle. I purchase them on amazon, they are half the price, so I am trying stretch these last 6 for this cycle and if I need them for next cycle I will order them. Of course I'm hoping I won't need them after this month. Thoughts?
  • jaszicajaszica Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Lisa,

    Maybe check with some US banks that resell Fairfax sperm? In Canada, I bought Fairfax through CanAm Cyro ( There is also My original donor was out of stock at Fairfax but they had it.

    Just a thought....
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Wow, I feel up to date now with everyone. I've been so busy, my sister just moved back to Texas and I've been helping her unpack boxes and such. I think the virus is finally gone, just need to get rid of this cough. It's not as bad as it was but it's still lingering. So happy to hear about all the positives. That's great. I saw they are doing a donor special and I'm contemplating on whether or not I should buy a couple more vials. I'm not sure what to do. Anyone else taking advantage?

    P.S. Someone back in the thread asked if anyone had seen Nyfly.....I've not heard from her. She sent me a private pm back right after getting her positive test but she never responded and I've only seen her on the boards once since then. Hope all is well with her.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    NYFLY and I private messaged several times but I haven't heard from her since the 9th. I have sent a few messages, but her profile says she hasn't been on since the 12th. I am hoping all is well also.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    So I picked another donor. I was good then showed my two BFF's before making the final call and they both know the donor!!!
    One slept with his brother the other knows him for years!! I can't believe this. The donor lives 15 mins from me!!! My head is spinning!!
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Oh wow Lisa THAT is a freaky coincidence! I have to say that is a major reason we chose not to see any pictures. My donor could be my brother for all I know (actually he couldn't bc of the blood type, but y'all get my drift). Are you going to use that donor? I mean he could easily move away so maybe you would never have to see him.

    My test was negative so no babies for me. Turns out I have a little bit more cash in my HSA than I thought so we might be able to try once more if we can figure out how to come up with the cash for sperm. At this rate, I'll be able to write off about $20 on my taxes lol.
    I have to admit, this bfn was harder emotionally than my miscarriage. I've been out of sorts for a couple days and having wild dreams of negative turning into positives and positives turning into negatives. And my damn ovaries hurt. $1500 and all I have to show are sore ovaries! Ugh! I need ice cream... I love you ladies and thanks so much for letting me vent!
  • HoustonHouston Member Member
    Lisa - that is crazy! What are the odds of something like that happening??

    Moonlit - I'm so sorry. This is my first IUI so I'm no expert, but it seems like some people have had BFP happen at 15-16dpIUI (after an initial BFN at 14 days). Maybe still a possibility? Regardless, I'm thinking of you.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Jaszica, you were allowed to purchase vials from Fairfax in the US and are located in Canada? I wanted to purchase from the Canada facility because they still had my donor but I was told I could not.

    Moonlit- so sorry for your negative. I am like you always looking for money to buy more sperm!

    Lisa - have you tried to see if you can buy a non-quality vial?
  • callencallen Member Member
    Moonlit-I am so sorry. :(
    Hoping you can try again if that's what your heart wants.
    Lisa-that's crazy. You just never know.
    I am 2 days post IUI. Ovaries are def sore. Even my legs hurt.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Moonlit I'm so sorry.
    Callen my fingers and legs are crossed with you.
    I've also been thinking of NY I hope she is doing okay.
    I'm sorry if this sounds so negative. But I'm tired today. I'm tired of fighting this today. I was hoping this alternative donor would be the answer but it's not. And my girlfriends laughed about it. But it's not funny. This is my life. I know they didn't mean any harm whatsoever. It just made my life feel like a joke. I don't have a husband. I don't have a steady boyfriend. And I can't even find a decent donor. It felt humiliating. I tried to explain to them that every donor on a site I am grateful to. They make it possible for me to create a life. And it just blew over their heads. Their comments of "I wonder if his wife knows" felt like I was some other woman. I know they don't understand. They aren't in my shoes. I never imagined I would be here. It was just aweful.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Lisa, try not to get down too much. It is an exhausting process we have to go thru and no one understands it the way we all do on this board. I am sure you are right and your friends are just trying to make light of a situation they don't know how to respond to. That's why you have us to lean on :-) keep your chin up. I was on my baby journey for 10 years and know the timing was perfect now.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm trying to imagine two months from know when I'm pregnant and on the other side of this. I don't know how people are able to handle this over so much time. It even makes me wonder if I'll be a strong enough mom if things like this upset me.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Finding the right donor is a serious thing. It's who my child will one day want to know about. Probably sooner than I hope. I thought I could just put together a box of his information and that be enough.
    But it's more I'll have to share. I think I need to find someone I connect with. So I can explain why I chose this person to be their biological father. And be able to explain that feeling he gave me. That feeling that made me know he was the right one.
    It's really not for me. It's what I can try my best to do for a child I have to explain where they came from. And pray they don't fall apart knowing there isn't going to be a real daddy.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I hear what you are saying. We haven't decided when to tell our son but when we do I hope that he knows that his mom and dad love him more than life itself and it doesn't matter biologically who he is from. There are those of us who came into world the "natural" way and know our father and don't receive as much love as your little one will probably get from you alone. I have faith in you Lisa that you will be a great mom because you do care so much already.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Lisa, I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I am going to be 100% honest with you, and i understand that we are all different but picking the donor meant a lot less to me than it does to you. My main concern was the donor and his family's health conditions. As long as there weren't an excessive amount of heredity diseases, he was okay in my book. Of course it was still a difficult choice but I did not put as much stock in having specific or a lot of information to tell my child about him. Talking with the therapist before I started my IUI journey helped me realize that while there may be some kids that need more info, most just need a basic explanation of how we became pregnant. As my child gets older, if he/she needs more info, all I can give them is the basic info and the picture that I purchased. I have no doubt in my mind that that will be enough. To me it is different than a baby being born and the dad leaving. There was no dad to begin with, just our love and desire to have a baby and a really nice man who donated sperm to make sure it could happen.
  • HoustonHouston Member Member
    If it helps, Lisa, I took the same approach as D-rizzy. I was not looking for someone to co-parent with but rather a donor of genetics. I looked at traits that I know are determined strongly by genetics (height, eye color, diseases, etc) and that was that. I am a physician and I approached it with that mindset. If someone donates a kidney to me, I look for a tissue match based on specific variables. Same thing here (for me). This whole process is an emotional minefield anyway, so I wanted to avoid complicating it any further. Plus, most of these donors are YOUNG (at least compared to me). The notion of selecting one with whom to "procreate" already felt a little "to catch a predator-ish" to me....LOL. Anyway, hope that helps :)

    So I'm officially at 7dp IUI today! I'm sure people are tired of hearing my countdown, so sorry in advance for having to listen to me for another 7 days. I have to go back to my hometown for a few weeks in late Sept/early October to manage my mother's estate, so if this one doesn't work I think I'll probably take a few months off. Not sure I want to load up on hormones and then head home to pack up my mom's life. Ugh.

    Anyway, happy hump day everyone :)

    Robo - IUI 8/18 —> 9/1
    Houston - IUI 8/20 —> 9/3
    Callen - IUI 8/23-24 —> 9/6-7
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