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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
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2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
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Clinic Name
Donor number
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*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth
*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Kerri- do u feel pregnant yet?
All the sudden about an hour ago my lower stomach started killing me. Idk
Anywho I better get ready to get out of here.
So I'm 2dpIUI and still obsessing. I finally started exercising again this morning. I didn't exercise the day before my IUI because I felt like my ovaries were going to explode (thanks Gonal-F!) and I was too paranoid to work out yesterday. My RE told me to avoid strenuous exercise (anything that raises HR to 140 or higher) for the next 2 weeks. Is that what they are telling you guys?
Happy Friday to all!
P.S. - Is nyfly still around? I read through all the previous posts and was wondering how she was doing.
My RE office always says to just continue to be normal. I have read over and over what you have stated about HR under 140. In my opinion I would do that.
Happy Friday to you as well. 😊
I just had ultrasound this am. Showed 1 good follicle. Waiting on RE office to call to see when to go back.
We try again this cycle, I have an appt Monday. This time they want me in before I get the positive on the OPK. They want to catch it first or something to that effect. Also this time we are doing 2 back to back IUI's, last month we did 1. I am using a different donor this cycle as well so let's see what happens...
I got a raise today!! Woohoo! That made starting my period today less of a bummer!!
Lots of hugs!!!!
Ps: you need to celebrate your raise!!!! 😊
Also congrats to Lisa on the raise! And good luck to Callen on the IUIs this weekend!
Today is 3dp IUI for me. I'm not sure what everyone else's experience has been, but for me, the Ovidrel shot hangs around in your system for so long that it really messes w/your mind. It causes symptoms of pregnancy that you know could not be occurring pre-implantation but still want to believe are *real*. I'm going to have to work very hard to keep myself distracted this weekend.
Here's what I have for folks currently in the TWW:
Moonlit - IUI 8/12 —> 8/26
Robo - IUI 8/18 —> 9/1
Houston - IUI 8/20 —> 9/3
Callen - IUI 8/23-24 —> 9/6-7
The fertility specialist drew a bunch of blood last Monday to check my fsh, insulin, thyroid and some others to determine if any of those would be influencing my infertility at this point. The nurse sent me an email yesterday and said all came back within normal range and he is putting my protocol for ivf together now. Meaning that each patient get a specific drug and test, us regimen depending on their age, labs, etc. so hopefully Thursday when I go in I'll sit down and go over each step and what drugs he wants to do. I also decided to put in for FMLA intermittent at work for the next two months because of all the stuff involved with ivf and not knowing how my body is going to react to the more powerful drugs. He assured me I wouldn't go in OHSS. That was one of my concerns with the drugs. Being over hyper stimulated is not good and hurts like a bitch I'm sure.
Have a great Saturday ladies. I'm going in to work now. Hope Atlanta can keep it calm today!
Posh - Keep your head up. We will be sending positive vibes your way.
To all of you currently in tww...it's been the longest week of my life! And we still have a WHOLE other week to go!!
Grats to everyone with positive HPT's. So happy you got to see the heartbeat Drizzy.
Tx I hope your feeling better.)
Denise- kisses
Pot- hope you first pregnant weekend is going great!
Houston and anyone I missed enjoy your Sunday and I'm crossing my fingers for you all too!
I hope everyone else is doing well
I'm now 4dpIUI.....tick tock, tick tock.....slow going.
Alright, time to clean my kitchen and do the laundry. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
Last month was my 1st IUI cycle, only thing we used was Ovidrel & I swore I was pregnant because of all "the signs" that clearly ended up being the Ovidrel playing games with my mind I actually dread taking it this time around, but my Dr is adamant saying they never skip the Ovidrel because they need that prediction. My thought is it didn't work last month so why bother, but he sees it differently. I'm not using any other meds yet. He did say if this cycle doesn't work we will change something. I'm guessing that will be a different meds. Ovidrel made me feel bloated, headaches, exhaustion- all I did was sleep/nap, cramps, mood swings. At least this time around I will know what it does to me and try to ignore "the signs".
Thanks Lisa and Houston for the encouraging words. I need all the positive vibes I can get right now! I will test at home. My RE won't do blood tests unless I get a bfp at home. Two more days and the verdict will be in...
Had 2nd IUI this am. Still getting +OPK...so a little worried it was too early. Hoping the sperm lives for awhile.
Lisa-just spoke with my Dr this am too and if this time doesn't work going to IVF.
Hope everyone had a nice day!!!
How are the mommies doing? 😊
My doctor told me he thought that I ovulated later than the home test indicated and ended up changing my due date but said since the sperm stays around for awhile, I was still able to get pregnant. I hope it works out for you as well!
I am doing great! No major complaints which I thankful for!