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Currently in tww



  • njennanjenna Junior Member Junior Member
    Thank you, Janbaby. I was informed that even though all my "parts" are fine and in working order, my AMH levels was 1.75 and my age at now 41 my odds of getting pregnant (using Femera, a trigger shot and ultrasound to scan for eggs) that my odds were 5% each month. To be honest, I had no idea it was that low. I think hearing that it happens for others gave me hope, but I doubt I'm in the 5% group. I really am very, very happy for others but I think I have to walk away from this and it's heartbreaking but I know I'm not alone and that I'll work through it...somehow.

    I also had a friend tell me after I told her my results were negative that she thought it was a bad idea, as no baby should be born knowingly without a father. I told her it was completely inappropriate and inconsiderate for her to share her personal opinion at this time. She apologized but you can't take it back. I took the day off work today and need to get outside now to get some perspective... Thanks again for your thoughts :)
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    I hope this is just the ebb and flow we feel sometimes going thru this process. I hope and pray your dreams will come true very soon.)
    Hugs and kisses to you.
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Jenna, I'm so sorry you're feeling down! Sending hugs your way!
    Congratulations on your transfer Lisa!! Yay, I'm so excited for you!
    Tx, don't think like that. As long as you didn't really strain something, all your walking did was keep you in baby-making shape!
    Congrats Denise!!!! I want a girl so bad I'm trying to adopt one to make sure I get one. So jealous and happy for you!!
    Ok, so yes I know the new donor. He will literally be at my house in a few hours to make the donation. We have done a completely natural cycle and I've been temping and peeing on opks and they say today is the day. We are doing at home ici. Donor's gf has been friends with my wife since they were 5 and he's been offering since before I agreed to try to get pregnant. No romantic overtures, just thinks it's stupid how expensive and complicated it is for lesbians to have a family. Medical is all good. Actually a very healthy family. Private donor insemination agreements haven't held up in SC court in the past, so I'm really nervous, but since our marriage will be legal soon, it shouldn't be too hard to have him terminate parental rights so the "step-parent" can adopt the baby if they won't recognize my wife as the other parent at birth. Crossing fingers and flinging baby dust to you all!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    How's everyone doing? I'm good. Still no symptoms and today is 7dpiui. Here's to another week. Hope it's speedy.

    How are you Lisa? And wasn't there one other person in the tww?

    Denise and Kerri how are you ladies doing?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    My posts are not showing up.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    That one showed up. I have written up to descent posts today that have not shown up. GRR!

    Tx, I am great. We officially announced today on Facebook. We are at the beach and had an airbrushed shirt made for Charlie that said "Big Sister" and she held a sign up on the beach that said "April 2015 I am being promoted."

    How are you doing?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    That's awesome Kerri, in my Facebook announcement I'm taking a picture of my dog with a black board that says I'm going to be a big sister and the date with a pair of baby shoes hanging around her neck. I saw it on Instagram and thought it was cute.

    I'm doing ok. No symptoms or anything. But I don't think that I would already. The suppositories are horrible, but I'm still doing them. I'm still trying to get the insurance company to reimburse the first 3 IUI's. I'm trying to let the dr. office work it out with them to keep myself from stressing but, if I find out next week that I'm not pregnant I will be getting involved. Especially since I'm going to have to take a month off from trying. I'm going to a conference for work and it's going to be right in the middle of trying to do ultrasounds and the IUI so I decided not to try this next cycle. I'm hoping and praying that this is the one that's going to work and I won't have to try anymore. Fingers crossed.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Nikki calls that stuff panty pudding. She had to use it, but I did not have the luxury.

    Fingers crossed you won't need a "next try." I didn't feel anything except sore boobs about 9 or 10 days in which is also a symptom of AF. Who knows... but I am cheering for you!!!
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Tx just joined you and Lisa in the tww. I'm torn about whether or not to use the extra progesterone suppositories from my iui's and if I do, when I should start them. I hate them, but I have noticed shorter periods when AF insists on raining on the baby parade.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Welcome to the tww Moonlit. I'm 8dpiui.

    Really shorter periods? I don't know how much more shorter mine can get, mine only last 3 to 4 days now.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats Moon!
    I starting my progesterone oil shots the day after my transfer. But not sure about the suppositories.
    So I'm 3 days past 5 day transfer... So in iui terms I'm 8dpo. I had dark blood spot in my panties tonight. Not sure what to think. I made a darn promise to my nurse on my 91 year old grandmother I wouldn't test.
    I'm nervous. Last month I spotted for a week before AF. So I don't know if this is that or implantation.
    TWW is soo hard!!
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Hi guys!

    Denise: great news! I am so happy for you.
    Lisa: is your wait the same with IVF? How was your experience ?

    I go back to doctor on Tuesdsy to re group. I switched to the director as I had bad experience during the ectopic w my doc. I have another HSG in the next 6 days or so to make sure that the tube is clear. Fingers crossed it is and there is no scaring. If all is ok I can try mid- November. This has been the hardest 3 months of my life so I am liking the fact I am starting to see the light even a little bit.

    Hoping to have good news to share with you all really soon!
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Lisa - we must have posted at same time... Fingers crossed for you!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Moonlit I had the 2nd iui on Wednesday and the dr told me to start the suppositories Saturday night. I don't know if all dr's are the same, but that's what I did. So I guess it would be 3dpiui.

    Hi Suzi, glad to see you back. I'll say a prayer for your HSG test.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Ny I missed you!! I'm glad to to see your excitement.) fingers crossed on the procedure.)
    I hope for all of us in TWW good news soon!
    Love you all.)
  • krsb16krsb16 Junior Member Junior Member
    Ok, so today was our first attempt with iui, so tww is just starting. Dr had me on 150mg clomid, estradiol and received a noveral injection as well. Feeling a little nervous bc I was so tense during the actual procedure and bled quite a bit. I know most people need to have a few attempts before success but I can't help but wonder if my tension from discomfort is going to be a contributing factor. Have to stay positive and good luck to everyone.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    krsb16, welcome to the group. It will be the longest two weeks of your life for sure but chin up. I cannot imagine that a little extra tension or discomfort is going to have a bearing either way. It will be interesting to see what the others will say!
  • callencallen Member Member
    Hello everyone. Sorry I have been MIA. Struggling it seems with my IVF cycle. Day 7 of stims and my estrogen level was only 66 yesterday. Way too low. Then I started spotting last night like a light period. No wonder my estrogen is low right?? Very worried they are going to cancel this time. Very sad today 😥
    Baby dust for everyone. Miss chatting with you all.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Morning Ladies, how is everyone doing. I still have no symptoms of AF or being pregnant. AF is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I'm really hoping she doesn't show her ugly face. And I test on Wednesday. Here's to three more days!!!

    Lisa when do you test?
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey Guys,
    Callen- I'm sorry things are difficult with the stims. I hope they are getting better.
    Tx- I do beta on Wednesday. Which seems like forever and I'm terrified! And still have small brown spotting x3 days.
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Hugs Callen! I hope your doc finds your margin number to get your estrogen where it has to be!
    I can't believe it's almost time for Lisa and tx to test! So excited. Hoping for happy news for both of you!
    I don't test until next week. Seems like forever away though. I've been extra crampy and had wicked headaches every day. I think my hormones are all sorts of confused after using all those meds and now going off of them. Withdrawals...who'da thunk it?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi ladies. I have a question for those that have taken the progesterone suppositories. I started having yellow discharge today. I've had itching for about a week now. It's not really bad but it's there. Has anyone else had these symptoms while taking these suppositories?
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Yes to the itching. I figured it was the starts of a yeast infection from the extra moisture. Since I didn't get pregnant, it stopped by the end of my period.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Not sure about the discharge because mine is still brown..( but I had itching bad after egg retrieval and still can't figure out what caused it. I used a cold compress and that helped. And then it went away.
    I'm dreading tomorrow.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks ladies, I'm glad I'm not the only one with those symptoms. I'm also dreading tomorrow. I almost think I'm starting to feel like af is coming. :(
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Tx it's hard when I can't understand what I could do differently. I feel like I've prepared myself all day for the negative results. I've stayed soo positive thru this cycle but the last couple days I've def struggled. I'll keep you updated. I do hope and will pray tonight for good news for us both.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck Tx today!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck Lisa and Tx!!!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks Denise. I'll let you guys know around noon
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck to you too Lisa. And thanks Lisa and Denise. I'm so anxious.
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