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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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Currently in tww



  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    That is an EXCELLENT point!!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I don't blame them one bit about being upset and I do think that the sperm bank needs to rectify the situation, but claiming that you have to go out of your way for haircuts and need to move is a little much. I don't know about other clinics but my NP personally asks me every single IUI what my donor number is then she physically shows me the vial.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi ladies, I'm doing well. I went and got the progesterone tonight after work. I will start those on Saturday. I also heard about the sperm mixup and I was also wondering about the precautionary measures that I have to go through. Fairfax always goes over the donor information before placing the order, and once it's delivered to the dr I also have to fill out a donor delivery confirmation form that I have to fill in the donor number on. Then the day I go in for the IUI I also verify the specimen information which includes the donor number and the actual syringe that also has my donor number. It's just confusing that everyone doesn't do this.

    Lisa, so happy for you. Can't wait til you are in the tww with me.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    It's an interesting story. My donor is biracial. Italian and black so it saddens me to hear some if the things being said especially knowing this beautiful child might find out later in life and be terribly hurt. However, I understand it's a very personal and important decision on picking your donor. I hated the thought I might have to pick another donor because they wanted two vials. I was elated they excepted the one. The embryologist did a procedure called isci where they inject the sperm into my eggs. So that I'm sure helped my situation.
    I think the ultimate goal is to be a parent. And the fact that they are now is a blessing. I get it's frustrating they got the wrong donor and that bank needs to fix it's practices so that it won't happen again. But to say this child is going to suffer, be traumatized etc is outrageous. And makes me question if they will ever except her 100%.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Tx- I started my progesterone injections tonight! Are you doing suppository or injection?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    OMG there are injections?!?! I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I would have rathered the injections. I unfortunately got the suppositories. :(
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    What also irritated me about what they said was that they weren't "culturally" prepared to raise a black child. What if your child is born an albino are you "culturally" prepared for that, or any other birth defect etc. All any child needs is unconditional love. I just wonder why this case is becoming public after this child is 2 years old. I understand them suing the bank etc but why wait so long and why does the whole world now know that it was a race issue. I hope that little girl never feels she wasn't ever wanted. So on a positive note so excited to hear about your ladies IVF journeys and praying you get that everything your dream of.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Jan it is a sad thing and I hate to see sperm banks shed in any negative light. Though it warranted in this case but still. People still have soo many misconceptions about sperm donors and banks.
    Tx- I don't know if you want this injection. It was a bit of a challenge tonight. It's a thick oil. I didn't warm it in my bra first so it was difficult to push thru the syringe. I'm hoping tomorrow's attempt goes better. It didn't hurt. I just have to warm it so the oil thins out some. Them message my tush and put a warm pack on it so it dissolves.
    I'm not complaining though. It's all worth it.
    I've been laying around all day and still feel kinda blah. I've taken zofran and Tylenol and that has helped. I'm gonna try and sleep now.
    Kisses go you all!
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    I'm with Tx-I'd rather have the shots. Those suppositories are gross.
    I didn't hear about the sperm incident but my doc office asks me my donor number and have me sign the sheet saying I got the right one after they show me the vial. The bank would literally have to mislabel my vial for it to be screwed up. At this point, I'm realizing what a genetic gamble we play when we pick out a donor, so I don't know why anyone would freak out about a biracial kid. Aren't we all a little biracial these days?
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    So I find out tomorrow morning if the embryo's are doing well and wether they want to transfer them in the morning or put them back in the incubator and transfer Monday morning.
    This part of the process has been very emotional. I've struggled the last couple days with my emotions and not sleeping much. I guess it's just worry.
    Please keep these baby embryos in your prayers.
    Good Night
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm praying for you Lisa!!
  • callencallen Member Member
    Lots of prayers!!!! I have been thinking about you everyday. I start my injections tom night.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you all for the prayers! I'm feeling better. I got the call that the emybies are growing well and they are pushing transfer to 5 day which is Monday! Which is great news! I'll find out tomorrow my Monday transfer time. I was able to take a deep breath after that phone call! I've been soo emotional!
    Tx- how have you been feeling?
    Denise- hows your pregnancy? What's the baby size now? When do you get your blood results back?
    Callen- I'm soo excited for you to start!! It goes by soo fast once you start! What stim med are you taking?
    Thank you again for all your prayers they have worked! I'll keep you updated.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    So I got the call from the nurse. She said all 12 baby emybies are good. My transfer is at 9:00am with dr. Shapiro and I need to arrive at 8:30. And drink 40oz of water one hour before transfer time!!! I'm soo ready!!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Good news Lisa, how many embyies do they transfer?
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    My doc says 2-3. 3 if they look lower quality. I say absolutly no more than 2. The doc doing it is the same doc that got Kerri pregnant. So maybe I'll get her lucky baby dust!
    How are you Jan?
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I hope this round of IVF works for you! I am doing ok just waiting around for AF again. She should be here at the end of this week. Then we will see what the plan is this time.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi everyone!
    Lisa, I will hopefully know the results of the genetic testing either Monday or Tuesday. Fingers crossed!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    On my way to get my babies!!!
    I'm all smiles!!
    I'll send updates.
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Good luck Lisa!! Of course I'm sure the transfer is complete now so I'm sending lots of baby dust your way!!
    Callen good luck starting your meds! Crossing my fingers for no side effects for you!
    Tx how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?
    If we go through with the at insem, it will be tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm really nervous.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Transfer went great! Two embryos put in!! They are beautiful!!
    Moon- so you know the donor. Do you know his medical hx? And will u do iui with it? Sorry I'm so nosey. Please only answer what you comfortable answering.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    My genetic testing came back perfect, no problems!!
    And I found out I am having a GIRL!!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Denise!!!! I'm screaming for you and tears falling!!!!! That's such wonderful wonderful news!!! Congrats I'm soo happy for you and your baby girl!!!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Great news Denise! Congrats on the baby girl!!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Ladies, sorry I've been away all weekend. I'm 5dpiui and I'm not having any symptoms. I went for a walk yesterday with my sister and I was cramping yesterday. Not sure if it was related to the IUI or not. Probably wasn't a very good idea to walk 2.2 miles. Oh way......what's done is done.

    Congrats on your transfer Lisa. So do you have to wait 2 weeks to find out if you are pregnant or is the time frame different?

    Congrats on the baby girl Denise!!! So excited for you.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Since they are 5 days past fertilization I should technically be 5 days in TWW. I go for beta next wed.
    But y'all know me.. I'll test probably this weekend.. lol idk I'm trying to honestly just enjoy the thought of maybe being pregnant.)
    Tx- I was afraid to sneeze because I thought it my strain my uterus and push one of them out. I have to keep reminding myself to relax and Stay positive.
    Thank you all again for thinking of me.
    This seems like such an exciting time for all of us.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    If this try doesn't work for me, I'm going to talk to the dr about IVF. Since my insurance does cover my treatment now.
  • njennanjenna Junior Member Junior Member
    So happy to hear (some of) you ladies are having good vibes and things are progressing well. To the others, I also hear you. I've just received my third AF. That was my third IUI attempt. To be honest, I'm wondering how much is too much? I'm thinking of giving up. Deciding how many times and how far you push is so complicated (not to mention expensive, especially on your own). I'm feeling very sorry for myself today. I do appreciate this forum exists so that I know other women that have experience with what I am feeling. Thank you, ladies for even virtually being there :)
  • njennanjenna Junior Member Junior Member
    This is super, amazing, wonderful news! Congratulations! :)
    D-rizzy wrote: »
    My genetic testing came back perfect, no problems!!
    And I found out I am having a GIRL!!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Njenna, it is hard to decide when to push forward. It is super expensive to pay for everything out of pocket for IUI, and there is no way I could afford IVF. I know IUI can work for me though since I have been pregnant twice now thru it. Waiting this week to start the whole process again for round 7. I have been working on this for 10 months straight now. It's a good thing I have FSA coming back up in January so if I am not pregnant by then I can use that money. So know that others are right there with you.
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