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Currently in tww



  • Beecee007Beecee007 Junior Member Junior Member
    Omg... Congratulations krsb16!!! That is amazing news.

    I'm thinking of testing tomorrow morning with FMU but absolutely terrified to do so.

    Wishing you a smooth 9 months to come :)
  • TrueDisneyLove7312TrueDisneyLove7312 Junior Member Junior Member
    I didn't know where else to go but here... I need to talk to people going through what I am because it's so hard! I will find out on the 30th.... I took an at home pregnancy test this morning the first response one and it said not pregnant. I'm heart broken but still have hope that it was to early �� this was my first iui what a journey! How many times did it take you??
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    I am on my 4th IUI tomorrow. I had a miscarriage after a positive 3rd IUI. We all want it now, but it doesn't work that way for most. Many friends who tried naturally took over a year. Stay positive & try not to let it consume you. I know easier said than done, but try. Good Luck!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I have lost count on how many total IUI's I have had. My son was a result from number three, then I miscarried twins from the fifth IUI. Now I will find out Friday if this last IUI which I think was number 8 or 9. Like CK said try not to get too stressed about it, it's easier said then done, but is much easier to get pregnant when you aren't stressed. Good luck CK and True!
  • TrueDisneyLove7312TrueDisneyLove7312 Junior Member Junior Member
    It was negative ��
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Sorry True :-(
  • DelgadoIMLDelgadoIML Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello everyone, I just wanted to share since I have no one else to talk to about this. I had my first IUI on friday december 26th. I am really nervous and hoping for a BFP. I think my body is playing tricks on me. I been feeling nauseated and dizzy spells but I know its way too soon to be getting symptoms. When should I take a home pregnancy test. Im not scheduled to go in for a pregnancy test till the 21st of January. That feels like a long time to wait. I did my first cycle with injections and trigger shot...
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    DelgadoIML I always went in for a blood test 14 dpiui. The 21st is a really long time. Technically you would have a period way before that date. Unless you are irregular, which I am not and I usually start the same day as my test or the following day. I would say you could test on January 9th.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I agree I always test at 2 weeks, I had my IUI on Saturday the 20th and I test this Friday the 2nd.
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi everyone,
    It's been a long time since I've posted anything on here and I see a lot of new names. I just had my 8th IUI on Dec. 31 and I'm praying it results in a healthy pregnancy. So far all of my IUI's have failed and I haven't ever had a BFP as of yet, boo! Surprisingly, I have a good feeling about this one. I'm using donor sperm, Gonal F injections and Ovidrell. I took my ovidrell shot 24 hours before the IUI and not 36 hrs, so i'm a little nervous about that part of it. The drs said I had one good follicle that measured 19mm, the other follicle I had reached 15mm and then began shrinking. I do have PCOS so I think that makes things a little more challenging at times. I wish I could move on to IVF, but my insurance wont cover it until I have tried 12 times!! GRRR!! Anyways, I wanted to let you guys know that I'm joining you in the tww and I hope we get a lot of good news this try.
  • DelgadoIMLDelgadoIML Junior Member Junior Member
    Yes I did think that was a very long time to wait, I do have PCOS and my period is never on time =(. I think I will take a HPT on the 9th praying for a positive result. Good luck dreamsabc123 and lots of baby dust!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Another BFN :-(
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    I am so sorry Jan 😔
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP yet. I hope next time it will work for you.
  • Beecee007Beecee007 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello everyone,

    Here is hoping the third time is the charm. Had IUI #3 this morning. Had my u/s yesterday and this is the first cycle were I have a 20mm follicle this early on, I was very excited. I've been doing natural cycles, so just letting the body do it's own thing ( I triggered yesterday right after the u/s). Maybe being a little "accustomed" to the procedure is helping me be more relaxed and less stressed about the whole process but for whatever reason I'm ok with it :). So biggest follicle so far, best sperm count so far (I'm using a donor), now I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

    Now starts the longest 2 weeks.

    Baby dust to everyone!!!
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    GRRRRR still not pregnant yet. Another BFN for IUI number 8. I think its time my doctor writes a letter to my insurance company and tries to get them to cover IVF before 12 IUI tries because this clearly isn't working for me.

    Good luck Beecee, I hope this will be your month! Xfingers 4 ya!
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    I'm sorry about the BFN this cycle. On the up side, it means another cycle is starting soon. Good luck.
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well I spoke to the nurse that has been handling my case. She thinks IVF is next for me if I want it, which I do. Kinda scary though! I never thought I would be doing IVF!! The problem is getting my insurance to cover it because so far they haven't been covering anything until I reach 12 failed IUI's. The nurse thinks it's likely we can get them to agree to cover it sooner though due to medical reasons. So I'm not going to try this cycle, but instead just relax and focus on being healthy. I need to setup an appointment for an IVF over view and then after that an appointment with my regular RE. After that they will submit the petition for the IVF to the insurance company. I'm not sure how long all of this will take, but I have faith it will work out and I guess that's the important part.
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    Well, I wish you the best with your insurance. I just switched insurance companies. The new one is supposed to cover IUIs. My job doesn't offer an insurance that covers IVF. I will get my first IUI this month. My cycle is supposed to start tomorrow. I'm am so excited. I had some setbacks. I started this process last June.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    It has been a year this month for me since I started trying to have my 2nd baby. After this IUI cycle using the same donor, I think I am going to switch donors. I have been using non-quality ICI vials from the same donor as my son. Non-quality might not sound good but I got pregnant with my twins with less than 2.5 mil, so that's why I have been going that route But considering the money I have been paying out it is wiser to go with a quality IUI vial I think. I pray that someday these crooked insurance companies cover fertility, it will be too late for me but I hope women in the future won't have to be heartbroken because they can't afford all of this. Here's why I keep pushing ahead though..I already have one blessing from this process and he will be 2 years old tomorrow :-)
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    Jan- You're little boy is sooooo stinking cute!! I hope I have a lil blondey! I hope you're next try will work out for you. I agree that it's sad that this process is so expensive that many woman don't even try it. I think I might be having luck with my insurance company. It's not healthy for me to carry more than one baby because of my heart conditions, so for that reason IVF is a better choice for me. My only options are to increae my dose of injectible mediciine (which I'm already taking a moderate dose of) and continue to do IUI and have the risk of carrying more than one baby or do IVF. My doctors are afraid to increase my medicine at this point so they think the insurance will agree and cover IVF. I have an appointment next week for an IVF class and then the following week with my RE. After that they are submitting the letter to the insurance explaining everything and why it's no longer a healthy choice for me to keep trying IUI. I'm praying they listen and I can go ahead with IVF. After so many failed IUI's it gets a bit discouraging. I really hope IVF will be the solution for me.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks Dreams! Looks like I have to skip this cycle for some reason my follicles were too small this time, I have never had that problem. I have had quite a few times with too many follies, hopefully soon we can get this figured out. :-)
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just curious, has anyone heard from Lisa? LposH? We heard about her first beta, but nothing after....that has been over a month ago.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I was just wondering about you and Lisa and how things were going. How far along are you now Kerri?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    I am 26 weeks today. :) I think I posted that we are having a boy as well. Feeling great and other than the nasty heartburn and not being able to sleep on my stomach, I have no complaints.

    How is everyone else holding up? Janbaby, how are you?
  • LisaAtl7LisaAtl7 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey Guys,
    It's Lisa I had to change my screen when I changed my password. This forum is hard for to get on. I'm doing good! Im 9 weeks pregnant today.) I im nervous everyday something is going to happen.( I want to enjoy the pregnancy. I was actually pregnant with twins but lost baby b on Tuesday. I'm doing okay. Baby a is measuring well. And had strong heartbeat of180. I'll try to add pics.
    Love you ALL.
  • LisaAtl7LisaAtl7 Junior Member Junior Member
  • callencallen Member Member
    Hey everyone!!! I have been wondering about Lisa as well. I have no good news yet. My Dr thinks I have diminished ovarian reserve...this is why I was never able to produce more than 2 nice size follicles at time of retrieval for IVF. So all 3 of my IVF has been canceled. I am on a break until March. Not sure to proceed or not.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Kerri, your pregnancy is flying by! I am hanging in there, not supposed to start my next period till the 1st but for some reason I am spotting but not a full blown period. Not sure what the heck is going on, I have had my ovarian reserve checked so I am good there, but as I get older I worry about this wacky period and small follicles this cycle.
    Lisa sorry about Baby B, but so glad Baby A is doing well. I have my little sono pics of Baby A and Baby B that I have tucked away still so they will never be forgotten. I also have a pair of angel wings in a locket to remember them.
  • texasgirltexasgirl Junior Member Junior Member
    hi all can i join, i am in my 2ww with donor 2796 :)
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