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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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  • madlub143madlub143 Junior Member
    I think we decided on using donor 4189 instead, since he's CMV neg. We've been on the waiting list for quite a while, so hopefully he'll have availability soon!
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    Silly question... but with the % of people who would test positive fort CMV... I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, if you were tested (I was not), and you are negative, did you test your spouse? This isn't something ppl worry about when getting pregnant "the old fashion way".
  • madlub143madlub143 Junior Member
    You are exactly right. However when speaking with my doctor, he mentioned that there are risks associated with using a CMV positive donor if you are CMV negative. There is a chance that the fetus could contract the virus, and there is a possibility that there could be some pretty severe complications that could be avoided by us simply using a CMV negative donor. Because of this, he refuses to inseminate CMV negative patients with CMV positive donor sperm. I totally understand, so it made the decision simple.
  • tillietillie Member Member
    The issue is when CMV is contracted the first time during or at the outset of a pregnancy. Most couples, if one partner is CMV positive and the other is negative, transmit the disease well before a pregnancy would occur. Then the woman, if she is the one who came into the couple negative, would have built up the antibodies and have no issue later when she becomes pregnant. This is how I understand it. If you are using donor sperm, get yourself tested before you buy the sperm and if you're negative go ahead and pick a negative donor, unless you want to roll the dice on something so significant. If you are CMV positive, then I don't think there is any benefit of picking a negative donor. My clinic makes you sign a waiver if you decide to use a positive donor when negative because of the seriousness of the risk.
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    I guess just another case of things being different and less forward planning here in a smaller town. I don't think they tested me - just did a regular pre-pregnancy blood panel. Nothing was ever said or asked... I guess the best way to put it is they are treating me like I've figured everything out on my own. Kind of frustrating.
  • aggiebabyaggiebaby Member Member
    Hey ladies. Well I found out through genetic testing that I am missing 3 chromosomes. The nurse did not have much knowledge on the implications of this finding and is referring me to a genetic counselor. She did say that as we age, we lose chromosomes. I had no idea! But she did say that at my age of 33, this is an abnormal loss and would only be seen in a much older woman. I am just devastated. I don't even know what to say or do. I am still in shock. Just wanted to let you know that my losses with donor 2976 are most likely my problem.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Oh Aggiebaby! Im so sorry! When do you have the appt with genetic counselor? Good luck. Try not to freak out too much until u speak to counselor. I know its hard not to...:(
  • tillietillie Member Member
    Oh I'm so sorry to hear this but absolutely wait until you speak to the expert to understand the significance. It may or may not be what you think. Please keep us informed. I had never heard of this - missing chromosomes in the female or losing them as you age - and would love to be more informed about this and understand whether I should get testing. I did not do the genetic testing. I always guessed that it would tell you if you had an abnormal gene, not that you could be missing things.
  • aggiebabyaggiebaby Member Member
    UPDATE - I was having a really hard time understanding how I could be missing 3 chromosomes and still be alive. So I went and got a copy of the report. The report says that I am missing one of the sex chromosomes in some of my cells but the others are normal with all 46 chromosomes. It appears that the diagnosis will be Mosaic Turner Syndrome. The encouraging thing is that some woman have gone on the have healthy babies. A possibility for us would be IVF with PGD. Pre-implantation Genetic diagnosis is where they take cells from the embryos to ensure that they are normal before placing them in the uterus. So I have some hope again! I also have two other mutations - MTHFR and another that can cause clotting problems. We meet with the genetic counselor tomorrow at 3 pm. Will keep you posted!
  • paulml02paulml02 Junior Member Junior Member
    Does anyone know the total motile count for donor 2976?? The last I checked there was only 1-5 pregnancies reported for him, which seems odd because there had to be 150+ vials sold. I was hoping maybe the numbers would be a little higher. Does anyone know if there is documentation that comes with the sperm to let us know what the count is, or do our individual physicians do that? Thanks!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    your individual doctor will give you the numbers the day of the IUI. It can't be done before because they are frozen. Fairfax has a minimum percentage posted on the website and if after dethaw the numbers are not to their expectations they will give you refund. I think that the numbers sometimes depend on the clinic because some of the numbers that people are posting seem really high for frozen specimens. But ask your doctor and they can explain the numbers to you.

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Paulml02 - just reviewed old said 15 million and another said 21.3 million. I had iui with this donor on monday and his number was 61 million with 35% motility pre-wash. RE said that post-wash estimated 17 million. So he was satisfied.
  • paulml02paulml02 Junior Member Junior Member
    Awesome, thank you very much! Good luck with your TWW! :)
  • aggiebabyaggiebaby Member Member
    We had our meeting with the genetic counselor today. She basically said that the chance of us having a baby girl with Turner Syndrome is 50%. She believes that Baby Mennel (our first m/c) most likely was a girl and had Turners because of the large cystic hygroma. Given this information, we will most likely move onto IVF with PGD (genetic testing of the embryos). The likelihood of having a healthy baby girl is much lower than having a baby boy. She said that I am at no higher risk for other chromosomal abnormalities such as Trisomy 18 or 21, which was good.

    I will be going through an evaluation and a battery of tests to ensure there are no other health problems from the mosaicism. There are several cardiovascular conditions related to Turner Syndrome that can present problems during pregnancy as well as later in life.
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    It seems like what one person 'gets' in a sample never guarantees the next. My second sample of 2976 ended up getting refunded as my doctor said she didn't see much moving. As to getting numbers... my doctor does not do that, she only looks at it under the microscope so that too differs from clinic to clinic. Of course, if we have another bad batch they'll need to send more information for me to qualify for a refund.

    I noted today that 2976 is out of IUI and ICI... I guess I only have my one other selection left and he's down to just IUI specimens left (but for how long). That could definitely put a crimp on my progress.

    Aggiebaby... it sounds like you've had some really heavy hits in the past few weeks. Just keep looking for those silver linings as you are. I know you'll find your way to the baby you so greatly desire.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just curious if anyone is still using this donor? It sounds like most of you have moved on to other donors. Im in my 2ww with just wondering...good luck everyone!
  • aggiebabyaggiebaby Member Member

    We are still using 2976. We will do our first IVF in July. Keep us posted!!! How many more days till you test???
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    wonderful news, aggiebaby! i'm really going to try to hold off on taking the pregnancy test early....i always cave and take it really early a few times. so i'll wait until my 2 weeks is up, which is july 4th! i'll keep you all posted!!!
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    Fingers crossed for word from you tomorrow maria2.

    I have not written off this donor, however, at present he's showing as unavailable in IUI or ICI preps.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Unfortunately, it was a no! :( I'll try one more time (I have one more vial of 2976) and then re-evaluate everything....just trying to deal with things. Such mixed emotions...feeling my body has failed me and then so sad that I waited this long...I'm trying to stay hopeful....Best of luck to you ladies.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm so sorry! I can relate about the mixed emotions and feeling like your body has let you down. Give yourself some time to grieve, its normal and perfectly all right! It will happen for you just give it some time! I second guess myself all the time for waiting but there was a reason I waited aslong as I did and there are reasons you waited too. This just means we will appreciate our kids that much more when they arrive and they will arrive! Take a deep breath and now that my thoughts and prayers are with you! I am sending lots of hugs and baby dust your way.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Maria I'm very sorry that this wasn't your month. After my third medicated IUI didn't work, I became very angry and full of regret. So many unhealthy thoughts raced through my mind especially during idle moments. It took me to an all time low and I didn't emerge for several weeks. Then I remembered someone once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting something different. My first thought was hell no I'm not insane :o That just means we need to change up the plan and push forward from a different prospective. Don't let this challenging journey defeat you. Remember it WILL happen! Please be encouraged and know we are all here for you as you move forward. Good luck!

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you Robin and Moe!! Im feeling better today. Was just so disappointed on Tuesday. I am trying to stay hopeful! Baby dust to you all! I am so glad I have all you ladies to help!! I have my family and friends, but its wonderful to have all of you too! Good luck to you ladies!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Glad I can be here for you. This forum has really been helpful during this whole experience! It helps to be able to talk to all of you about everything that's going on because all of you understand! Keep the positive thoughts flowing and here's to august being our bfp's!!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Per Fairfax Moderator: "Donor 2976 was added to the Fairfax Cryobank catalog in the spring of 2010."
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Still no one reporting their pregnancies/birth with donor #2976????
  • sweetpeasweetpea Member Member
    I am currently in my 2ww with this donor. This is my second unmedicated IUI. I had an ultrasound before this IUI that confirmed one large follie (19) and the doc said I was ready anytime. I surged at day 12, which is early, but the doc said I looked really ready when we went in for the procedure. The first go around the count was 8 mil and this time it was 14 mil. I did do accupuncture this go around the day before and after the IUI. I do feel different in this 2ww than the last time. A couple of days after the IUI, I just felt bigger all over and for the first time, my boobs hurt (not sensitive at all in that area normally). I keep taking tests that are all BFN and I go in on Monday for the blood test. I will report back on Monday.
  • sweetpeasweetpea Member Member
    Well, I got a BFN on my test today and I just found out that my doctor will no longer accept my insurance starting next month. :cry: What to do now?
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Huge bummer sweat pea. I'd find another doctor who takes my ins. Wish mine would pay. This is all gonna be out of pocket for me...ouch!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Sweetpea, has AF come yet? Could u still b in waiting period??? I'm still hopeful! Also, what city do u live? Maybe u can another doc who takes your insurance?
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