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2 week wait

jl2011jl2011 Member Member
I had my first IUI on 4/4/ I still have one more day to go and I'll be halfway through with one week down! I have blood work scheduled for Monday, 4/11 and then I should start my period a week later if it was unsuccessful. Does anyone have any advice or signs to look for? This 2 week wait is killer!


  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    Well, my body didn't make me wait the full two weeks. My period came earlier than expected, giving me an answer the day I would have been able to test anyhow. At the same time I told people a week or so ago even that my gut said I wasn't.

    All in all, I'd say, try to relax and not look for too much... or you'll start to think you have all kinds of symptoms.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I agree with Sibemom...don't think about it too much. I got a little obsessed with reading about all the early signs of pregnancy and made myself a little nuts. ;) just try to stay busy and relax...although it's so hard to do. I'm keeping my finger crossed for you!!!! Good luck! Hopefully you will have some good news for us!
  • K22sMomK22sMom Junior Member Junior Member
    I agree with the PP also. I went into it not expecting anything - especially on the first try - as my doctor said that IUI takes an average of 5-6 times before it takes. I didn't drive myself crazy looking for signs, that's for sure, especially when I started my usual spotting that leads up to my period after being a couple of days late. I was disappointed at first, but was surprised when the spotting didn't progress into my normal period. It was only then that I decided to test, still not expecting anything, to find a positive. To tell you the truth, I experienced none of the pregnancy symptoms beforehand, or even for a few weeks after. It's different for everyone, so don't put too much stock in that list of early symptoms. I was lucky and got it on the first try, so there is hope. Good luck, and don't stress yourself out too much!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    The first 2ww for me was agonizing.... I did the stupid thing and drove myself crazy with the internet... I will definately not do that this time! I also told everyone for the first IUI.... won't do that either. It was too hard telling them that it didn't work. My first IUI didn't work although, I really thought it had :( Than I had to take a month off becasue I had a large cyst on the one ovary I still have. I am currently on day 4 of my cycle and am on 100 mg of clomid. I go in on May 6th, for an ultrasound and my trigger shot and could possibly do the IUI on the 7th. Is anyone out there on the same cycle or close? I'm going to try not to think about it this time but I know it will be hard. good luck to you all!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm in my first 2ww. I did IUI on Easter Sunday and end my 2ww on Mother's Day (May 8). I'm praying it is auspicious. My period would normally be due on May 4 (Wed). I'm going nuts.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Good luck to you! I had my second IUI today. So, I'm in my 2ww. I won't be looking anything up online. I won't be doing any testing. I'm going to be completely normal and hope these next two weeks go by quickly. I hope you get good news!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I've been watching a lot of movies!!! :lol: Good luck! :D
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Just wanted a little company during my TWW. I had my third round of IUIs on Mon May 9 and Tues May 10. Had two maybe three mature follies on Clomid 50mg. I have a beta blood test on Mon May 23.

    Anyone else testing around the same time? I don't think I will make myself crazy peeing on sticks and imagining symptoms that could be as a result of the trigger shot and progesterone suppositories. :-(

    Cautiously waiting and hoping for sticky baby dust!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    hey moewhit,

    Im on my 2ww also but im alittle ahead of ya...had my 2nd IUI May I can go in for my blood test on Tuesday....this wait has been tough...i feel different then last time but i dont know if that is good news....just got my progesterone test results back 58.45 so its good news but of course says nothing about if im pregnant or really only pregnancy symptom is i wake up at 5:30 every morning having to pee really bad which is not like me but that could just be from the trigger.....besides that i dont feel pregnant...good luck to you!!!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I'm in my 2ww from second IUI. I had mine on May 2nd. So, I'm coming to the end of mine. I noticed an increase in going to the bathroom to pee one both...I think its the meds and the shot. I had two mature follies. I haven't been driving myself crazy...but I did take a test and it was negative. So, I'm not expecting good news.
    My progesterone level was way lower though. I had my blood test this past monday exactly one week after the IUI. They said they look for anything greater than 5 and my first IUI my progesterone level was 12 and this time it was 15.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Manda and jl2011, how exciting for you! Its way too early to have any preggo symptoms. Just stay positive. I'm sending well wishes and lots of baby dust! Please post your updates :-) the movie Knocked Up just came on. Going to watch it now. Very funny!!
    Good Luck!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    jl2011my doc told me anything more then 10 is good so i wouldnt worry about those means you ovulated and thats numbers were so high because i had 7 follicles...only 4 got to size but the more follicles you have the higher your progesterone could try not to worry...i def know its hard to stay positive but im trying
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I am on the exact same cycle! I had my second iui on May 9th. I test on the 24th. This time around I am not driving myself carzy trying to read something into everything. I am just trying to tell myself that it will happen when it is supposed to and that works most of the time. I feel calmer this time around and an not as anxious, not sure what this means but I will take it! I am hoping that since it was around mother's day that it is a good sign. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way and here's to hoping that on the 23 and 24 we find out that we are both pregnant!

  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Robin that's so cool, we are cycle buddies! I feel exactly the same way as you. I'm not reading into any symptoms this time since it may be a result of my trigger shot and progesterone suppositiories. I'm much less anxious than my previous 2 attempts. You are right! It will happen when it's supposed to!
    As always lots of sticky baby dust and positive thoughts are sent your way! Looking forward to your updates :-)
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    I tested this morning (10dpo) and got a negative :( ....i know there is still a chance and Im hoping for that but Im going to stop worrying and testing and just wait to see if AF comes....if it doesnt then I will test again....good luck to everyone!!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    It is so stressful and it is so hard NOT to take a test. I took all three test starting on about the 6th day post IUI because of a post I read on here from a girl that took it on the 6th day and it was positive. Then...I took two more probably around the 8th and 10th day. Both were negative too. Those tests along will stress you out. It's not worth the extra worry just to try to "find out" early. Not all of us are the same...just because we got negatives super early doesn't mean it wasn't successful. I'm still hoping for myself and for you! I should start by Sunday. No more tests! :D
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    I agree completely about testing early. My doctor told me that a lot of her patients have gotten a negative when testing early and were infact pregnant. I promised her this month I would hold out the full two weeks. I am hoping my will power will stay strong around day 10. That's when I seem to cave every month. Haha. I wish you all success and peace in your two weeks. Charlotte
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    My first IUI didn't work :( I'll be trying again around the 26th May. I made sure that I don't have any tests in the house for this round. I'm not going to drive myself nuts! I took a test on day 11 last time and it was negative. AF was then two days later than expected but I was going crazy for those two days. Progesterone was 9.2

    Good luck everyone!
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    It's interesting to me to see how different people's attempts go... for example, the comment on going in for a blood test at 2 weeks. Nothing was scheduled for me after my attempt - I didn't ask for one, but it just seemed like my office is a wait and see type of place. They never called or checked in and had no clue I wasn't other than the fact that I just called (a month and a half after my previous attempt) to schedule my second attempt.

    I'll just be happy if my doctor is actually there to do it this time, last time they couldn't find her and I ended up with a midwife performing the IUI once they realized my doc was in surgery. *sigh*
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    sibemom, for my first IUI I had to wait while my doctor was in surgery. So, basically, I was sitting there waiting nervous I was going to have it too late since I had my HCG shot at 7:30 on a Saturday morning and here it was 9:30 Monday morning...a full 50 hours later. Every minute counted! It was unsuccessful.

    Here I am after my second attempt...and I started today. So, it was unsuccessful as well. I'd love to hear other's thoughts on this. I'm thinking about taking a month off and also using a different donor but I'm nervous it won't help me to start fresh all over again on the meds rather than just trying again back to back to back for the third time. I'd rather wait to see if my cycle will change so I don't have to have the HCG shot on a Saturday morning and the IUI on a Monday morning. I keep starting on a Sunday which means my IUI at fifteen days later will fall on a Monday. I'm just so frustrated and confused.
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    jl2011 Im sorry to hear that AF came today...Im waiting for mine to come as is when its due but tomorrow is 2 weeks from my IUI so it could still come then...i am WAY to scared to test because I dont want to see another negative =( yes it seems like your IUIs are really doc wants them at about 35 hours but did my 2nd one after 22 hours because my follicles were so big...BUT if i felt it correctly i think I ovulated for both about 44 hours (i could be wrong) so if I have to try again im going ask that its done no earlier then 36 hours

    As for taking a month off I did between my first and second IUI and it didnt hurt at all.....i had one follicle the first time and i had 7 the second so I dont think taking a month off was a bad thinking i will take another month off before I try again if this one didnt work but im still undecided about that...if you think thats what you need then i would do know yourself the best
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    Well AF came for me too so I didnt have to test again....everyone keeps saying "you can have your period when your pregnant"....that is just not what i need right not need to get my hopes up AGAIN so I just try to ignore it....try again in a month....i always have to skip a month because I cant do it emotionally....good luck to all tho!!!
  • Leslie_NLeslie_N Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi everybody! I had my first IUI on May 6 (Day 17) and AF came yesterday. I spent the last two weeks googling "early pregnancy symptoms" like a crazy person, but I think I've learned my lesson. Disappointed, but not discouraged.

    I'm skipping next month because I'll be out of town, but I hope to try again late June/early July. Just wanted to check in and say hello and wish everyone luck!

    I'm 42 years old and so happy and excited to have finally made up my mind to try to have a baby on my own!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Good luck Leslie!

    After two months of failed IUI's I have decided to take a month off. :( It was what I needed. But, that doesn't make it better or easier for me. I am still having a tough time with it. But, I think I needed a little break emotionally. And, to make everything better, my insurance denied the ultrasound claims so I got a nice big fat medical bill in the mail today for all the ultrasounds. Lovely. My insurance hasn't paid for any of it. But, I'm going to figure this whole thing out and keep moving forward. And, in the meantime, I'm going to finish this one drink I have allowed myself tonight (after all it is my month off) and watch the rest of Private Practice. :D
    One day at a time.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    I'm 12DPIUI and just got a BFN on a Clear Blue digital. Tomorrow is my beta and I'm sure it will be negative for the third time! I am really discouraged about this entire process. All this time, effort, and out of pocket $ for nothing. I will probably have to do injections but don't have any coverage for that and my insurance sucks.
    Why is it that a drug addict in an alley with zero healthcare can get pregnant with little effort??? I'm healthy and take great care of my well-being but zero?!

    Just so very frustrated...
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    I am dealing with the same thing moewhit...its not fair its so easy for people that cant take care of their children or dont even care to have really frustrates me as insurance sucks too and really i only have one more try that they will cover (very little of to begin with) because i have a 3 IUI lifetime max...i dont want to do injectables because i dont want to do it and because of the will be atleast 3000 out of pocket up front for me to go that looking into new docs because my current one will not put me on estrace to help with my lining while on clomid or put me on femera plus her nurse is very mean and shes the person I normally have to deal with...hopefully I have time to figure all this during this month im skipping
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Manda210, thanks for your message. Where are you going for your current treatment? I'm in Philly and have been driving all the way to Shady Grove Fertility in Maryland. My beta was negative TODAY and I told the doctor that I can't do injectibles AND drive round trip almost 200 miles everyother day for monitoring. I asked if he could suggest one in Philly. Although my doc said he didn't want to lose me, he told me to go to Main Line Fertility (I can't remember the actual docs name so I will have to call him back). I really hope that if I change facilities they can share my records and I don't have to incurr all of the initial fees. I know I will have to save up a few months before I can do the injectibles because as you noted in your post it ain't cheap :x

    Hope you are hanging in there!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    I go to geisinger in WilkesBarre but im going to look into a place in NY a friend of mine goes to....both are over an hour drive for hoping to find a doc that will listen to me...i know its going to take more time then i planned and i might have to skip a few months but i hope it works out for both of us!
  • tryinalonetryinalone Junior Member Junior Member
    I am literally laughing right now.I know your pain!
    I am a high school teacher looking at numerous pregant teens everday. I have made many jokes to myslef about the kids getting more action than me....
    I have spent thousands, tried so hard, wanted it so bad... And on the other side of that I also deal with many parents that make me ask... "why not me, I know I could do better"... All in time I guess.
    Moe, I just exhaled :)
    Also, Moe - I live next to Shady Grove but looked for a personal doctor that would provide fertitlity treatment.
    I found a small practice with only 2 doctors, much more personal treatment (I have several friends that have used Shady Grove), although I do feel gulity when I have to make one of them come in on a weekend :) And cheaper.
    I used my insurance to help me locate some doctors (so that anything that could be covered, would i.e. consult, some blood work, and recent HSG test) and then researched the doctors online from there.
    Maybe you could find a smaller practice in Philly?!?
    Good Luck!!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I too feel everyone's pain. Today was my day to test and I got a BFN :cry: I really felt very positive this time around. I was relaxed and did not drive myself crazy looking things up. (I learned my lesson the first time around just like you Leslie, so don't feel bad!) I felt different this time, I had some cramping and really thought that it had worked but no luck. I have to take a month off in between becasue my body does not let me go each month, I developed a cyst after the last try and am sure when I have the ultrasound after I start my AF, it will again show that I have a cyst! I just feel it! this is something that I am going to talk to the doctor about and I am also going to ask about injectables.... obviously I need to ask about cost because I can't afford 3000 dollars. I am fortunate though, I do have really good insurance and am hoping that will pick up a lot of the cost but who knows.

    I have lots of family and some of their friends that have no problem getting pregnant and then don't appreciate their children..... So I try to appreciate them. I will get them gifts at christmas and if I am out shopping and their is a cute sturdy pair of shoes on clearance, I will pick them up for them. I try to let them know that there is someone out there that cares about them..... I would really like to have a child of my own to care for though too!

    So I guess I will wait for AF, talk to the doc about different meds as each time I have had only one follicle (I do only have one ovary, so I don't expect lots but more than one would be nice). I will exhale, remind myself taht it will happen when it is upposed to and try not to obsess about it too much. ;)

    thank you Ladies for being here to listen and respond. My sister is great and so are my friends but they don't understand exactly what I am going through and you guys do!

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