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2 week wait



  • manda210manda210 Member Member

    I hope that i have the same luck as you!! this is my 3rd IUI first one was 50 clomid the last 2 were 100...I REALLY hope this is the last 2ww for all of us and we all get BFPs!!!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    One week more to go. Hoping for a positive after the 3rd IUI. Hoping for positives for everyone else too! Our luck has to turn around soon right?
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    jl2011 wrote:
    One week more to go. Hoping for a positive after the 3rd IUI. Hoping for positives for everyone else too! Our luck has to turn around soon right?

    Good luck and I hope that you get your BFP soon :D
  • aaskaask Junior Member
    Good luck jl2011!!!!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    Good Luck!! Im hoping 3rd times a charm for us!!
  • aaskaask Junior Member
    Good luck to you, manda210!!!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    So BFN yesterday and got my period today. :( So sad...really thought this 3rd time was going to be it. I feel so disappointed and feel upset that my body has failed me. I have been so responsible my whole life...and now feel I've waited too long waiting for prince charming...and my baby. But I really am trying to stay hopeful....
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    The baby will come....... prince charming (I'm not sure ;) ) Being responsible isn't bad but I understand second guessing yourself, I'm doing the same thing. The trait of being responsible will come in handy when your baby comes! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way along with some sticky baby dust! August will be the month!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So ladies I know this about the tww but I had to vent. All weekend my sister in law has been making comments like, who wants a baby and I think I may be pregnant. Now she knows I am trying and is very supportive of it but she also knows that I am experiencing a set back right now. So while I am at work and before my final in my class my brother texts me TODAY to ask for the name of my obgyn! I am not angr that she is pregnant just very disappointed that it isn't me. I am trying not to let the green monster get ahold of me but I can't or I should say at this point won't. Believe that she didn't plan this in some way. Since I began talking about having a baby all of a sudden she wants another. The baby was not planned at least by my brother but I have suscpicions about her. Maybe I am just being overly sensitive and jealous. Why can some people find it so easy to get pregnant and some of us run into the difficulties that we have? I know another reminder that I am not in charge! Thanks for listening or should I say reading! It helps just to put it out here!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member

    Sorry about what your brother and SIL are putting down. That's a little insensitive especially since they know your situation. Not that they needed your approval to have a child but I honestly think there was a better way of asking for the OB info and also her announcing she might be pregnant. Don't worry though, you can come here and vent anytime.

    I do think you're on the right path though checking things out with your doctor and getting a plan to move forward. It can take some tweaking but as long as you're willing to put in the work you will get your pay:) Keep your chin up girl!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks, I am feeling much more positive today just needed to cry and moan yesterday and scream a little! :o I am definately in this for the duration and will do what is needed for that bfp! One week is down and one more to go before my next doc appointment, hoping af doesn't come before it! I hope I get a plan of action! My grad class is over :D so less stress and am planning to take a vacation soon to help with the stress even more! The evil side of me says take my neices and nephew to kings island(sil can't come cuz she can't ride anything) hehe. I know evil right? But also lots of fun for me and the kids..... have to do it before my next tww though!
    You are always so positive and uplifting!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Anyone else currently in the 2ww? I had my fourth IUI on the 7/23. Just seeing if anyone out there is doing the same waiting game along with me? I had my highest #'s this time! 43.4 million swimmers post wash. Doctor said the numbers were outstanding. My follicles looked good. Keeping my fingers crossed this time ladies!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm also in my 4th 2ww (IUI). Fingers crossed. Really hope this time in the charm. If not, I move onto injectibles for August. I really want to avoid that if I can!

    I'm also starting acupuncture this week in the hope that it might make a difference.

    Baby dust and good luck to all
  • Cmartin6706Cmartin6706 Junior Member
    We had our 3rd IUI done on the 23rd too.

    This time my wife was on injectables. We had good follies. Two at ~18.5 and two that were close behind, but too hidden by the other two large ones to get a good measurement. Also, we had a 13 on the other side. The injectables had the follies growing 6mm in two days, so it's likely we had a few really good ones.

    Our numbers were even better than last time 50.78million post wash with 100% motility. The nurse was in shock....said that the number was incredible. With 2+ to 3+ movement which is average to better than average sperm movement.

    We triggered 18hr before the IUI which was 6hrs earlier than the previous two. My wife had major cramping and pain in the ovaries about two - three hours after the IUI. The pain stopped suddenly about an 1hr or less later. She is pretty sure that was ovulation especially since there were so many follies which would likely be more painful.

    Even though this is only 2pdiui and everything seemed really good....we aren't too positive. We had prayer done for us at Church on Sunday and two people confirmed the words we'd been hearing from will come in patient and wait. Agh!

    Who knows....we could be pregnant for sure....but we won't know for a while. We have to wait our clinic doesn't do bloodwork on Sat or Sun.
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    I hope you and your wife have a successful cycle this go around. I do have a question on your numbers. I spoke with fairfax after a round that got reimbursed for poor quality. They told me that every dr gives different numbers and yours seem drastically higher. You keep saying 100%motility? All the other donors seem to be somewhere btw35-55% and it is making me think there is something wrong with the samples I have gotten. Also when you say that you had 50 million it's not consistent with what fairfax told me is in these vials. Is this per ml or the actual amount that where in your vial? I just wish that there was one true way for these doctors to report sperm counts because it's very discouraging to think your vials have 100% motility with 50million sperm and my highest was 19 million mobile sperm which was 40%. Just to be clear that vial would have had 89 million sperm if it were a full ml. I just want to make sure we understand what your posting so nobody is getting discouraged. We all know how important it is to be positive in this journey.
  • Cmartin6706Cmartin6706 Junior Member
    I totally agree that these number reporting thing is really confusing.

    I don't mean or want to get anyone worried about their own cycle numbers. Based on the way my doc reports them to me these were great numbers.

    Here is the info straight from our paperwork....let me know if this helps.

    Post Wash Values:
    Volume - 1.0ml
    Concentration - 98.5 Million/ml
    Motility - 51.5% Progressive
    Total Motile Count - 50.73 Million
    Preparation - Pre Washed (as ordered from bank)

    Pre-wash Normal Values
    Volume - 2-5ml
    Concentration - >20 million/ml
    Motility - >50%
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you for the clarification. Just so you know based on my conversation with fairfax this week the numbers are based on 1ml but that is not what is in the vials. Each vial from fairfax is approx .5 ml. My doctor would have reported these numbers at there true values of half a ml which would be 25 million mobile sperm ( which is great) and the motility was 50%. This is why it's so hard to hear everybody posting different sperm counts that are so different.

    Thanks for your help. It was very kind of you to clarify. I will say a prayer for you and your wife this Sunday. Good luck.
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Good luck anne72, hopefulchar, and cmartin6706! I hope this is the month for us all!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    thank you so much! Good luck to you as well.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    jl2011 wrote:
    Good luck anne72, hopefulchar, and cmartin6706! I hope this is the month for us all!

    Thanks. 5 days left. Good luck to all
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, my 4th IUI (no meds) worked :D

    I got a BFP on 4 Aug and the blood test confirmed it. My HCG and Progesterone were a bit low. I'm now on Progesterone supplements. I went in for a 2nd blood test on the 6th. HCG numbers were going up. I have a third test tomorrow. I'm starting to feel like a pin-cushion and, since I'm a tough stick, my arms are sporting lovely bruises.

    So now I ask for your prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy!

    Wishing all of you good luck as well.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thats awesome news Anne!!! Can u give us idea of what u did do this cycle since u didn't use meds? For us still trying and going! :)
  • JanetMIJanetMI Junior Member Junior Member
    Congratulations Anne! I will pray for happy and healthy 9 months for you and baby!

    I am 9dpiui. Please keep those fingers crossed!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks everyone, your prayers are appreciated.

    I did two sessions of acupuncture during my 2ww and am going again today. My acupuncturist specialises in fertilty. Otherwise, just went in for the IUI after a POAS Ovulation test and ultrasound. I've been eating very healthy and taking folic acid and a multivitamin.
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats Anne! Glad it worked out for you! You'll have to keep us updated!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm sorry to be the bearing of bad news, but today I went in for a follow-up ultrasound after they didn't see a heartbeat at 6.5 weeks. Still no heartbeat at 7 weeks, so therefore, the pregnancy is not viable. I will be having a D&C and then I can start trying again in October.

    I'm wishing better luck for all you!

    Baby dust and blessings
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Oh Anne I am so sorry to hear your news. I can't imagine how sad you must feel. I will be lighting a candle thi week for you! Thoughts and prayers!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I am so sorry for you! Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I too will be lighting a candle for you and your baby. If you need to talk know that we are all here for you! If there are any encouraging words you need to hear you know we will all be here to support you.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    I'm sorry to be the bearing of bad news, but today I went in for a follow-up ultrasound after they didn't see a heartbeat at 6.5 weeks. Still no heartbeat at 7 weeks, so therefore, the pregnancy is not viable. I will be having a D&C and then I can start trying again in October.

    I'm wishing better luck for all you!

    Baby dust and blessings
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how heartbreaking this can be. To go through all these cycles to finally get that BFP. Then in the blink of an eye, its gone. I'm very sorry for your loss but find comfort in the fact that you had success this time and it will happen again but you need to push forward from this place. Allow yourself to go through all the stages of grief and emerge on the other side wth clarity and courage. We are all here on the forum to support eachother since we have been on this challenging journey together. Hopefully we can be cycle buddies in late Oct when I will try IUI #5

    Keep your head will turn around.

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Anyone else in the TWW??? I had my IUI on 10/27/11....
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