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2 week wait



  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Maria, I'll be joining you starting Monday! My IUI is at 9:30am Monday morning:)
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Oh good! We can keep each other company! :)
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Maria and Christy, I'll be joining you also in the TWW. My IUI is scheduled for Tuesday. Hopefully we will get to welcome our July summer babies!! Here's to our pumpkin seeds getting fertilized and growing!!!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck to all of you! Wishing for sticky pumpkin seeds and healthy July babies!

    I try my 6th IUI in mid-November
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yippee! July babies! Baby dust to all you gals...
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Maria,

    Here I am joining you in the TWW! I had my IUI this morning. I was super crampy about 45 minutes prior to the procedure and until early afternoon. I hope that meant good news! My donor had the best numbers I've ever gotten from sample so my fingers are definitely crossed! This was the 3rd time using this donor so let's hope that's the charm! I go in for my beta test next Friday 11/11/11. That's got to be a lucky day! Only thing is I've got nothing to keep me busy over these next 2 weeks so I'll be lurking these boards!

    Thanks for all the well wishes ladies:)
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Latebloomer!
    Yippee! The dreaded TWW. :D OMG, yes so crampy for days....not sure if it's all the meds too (injectables), but I was ovulating/crampy for days (I had quite a few large follicles)! Hope that means we both are going to get BFP soon! I go on 11/09/11 for beta test.

    Yes, love that! 11/11/11 is definitely lucky!!!! Read lots of books and watch lots of movies! :D

    keep me posted. maria
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    moewhit wrote:
    Maria and Christy, I'll be joining you also in the TWW. My IUI is scheduled for Tuesday. Hopefully we will get to welcome our July summer babies!! Here's to our pumpkin seeds getting fertilized and growing!!!


    I had my 5th IUI this morning and it turned out to be exactly 36 hours after the trigger. Oh by the way, yesterday my left ovary was VIBRATING. At first I thought that I forgot to remove my beeper from work. It was not strong but sort of low pitch vibrations that were very weird.

    I combined my 2 donor samples and the count post thaw was 36 million and 39% motility. With previous donors I've had similar numbers with a single vial. So I guess it was a safe bet that I combined the two. I had two mature follies on the right and another on the left that is probably mature today. So three targets with a pretty good sperm count!
    I'm really trying to boost my odds of success this cycle.
    I started acupuncture on a weekly basis last month.
    After the IUI, I inserted a cervical cup and kept my hips elevated almost a half hour. I also did pelvic floor exercises (Kegals) Not sure if there's anything behind this but it cant hurt.
    Now I'm just taking it easy, not rushing around or going to work. I have to return for my beta bloodtest on 11/15, but from other forums it looks like I could test at home on 11/12 and the trigger shot should be out of my system. I really don't know if I will take a HPT. I don't even have any in the house this time but the Dollar Tree is just around the corner :roll:

    Alright cycle buddies.....has anyone calculated their expected due date yet?? I'm hoping for Friday July 27, 2012 :mrgreen:

    Wishing everyone lots of positive energy and baby dust!!


    I plan on going to acupuncture tonight and I've got my pineapple that I'm about to slice the core out of.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    @Moe, beta test on 11/9/11....right before my Cabo trip! So I'll be celebrating there or drinking my sorrows away....

    my baby is due July 21, 2012! :lol:

    I'm visualizing! Positive thoughts, right????? And totally gonna test before, I know I will,...I'm weak! :lol:
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I'll be starting my TWW as you ladies are all finishing yours up! I too will test before...I always cave cause I'm a sucker! :D My IUI is scheduled for the 9th! Here's hoping 5th times a charm. This time I will be doing acupuncture for the first time...and I'm also going to try that whole pineapple core thing. Even though I HATE pineapple and it makes me gag...I'm taking one for the team!
    And...this time I am coming home and propping my legs up following the IUI. All the past IUI's I haven't relaxed or I have gone straight to work. This time...I'm relaxing and taking it easy at home all day. I asked my doctor to insert the cup last time and he said I didn't need it. I wanted to say "well I want you to do it so while your in there can you go ahead an plug it up!?!?!" But, ofcourse I bit my tongue. But, I think this time...I'll just insert one myself when I get home. What can it hurt right?

    Good luck ladies!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    @jl2011 - so glad to hear!!! i'm so glad you're trying acupuncture...and the pineapple trick. i can't believe you hate pineapples. i love them! :lol:

    just wondering, why don't you just insert the cup after the doc inseminates you? don't they leave you in the room for 10-15 minutes alone? you might as well do it then if anything, right? just a suggestion.

    i think moe used the cup before, right moe?

    good luck to the TWW club!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Ok ladies what is this cup that your talking about? I'm game for any trick in the book. How is everybody doing in their tww?
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Ok ladies what is this cup that your talking about? I'm game for any trick in the book. How is everybody doing in their tww?
    Charlotte, I posted the previous thread about the Instead Soft Cup. Let me know if you have any additional questions. And yes, Maria, I simply inserted the soft cup as soon as the doc and nurse left the room. I usually have it tucked under the pillow or in my bra :D I don't even get off the table to get it. I insert it and then flip upside down on the exam table and hang out for about 20-30 minutes. There's quite a bit of info out there and I'm not sure it really makes a difference but it certainly can't hurt. By the way, I removed the cup about 8 hours after the IUI and it had a ton of egg-white cervical mucus inside of it. YUCK!!! But hopefully that's what helped the sperm swim and find it's way!!

    Wishing everyone lots of sticky pumpkin seeds!!

  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    With a IUI the sperm is put right in the uterus. The sperm can not come back out at that point. Any mucus one sees is from loseing around the opening from the IUI however its not sperm or any other left overs.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    bluesky10 wrote:
    With a IUI the sperm is put right in the uterus. The sperm can not come back out at that point. Any mucus one sees is from loseing around the opening from the IUI however its not sperm or any other left overs.

    Ummm, YEAH we are all well aware that the sperm cannot come "out" once it's placed in the uterus. And as I said in my post it was cervical mucus that was in the cup when I removed it. Again, this is just a suggestion.... :roll:

    Good luck ladies :D
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just stating it as before when you brought this topic up people did think the sperm could come out. Some don’t understand that the sperm is put right in there, and actually if done right is put right by the tubes, thus there isn’t much swimming required. The cervical mucus isn’t helping anything move as they bypass all that as well.

    I stopped posting before cause you got rude/negative when I got my BFP. I still lurk and post where I feel I can add something, however I don’t think your rudeness helps anything and the board isn’t just for those who haven’t gotten lucky yet.
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Bluesky I come to this forum all the time and plan to keep coming after I get my bfp. Nobody ever said it is only for those of us that haven't been lucky enough for a bfp. I believe that your about to be blessed with a baby soon and moe is in the middle of a tww. Neither of you need anything but positivity right now. I really think your last post was a little harsh. Moe has been so supportive of me through my entire very unlucky journey and I certainty don't believe she is anything but happy for everybody as they get their bfp!! I hope that this conversation doesn't keep going because it is a peaceful place for a lot of us to come and not feel judged or anxious because we are not "lucky". Please respect those of us struggling through the fight of our lives.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I am glad that you posted about the sperm not falling out, I am afraid that some people may belive that but I also believe that Moe is just trying to do all that she can to get that BFP just like you! It's just like the dietary changes and the pineapple. There is talk out there that all of these things can help. Is it all but then this whole process is not scientofic as much as we all wish it was. There is no scientific proof that the pineapple core helps and my acupuncturist told me as much but guess what, I tried it because it helped my mindset which I believe did have a lot to do with my BFP. The softcup may help Moe's mindet and positivity during that stressful tww is essential as I am sure that you know. We are all here to help each other and support each other. I think that Charlotte posted it the best. Lets all help to support each others positivity!

    We all celebrate the BFP's they help others to stay hopeful and positive. Congratulations on your bundle of joy that will be here soon! When are you due. As you know I recently got my BFP and can't wait to share the info from my ultrasound on thursday. You ladies all understand what I have been through and understand how excited I am about this pregnancy! I can't wait to share the next 8 months with all of you!

    Sending lots of positivity and baby dust to all of you!

  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well I dont beleive you were around when I got my BFP, I did post updates but got rude comments about it and how she had a negative at the same time.

    Anyway, thats besides the point.

    Its great to try anything and everything that may work. However, I simply did not want those that fear it could fall out that it actually does. I remember when it was first brought up several had this fear and want people to know it isnt at all possible.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Ladies, you are all absolutely right and have made very good points. We all do things on this journey that often give us a sliver of peace of mind and hope. This forum has always been a place of understanding and encouragement. Bluesky, I honestly don't know what rude comments you are referring to when you received your fabulous news of your BFP. If I've ever said anything on this forum that offended you over the past 8 months, I sincerely apoligize. Wishing you all the best for a safe delivery of your bundle of joy!

    Wishing you all lots of sticky baby dust.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Ladies, I really hope that everyone knows that we are all here to support them through the good and bad. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable with the few posts, but really am glad and hope that everyone is feeling ok now...there's a lot of love here for everyone!!! And I love love hearing success stories because it makes me feel hopeful and encouraged!!!

    So latebloomer and moewhit, how are you doing in your two weeks???

    Ok, I think I may be hallucinating....I swear when I took my pregnancy test this morning, there was a very faint line....but now I've looked at it (it's the evening) and I can't see the I'm totally going to take another pregnancy test tomorrow morning. But I have a scheduled blood test on Wednesday.

    But for the few minutes this morning (before I went to work), and all day I was so excited thinking I was pregnant....I really hope there's a line tomorrow morning....I"ll keep you ladies posted.

    Thank you ladies for your support, love, and words of encouragement when I was feeling down and out...and thank you ladies, for letting us share in your wonderful news and beautiful pictures!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    When I saw the yes I couldn't believe it either and did 3 more tests! The line would not stay there forever, so I do not think you were hallucinating! Looks like you may be joining the land of the bfp's!
    Good luck seeing that line darker tomorrow!

  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Yaaaayyy Maria! I don't think you were hallucinating either! I am so happy for you! Message me when you get your blood results!

    I have my IUI tomorrow morning ladies. I also tried accupuncture for the first time today. I did not like it at all. I did not find it to be comforting or a stress reliever at all. And, he put a heat lamp over my lower belly...let's just say I felt like he was cooking my uterus and my ovaries. I literally have red marks that look and feel like burns from the heat lamp...and I had this done 6 hours ago.

    Hopefully this is the last IUI and I won't even have to think about accupuncture again. :)
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    OMG MARIA!!!! :mrgreen: This is very exciting!!! I really think it's the real thing and you are not hallucinating. Just know in your heart that this is your time :D I'm so very happy for you and can't wait to hear about your appt. Your beta is tomorrow right??!! Try and get some sleep tonight...good luck!

    Jl2011, I know exactly how you feel. My first couple of times I went to acupuncture it was not a good experience. I didn't have the heat lamp until I started going to my new acupuncturist and then she added electrical-stim to the pins on my abdomen plus heat right before my cycle was going to start. The thought behind it was to increase bloodflow within the reproductive system. It was like little tiny aliens were poking me from the inside out :roll: I have to say aside from the electrical-stim it was pretty relaxing. Before I switched acupuncturists, I went for my first session several days prior to my IUI and was jacked up on hormones. Everything annoyed me and was an irritant. I don't know if it has anything to do with where you are in your cycle, but I started with a new person after taking a couple months off and she was much more gentle and responsive to my needs. I also was less on edge starting out. Now that I've had my IUI a week ago, they recommend a 10 day break then resume the program but without any points being placed over the abdomen. She focused on several foot/leg points, wrists, and a couple of ear points. Previously, I couldn't stand the ear points but she has a better technique that my previous provider. Maybe that's why I'm so crabby and constipated,it's been a week since I've had my acupuncture session. But it's not for everybody, have you thought about yoga or a meditation class? I hope that all goes well tomorrow and that you have a successful cycle.

    My TWW is half over, today I was especially crabby and irritable. Woke up too early, then was running late, had a minor meltdown at work and had to eat crow. I had such a knee jerk response to something that was pretty benign. My response was over the TOP and it nagged at me for awhile. It ruined my entire outlook for the day. I just feel like I'm not in control of my temper/emotions. Not cool. I'm in my PJ's with a big steaming bowl of chilli plus lots of cheese. Not a bad night! I'm feeling better but just reflecting on how today should have been a more positive one. Tomorrow will be better! Oh, slight cramps and mildly tender boobs but nothing really to note during the TWW.

    How's everyone with their waits?? Here's to lots of July/Aug 2012 babies. Wishing everyone a peaceful and quick TWW with BFPs :mrgreen:

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Maria - I'm praying for you! Best of luck! That would be awesome news indeed

    I go in tomorrow for IUI #6 - wish me luck. This will be my last un-medicated cycle and for December (praying I don't need it) will be on injectibles. This is the fastest that I've gone in. Tomorrow will be day 13, others have been on day 15, 16 or 19. But my period this month was only 4 day vs the usual 6. The folli looked good and my lining was 9.3. So fingers crossed
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    -->> JL & Anne, I will be thinking of both of you ladies today and wishing you lots of luck and sticky baby dust today!

    As for all the other ladies in your 2WW (Maria, Moe, Latebloomer)- you're never far from my thoughts, and I'm hoping that the positive energy that I'm sending your way is working it's magic ;)

    **PS. I agree with everyone, with respect to this forum being a place where we can all find support through good times and in bad- no matter where we're at in our journey. I won't begin my IUI process until January and have recently discovered that, despite initially being told that everyone in my family was accepting of my choice, the fact that I "talk about it so much" is beginning to make some of them uncomfortable... So, I truly don't have anywhere else to go now to ask questions, share my fears, or vent about my frustrations. Knowing that you're all here for me, without judgement or negativity, is really a blessing!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, I'm "doubling down" this month. Even though my follicle was large and my hormone surged yesterday, the egg was still there this morning. So we went ahead an did an IUI this morning and are doing another tomorrow morning.

    Gemini - Sorry that your family & friends are finding your talking about it tough. Like you, I'm so happy to have these boards.

    Maria, Moe, Latebloomer - Thinking about you ladies. Maria, can't wait to hear about your definite BFP!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Well ladies I had my 5th IUI this morning. My 2ww has officially started. It will be a long one since I have taken about two months off.

    I've had my legs up all morning. I never did this before really but I felt like it couldn't hurt my odds this time. I have also started eating the pineapple core one section every day for 5 makes me gag. :) 20 million motile sperm so I need one of those boys to go find one of the two targets!

    Good luck to all you ladies that are still in your 2ww. I hope you get great news in the next coming days!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Maria. I hope your having a great day. We are all thinking about you today and are praying for a bfp!!
  • sweetpeasweetpea Member Member
    I am on day 7 of my tww and I am hesitant to even think about symptoms. The only thing that I have felt this month that was the same as when I was pregnant in September was the sharp pains in my groin area. Other than that, I am sure that I am imagining being very slightly queasy. But, who knows, maybe this is my lucky #5! I take my test next Thursday, 11-17.
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