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2 week wait



  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Wow, ladies its one BFN after another within our 2ww forum posts. That's sad....but we all need to be encouraged and know that we will have success! Looking forward to all of the updates! Good luck on this challenging journey!

  • karlip79karlip79 Junior Member
    It is really hard to stay hopeful when you see more than 1 neggative, (after 2 or more failed IUI's) I took an HPT today and I to got the BFN i was dreading, but expecting. This was my first medicated cycle, I had 3-4 mature follies when I ovulated, so (after seeing only one last month with an unmedicated cycle), I was hopeful..... Then came the bad news, the vial I purchased had only 4.6 million motile swimmers (an issue Fairfax has been more than helpful with, as they have a great guarantee) but it still felt like I was wasting a cycle. I had my IUI on may 17, today is day 10 I know, too early to test, but c'mon ladies, we ALL do it the tww is TORTURE! and although it is not 100% it crushes you a little every time you see a neggative. I have 2 older children from a previous relationship, so I thought this would be a peice of cake, and I am older than I was then, but at 32, I thought it was still a decent age to be trying to concieve, but it is way harder than I thought it would be and emotionally draining! I will go again next month, but one thing I am worried about is that each time you go it seems more and more difficcult to remain positive, which I really believe is necessary! But, i feel like if I tell myself it will happen this time, I am lying to myself, it's like I just don't believe it and I go in EXPECTING to be dissappointed. That can't be healthy, so I was just wondering what keeps you all positive, or believing it WILL happen? :(
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I guess I stay positive just by knowing that it will happen. Maybe not when I expect it but when it is supposed to happen. I go in with the expectation every time that it will happen, if negative thoughts enter my head, I push them away. I know that others test early but I am never tempted to do that.... I like thinking that I am pregnant, and that is exactly what I do for the two week wait. I don't expect the test to come up negative, I visualize a positive test each time I think about it. Yes it hurts each time I see that negative and I grieve for the next couple days, then I remind myself that it will happen. I think it helps that I have to take a month off each time as I get a cyst after each cycle. That way I have a month to focus on other things. I know that my cycle will happen when it is supposed too and I just wait for that date. I also surf this forum and see how after many attempts people get that BFP that they have been waiting for. That warms my heart and encourages me even more. I started out by telling everyone what I was doing and keeping them updated, I don't do that any more. That was too hard and did not help my spirits. I have let others know that I will tell them when I get a positive but thats it. This has taken some of the stress off of me.

    It was confirmed on friday that I do indeed have a cyst and it is too large to go on meds, so I take a month off again! It helps that my RE has a great personality and is able to keep things light hearted. I made sure that when I had the ultrasound that I had him and not another doctor! he takes time to talk and helps keep spirits up. I will start injectibles next month. They sent me home with the pen and are checking on the meds. From what I was told my insurance will cover them, I have to pay 20% unless I have met my deductible, which I think I have then I pay even less. I love my job...... Great medical benifits! Not as much pay but it makes it up with the medical coverage. So in the next month I will look for a new donor as the one I was using is no longer available :( but I guess he wasn't meant to be the father. I had a party the first time with friends and family to help pick the donor. I may do that again as it was a blast and my friends had great questions and suggestions about the donors. :)

    So stay positive... IT WILL HAPPEN! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way!

  • karlip79karlip79 Junior Member
    Thanks Robin, you definately hit the nail on the head with one of the things you said, one of my biggest struggles is that everyone asks me all of the time if I am pregnant yet, I then have to tell them I am not, and it continually opens old wounds so to speak. Next month I was going to tke a month off, but I think I may just do it kind of in secret, only having myself and my partner aware. Hopefully this will be my month. I am taking a 2 week tropical vacation in June, so I will be very relaxed.... Maybe the planets will all line up for me then!!! Lots of sticky baby dust to you too Robin (:
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So I am about to start the process again! AF came more than a week early this month. It was kind of a shock but I was hoping to be off by a day or so because I would like my doctor to do the iui this time, so it worked. I went to my RE today and no cyst :D ! I was trained on how to give myself the shot as I am doing injectibles this month. It doesn't seem to hard but I'm sure the first time I actually have to jab myself it will be nervewracking. I've picked a new donor and will order the vials tomorrow so they will be at my doc's office in plenty of time. So I was just wondering is anyone going to be in their tww starting next week? If my body reacts the same way it did to the clomid than I will have the trigger on day 12 and iui on day 13 so that could mean next Sunday for the iui. Just thought I would see how all of you ladies were doing! I've been sending baby dust to all of you!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Robin, I think I'll be having my IUI on Monday, June 20th! I'll keep you posted, so maybe we can wait together!!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Here's too a BFP this month! I started the injectibles today. I was a little nervous but it wasn't bad. I really hate needles but this one is so thin I hardly felt it! I hope I don't get the mood swings I got on the clomid. God help those around me if it is worse :shock: the mood swings on clomid only lasted two days but it was a wicked two days! I'm going to order the vials tomorrow so they are there in plenty of time. I'm thinking it will probably happen the 25 or 26 but will know more on the 20 when I go in for the blood work and monitoring. Lots of baby dust to you and I can't wait to hear how things are going for you!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Had my iui this a.m.!!! 3rd time is the charm, hopefully! Now the dreaded 2WW! :lol:
  • aaskaask Junior Member
    I've just joined this forum. I'm on my 2ww as well and have decided im going to read alot and go to several movies. How are other people going to get through?
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm going for my 3rd IUI in the morning. Like Maria said, 3rd time's the charm! :)

    Good luck to everyone.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Here's hoping that the old adage is true about third time being the charm. It sounds like there are a lot of us out here that are all going for a third time this month! Sending lots of baby dust all of your ways!! Lets help each other through this next TWW! I know that coming on this forum to hear from you ladies helps to keep me sane during that TWW! I have never been an online peson but this forum is a lifeline for me right now, so thanks to all of you! It helps to hear from all of you going through the same thing. I have a circle of support but it just isn't the same as the info I can get from all of you. thank you SOOOOO much for being here for ME!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    we all get through this 2ww differently. the first time I obsessed over everything. the second time I was more relaxed and looked on this site a lot. I tend to just think I am pregnant for the tww. It is kinda fun to think about what life will be like. That doesn't always work for everyone though. I keep telling myself that it will happen when it is supposed to happen! If you look at the first part of this forum you will get more suggestions! Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust too you.

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    How are all you ladies doing in your 2WW? Im actually doing surprisingly well and haven't ob sessed on the internet. One week down (almost) and another one to go!!! :D
  • aaskaask Junior Member

    I'm less obsessed as well. Not even bothering to look at the internet at the early pregnancy symptoms or things of that sort. Staying busy by enjoying hanging out with family and friends, enjoying the wonderful weather, and cleaning a lot. 9 days in and 5 to go.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So tomorrow is the day I get to see how well the follicles are doing on the gonal f! I feel them growing, just wondering how many there are :) I take my trigger shot with me in case they are ready. So I will soon be starting the tww! Maria-good luck I have a good feeling for all of us this month. Moe will you be joining us in this tww soon?
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    I am about a week awayy from the tww. Good luck to everybody
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Yay!! I got the ok to start the Menopur last evening. The Clomid cyst from last month was gone. I was very nervous and it took about 30 minutes to prepare everything. It was fine and the needle was small like the trigger shot. No side effects but from what everyone says, its nothing like those crazy pills..Clomid.

    I go for follie check and bloodwork on Wednesday. Robin I'm anxious to hear about todays visit! Good luck! My IUI will be sometime during the week of the 4th of july. Depends on how fast or slow the follies grow.

    Lots of sticky baby dust! There have been lots of BFPs lately hope its our turn!

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Ok so I spoke too soon. While I thought the follicles were growing, it must have all been in my imagination because they are still the same size :? Not sure what is going on! My doc is confused as well. He said let's wait un til we get the blood results back to make any decisions this month. My estrogen level last week was 20 which is why he doubled the dose. He said my uterus lining looks good and has thicked since last week.... went from 6-9 but nothing with htose follies! This month may be a bust, in fact it may make it so I have to get more blood work done. Well it will happen when it is supposed too! One more reminder that I am not the one in charge of all this! Definately helping me work on my control issues ;)
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    robin wrote:
    Ok so I spoke too soon. While I thought the follicles were growing, it must have all been in my imagination because they are still the same size :? Not sure what is going on! My doc is confused as well. He said let's wait un til we get the blood results back to make any decisions this month. My estrogen level last week was 20 which is why he doubled the dose. He said my uterus lining looks good and has thicked since last week.... went from 6-9 but nothing with htose follies! This month may be a bust, in fact it may make it so I have to get more blood work done. Well it will happen when it is supposed too! One more reminder that I am not the one in charge of all this! Definately helping me work on my control issues ;)

    Robin, I know this must be frustrating but keep your head up and don't be discouraged. This whole experience has shown me that I have absolutely NO control in what is supposed to happen. Each cycle it has been a constant reminder...I go through this rollercoaster of emotions. It's all trial and error and sheer CHANCE there's no logic to this stuff. That's what I have trouble wrapping my head around. Hopefully, your doctor is good about tweaking the plan based on your response this cycle. I wonder if you need meds that have both FSH and LH? You could ask your doc what the advantages are. Everybody is different so who knows what will work in the end?? I hope that you can get back on track. When do you go back for another check? How big are the follies?

    Please keep us posted and try to stay positive.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So news from the doctors wasn't good. My estrogen level went from 20 to 14! Not sure what is going on, except that there will be no cycle this month :( I go in on Friday for a consult to talk about what my options are......hearing those words were a little scary! So of course my mind went to the absolute worst and then I started to calm down. Maybe it just means different meds with a different regimine? Who knows! I have been stressed tfhis month(8 have been taking a graduate course so go to work for 4 hours go to class for 3 hours then back to work for anotyher 4 hours... 8 know crazy right?) I'm going to ask if that could have anything to do with it! So in the mean time I stay positive and try not to drive myself crazy until my appointment on Friday!
    Good luc to all of you in your tww! Here's to tons of BFP's :D
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I had my IUI on Saturday the 25th. So, just thinking positive thoughts and hoping the 3rd times a charm! :) Good luck ladies!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    @aask - good luck! keep us posted....4 days to go!!!
    @robin - i'm sorry....but stay positive! btw, you are a busy "mama"!!!
    @jl2011 - you're part of the 3rd IUI club!!! There's so many of us! :D

    ok ladies....good luck to you all! trying to stay positive and hopeful!!! only a week left!!! hoping for BFPs for all of us!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    Well this will be my 3rd 2ww starting this Thursday..... IUI is Thursday at 1PM and I trigger tonight at 2AM. I have about 8 follicles right now 4 on each side...not all of them are up to size tho but things are looking better then both other hoping for "3rd tries a charm"!! Im using 4001 this time! Hope his numbers are good!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats to all of you in your tww! Here's hoping for lots of BFP's this month. So I went to the docs today for the consult. I was a little nervous and scared but tried to keep very positive. I don't have any news becasue he wanted to run more blood work. So three vials later, hopefully I will have some answers in 2 weeks. So I'm kinda in a different 2ww. One of the results from the bloodwork takes a while to come back! Here I thought i would have some answers next week, oh well.

    I told him about me being sick and being under a lot od stress in the past 4 weeks. He said of course that could do something but I don't think he thinks that really had anything to do with my levels. He told me that there are some womwn that just respond better to clomid. I'm guessing I would be one of those few. He told me that rather than just guess, let's wait until the blood work comes back. He suggested that next time I use Femara, instead of clomid or the injectibles. He said I may not get the side effects that I did with the clomid. At least the news wasn't horrible. I am going to keep positive thoughts and just remind myself that it will happen when it is supposed too!

    By the time of the next appointment I should be close to my visit from AF. hoping it comes and that we will have answers before it does!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck Robin. I hope all the blood work comes back with some answers for you and you can take steps towards a positive outcome.

    I'm in my 3rd unassisted IUI 2ww. I can test on 6 July although AF is due July 5. Here's hoping for a positive!

    I'm going to do one more unassisted IUI (hopefully won't be necs.) then move onto a few rounds of injectibles before IVF.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Throwing lots of baby dust to you ladies! Hope that your TWW becomes BFP. Please keep us updated.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I am throwing lots of baby dust your way for a great big BFP this month! Thanks for the good luck. I am thinking that I am just one of those people that does not respond to injectables :( But it will happen when it is supposed too!

  • aaskaask Junior Member
    So my 2ww ended with a BFP!!!! I'll go to doctor on Tuesday morning for blood work and whatever it is they need. This is going to be the first happy holiday in long time :) Good luck to you all and throwing massive quantities of baby dust to all of you!!!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    congrats aask!!! How many tries did it take and were you on meds??..... seems like every one was getting negs and now everyone is getting positives....i really hope that means my 2ww ends in a BFP!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • aaskaask Junior Member

    Thank you! It took 3 tries, IUI, 100 mg clomid this cycle (50 mg the first 2 cycles), and then used 2 vials. Was going to do back to back insemination but my doctor wasn't going to be there for that day so took a chance and did both vials at the same time.
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