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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
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Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
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If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Good luck sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way. how many follies did you end up having if you don't mond me asking?
I have 4-5 mature follis. 4 are at 20mm or higher and 1 at 18mm. plus a few at 12-15mm
I started at 250iu of follistim for 2 days, then 2 days at 150iu and 1 day at 100iu
Well I am SUPER excited to finally be able to post that i am officially moving on to injectables. I am also hoping that Santa will bless me with a christmas miracle this time. I am claiming it like RObin did with her pumpkin seed 10 weeks ago. WHO IS WITH ME?!?
I think i have been posting on this thread for months and just waiting for the day that i got to move on. My doctor is very hopeful for this cycle and very excited about all my progress in the last couple of months. She said that all of my ultrasounds and bloodwork are perfect and she can't think of a reason this has not happened yet. SHe also told me that i am not even officially considered in the unexplained infertile category yet. Because my husband has no sperm i will have to do 12 cycles (eek hopefully not) before they give me the honor :shock: of that title. hahah
well i finally can breathe tonight and maybe even sleep a little. Tomorrow is the start of something special i can feel it. I am just a little nervous about the actual needles..any advise would be appreciated.
I hope all my friends are doing well and can't wait to see a lot of BFP this magical month. Bring on the christmas miracles
I hope for all the best for this new part of your journey and indeed it is a magical month to begin it.
Since my insurance doesn't cover the injectables, I asked if I could just to the trigger shot. I was told that I would need to get an ultrasound ($300) and the shot was $95. Not so bad, but then my nurse e-mailed back and said that the Ovidrel shot is only for women that can't ovulate and that since I have been able to get a positive surge with an OPK, I might not be able to get the shot. I am waiting to hear back from her after I asked if I could still get it so that we could finally get the timing right since I only have one shot at it a month. Let me know if anyone else out there might be in shoes with this. I would love any advice since I have to go the unmedicated or least expensive route I can (I really hate my insurance!).
I had 4 eggs on injectibles this round. I'm in my TWW now. I discussed with my RE and we agree that if it is twins, I will carry them. If it is more than twins, selective reduction is probably the path that I will take. Not a decision that I want to make. However, the chances of more than twins is quite slim. I just want a healthy baby. As a single mom, if it is twins, I will survive. I just keep thinking about how I WANT this and am so much better prepared that most people. Their kids make it and thrive, why wouldn't mine!?
Anyways, ladies, good luck in your TWW....!!!! Lots of baby dust!!!
Only on day 7. Do you think it's possible to get one f the 10s up to 16 or 17?
God bless. Off to church to pray for my Christmas miracle and light candles for my friends.
I think it depends on your age and FSH are before you start. I'm going to be 40 in Feb and my FSH was 7 (they want under 10). They started me off on 250iu. After two days I was lowered to 150iu and then another 2 days later lowered to 100iu.
You should certainly be able to get the 10 folli up to a larger size.
I ended up with 4 follis over 20! I want Dec 20th to come now! Praying for a Christmas miracle for both of us
So glad to hear you are doing well, and moving forward. I was sorry (only briefly) to hear of your BFN, but then happy to see how positive you are feeling!
About Follistim, I ended up using 600mg every day the last cycle I did, and was finally able to get a good production of follicles, I had 6, 5 that were mature, 2 that fertilized. I was also taking 2 vials of Menopur, I believe 150mg. I've had two months off, and the numbers are eluding me! (I did get up to check the Follistim, so I know that's right, not hard when you still have the pen in the fridge with a vial left, taunting me)
Are you taking DHEA to increase your follicles? I was planning on staying on that for these off months I'm sitting through, but I couldn't take some of the effects I'm attributing to it. But I was blessed not to have side effects from the injectibles. Are you handling the shots well?
Thank you for lighting the candles, hoping for a Christmas Miracle of your own...
ANd for those that are waiting for the next IUI i pray for perfect 2012 babies.
Ladies i know for most of us this has been a really hard year full of ups and downs. I wish you all a happy holidays and pray that we all continue to keep the fight in us to keep going so the we can experience this precious gift of life. Good things come to those who wait.
I am 11 dpiui. I had veeeeerry little spotting yesterday, and a bit more this afternoon, but now it's gone. I also have crazy weird feeling bbs. They are sore, but like, inside, like they are bruised underneath, especially the right one. No clue if this is AF or what. This is only my second IUI, so I don't have a lot of history to compare it to....I guess I will know soon. I'm about 98% sure I'm out this round though. I'll let everyone know soon enough! :?:
Keep me posted
My boobs felt very different as we'll just as you discribed. They were only sore underneath not all over and they hurt when touched but again just underneath. I agree with charlotte and the spotting could be implantation bleeding. I didn't have that but many women do.
Sending you lots of baby dust!
Rough day.
Take care and keep me posted
Fingers crossed for the next round!
Thank you all for your support!
I'm curious, though- you said that the "Clomid + trigger shot" route is the way you wanted to go from the start... Is there any reason that you didn't? Did your RE not allow it/recommend against it, or did you just decide to try without? Thanks!
After 5 days I think you are still ok. Wait for the bloodwork to come back with your levels. Did they take your blood today? Did they tell you to increase your dose? After more than a week on injectibles with no sign of growth that's when there was cause for concern and when my estrogen did not increase. You still have hope. Keep the faith!
Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way!
Happy new year!!
I just had my second IUI which was was another BFN. My doctor mentioned injectibles (not sure which ones yet), but i wanted to see if anyone has had a similar experience as me. My last 2 cycles (with Clomid) i produced 4 or more really good follicles (ranged from 15-28), but no BFP. If I do the injectibles i would love for it to work, but i don't want to be octomom either! :shock: Anyone else have a similar number of follicles with clomid and injectibles? What were your results?