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Currently in tww



  • HoustonHouston Member Member
    Hi ck2014 - sorry I'm so slow to respond. This was just my first IUI. Regarding your exercise question, I was told it was ok but that I needed to make sure that my heart rate didn't exceed 140 bpm. So, if you wear a heart rate monitor, I think you should be able to continue to do crossfit.

    I think we should try to plan for a get together sometime after the first of the year. Hopefully we'll have even more babies-on-the-way to celebrate by that time :)

    Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! I'm taking the next 2 months off from IUI (will try again in November) because I'll be out of town, but I'll keep checking in here.

    Have a great Tuesday!!
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    Enjoy your time "off" :)
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey Ladies,
    I got great news today. I spoke to the counselor I met with last week and she gave me the green light. This was my final piece to have prior to starting IVF for my nurse to order the meds.
    A little background. I saw her last Tuesday and we started off a little rocky.
    I'm pretty open about my history of Depression and medication I need to take. She initially requested I see a specialist about possibly getting off the meds during pregnancy and also asked for permission to speak to my psychiatrist.
    I told her first I've spoken to 4 doctors in regards to my meds and we collectively chose to keep me on them. Though I still felt her resistance. I again told her I'm comfortable with my decision and to move on.
    Then I told her giving her permission to consult with my psychiatrist felt invasive. And I wasn't giving it to her. I assured her he was on board but she said she wouldn't give me the okay unless I agreed.
    So I walked out to the lobby. I came back in and expressed to her how this was making me feel but I will allow her to consult with him. Because I knew where he stood. Though needless to say the session didn't start off good. So we continued and things began to go much better. In fact after it all I sent her a thank you note expressing how grateful I was for her compassion and advice she shared with me.
    And how appreciative I was of all the resources she gave me. Such as books to read, for me and my baby, pregnant yoga etc.
    Now saying all that her and my psychiatrist have been playing phone tag for a week. Though she called this morning and said he was very much on board with my choice of IVF. And she now was mailing the green light letter to my RE.
    I guess the excitement I feel is one a weight that this part is behind me and I'm not too crazy to be a single mom.
    And two I've completed everything to go forward. Which made IVF very real for me today.
    Thank you for letting me go on about this.
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Yay, Lisa, congrats!!!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Now that will be a big relief of stress off your shoulders so you can proceed Lisa. I understand why they feel the need for us to speak to a psychiatrist before we take the step using a donor so we know what we are facing. But, there are plenty of people that have children the "normal" way that should've had counseling and don't have to. I applaud you for making the decision for your health, a lot of people have depression and don't have the courage you do to face it.
  • callencallen Member Member
    Great news Lisa 😊
    Are they placing you on birth control for the first 21 days?
    My RE will be using it and now I worry how long after I stop will I get my period to begin IVF???
    Always a worry of some sort isn't there?
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I had waffles and pickles for dinner tonight. I officially feel pregnant!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Denise--OMG!! It's real!!!
  • MoonlitwishMoonlitwish Member Member
    Callen I wouldn't worry too much about the birth control pills. I was on Nuvaring before we started ttc and I only had to wait 4-5 days after going off for my period to come after being on it for a year. When I first started, AF was quite punctual despite the hormones.
    Denise-that's gross....enjoy!! 😀 what is it with pregnant women and pickles??
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I've always loved pickles but only with appropriate foods such as sandwiches, hot dogs, etc. Now I can eat them all day long with any food. 8 weeks ultrasound today and I will post the picture as soon as I get home from work
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    My blood test today shows my progesterone level is 5.5 so they are having me take another ovidrel injection. I'm guessing that means I won't be able to do any HPT's since the ovidrel needs 10 days to exit my system completely... & my test to find out is on 9/14. Am I correct?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    I am liking pickles as well Denise! Hum.. my 6 week u/s is Friday. Can't wait.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    So I went back to the doctor today for another ultrasound. My follicles are still too small. However now I have two on each side. The ones on the right are 12 and 13mm and the two on the left are only 6 and 7mm. She said to start the OPK testing on Friday and call when I get a surge.

    Can't wait to see the ultrasound pics Drizzy. I love pickles too!! Enjoy your dinner.
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    Good Luck txgrl :)
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    this is what I get when I try to attach a picture...
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    oh it worked!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    That's awesome!! So happy for you!!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    At 6 weeks, the doctor was able to see the heartbeat. This time it was strong enough that he turned on the microphone and I could hear it. It was SO cool!!!
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    So beautiful D. Congrats & much joy!
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    Sorry to ask again, but does anyone have an experience with the progesterone level 3 days after IUI. Mine was low at 5.5 does that mean the IUI didn't work? Anyone ever hear of ovidrel being given to increase progesterone? I appreciate any info.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Sorry! I don't have any info on progesterone
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Sorry I don't either.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I was comparing my 6 week to my 8 week ultrasound picture and thought it was interesting how much bigger my uterus grew in just 2 weeks. Below is the 6 week pic
    035.jpg 87.9K
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    From What I understand about progesterone it's like the sticky glue that hold the embryo. Mine was 72 or something last time but got BFN after TWW. I'm not sure how hcg will increase it. All these drugs trick our bodies to do things they naturally might not do at a certain time. I'm guessing they are going to retest your progesterone after the hcg. But just call and ask for some understanding. It's well within your right to know and understand what and why you are on certain medicine. Remember you might have to be your own advocate.
    As a nurse It is my responsibility to explain medications and if a patient has a question I can't answer I go and find the answer. It's my JOB.
    Denise- I can't believe your 8 weeks. I imagine hearing the heartbeat was full of overwhelming joy and emotion. Whenever I'm at work and I get a pregnant trauma patient we ultrasound real quick to check the babies heartbeat. I literally hold my breath till we see it and sometimes cry when I do. It's so emotional. I'm so happy for you babe!!
    I got the message from the nurse at the clinic that she is ordering my drugs in the morning and I should receive a call tomorrow from the pharmacy about payment and delivery. I'm hoping it's not gonna break my bank.. Lol
    But it makes me soo excited to be getting closer and closer to this next step.
    Kerri- can't wait to see you US!
    Kisses to you all!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Denise is the first US the one you can see the babies head?
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I couldn't make out the head in the 6 or 8 week ultrasound. According to my app, it is only the size of a raspberry this week so I'm not sure if the head is distinguishable...
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    172 great heart beat! How do you feel?
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Emotional? Excited? Nervous?
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I am nervous until I get through this first trimester.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Denise, your going to be just fine and have a beautiful healthy baby. I know it. Plus your always in my thoughts and prayers.
    Have a great day!
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