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Currently in tww



  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Callen, I am getting ready to do the frozen transfer. I had 5 eggs retrieved. 4 were mature, they fertilized all 5 because they said the 5th one was really close to being mature. 3 of the 5 fertilized. Of the 3 only 1 made it to the freezing stage. I am going in tomorrow for my first ultrasound to check and see if I'm progressing as expected. The tentative transfer date is next Wednesday. I will let you know how everything goes. I'm hoping that this is the one that will take.
  • callencallen Member Member
    Hi Txgrl...wishing you lots and lots of baby dust. I can't wait for you to see your little embie they place up on the screen. It's so precious. I will be thinking of you. Please keep me posted.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    TX- did you do the transfer? Been thinking about you all.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Kerri,

    No, my lining wasn't ready so they pushed it to the 28th. I went Monday for an ultrasound and they said I was ready. I started the crinone this morning and had my blood drawn for a progesterone check and the nurse called and said it was good. So I'm waiting on the nurse to call and give me the transfer instructions.

    How are you doing?

  • 4th Try O+4th Try O+ Member Member
    Hi Txgirl. I just want to interject and send baby dust. You must be going through a lot right now. You're in my thoughts.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hanging in there. It's been a battle for sure. How are you?
  • 4th Try O+4th Try O+ Member Member
    Despite my username :) this is my 5th tww. New Dr. (Love him) New O+ donor. Today is 10dpo. If im not misyaken my CM was ever so slightly pink on 9dpo. Should i test tonight? Thx ladies
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi All, had the transfer yesterday. It was very cool. They gave me a picture of the embryo and took a picture of the moment they put the embryo in my uterus and gave me a picture of that. They allowed both my mom and sister to go in the room and watch. I was afraid they would only allow one. Any ways, now I have to wait until next Wednesday to go get blood work.

    On a side note the nurse that was having me fill out all my paperwork and stuff was pregnant and said it was a frozen cycle that she got pregnant with. She had done 2 fresh cycles and they didn't work.

    Thanks for all your support and well wishes...this is going to be a long week.
  • 4th Try O+4th Try O+ Member Member
    11dpo got serious cramps that I was sure were AF cramps. Only brown oxydized spotting. Now cramps have subsided to a dull lul, and bloating. I had given up, since I did the IUI day 15 of cycle and I'm due for AF in 2 days. Is there any hope?

    Txgrl74 that sounds incredible. Will be thinking of you & sending more baby dust...
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    TX- how is it going?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hanging in there. This evening I've been having some pain on the lower right side of my midsection. Kind of like period pain but I'm not supposed to start my period on the estradiol. And my breasts hurt really bad. Like I wake up when I turn over in bed it hurts so bad. And the last thing is its seems when I eat it feels like my food is hanging out at the top of my throat. Don't know if these are signs or not. I test tomorrow so we shall see. This would be a great Mother's Day gift for my mom and myself!!!!!
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    TX- just sent you a private message.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck to everyone!!
  • LezBeMomsLezBeMoms Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello All,
    I just wanted to say hello and thank you for sharing your journey. My wife and I are on our 6th day after our first iui (I'm sure there's an acronym for this, I just haven't figured them all out yet) and there are so many emotions involved, we really need the support and have learned so much from reading this forum. She is 40 and this will be our first attempt. We just wanted to say thank you to everyone for being so open, this forum has been a great help already. Sending love , positive energy and tons of baby dust to all of you.
    J&K in Atlanta.
  • B4babyB4baby Member Member
    I just wanted to say my fingers are crossed for all of you! I was on this board several times. It's been a long road. We had been trying to get pregnant with our 2nd child for 18 months - 11 rounds of IUI's, surgery for endometriosis at the end of last summer, then two frozen transfers and one fresh transfer. Unbelievably, both embryos took on the fresh transfer!! We are now almost 16 weeks pregnant with twins. The only thing that I found really helped was a daily exercise routine and losing about 25-30 lbs. I never really thought I was overweight, but my fertility doctor insisted I lose some weight. I was delighted to fit back into my pre pregnancy pants and even more excited to switch over to my maternity clothes. Don't lose hope! I was fighting endometriosis and PCOS, and things ended up working out. One thing my Dr. did do differently was put me on letrozole at the beginning of my fresh transfer cycle. That seemed to help. Best of luck to you all!!!
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    J&K- we are in Atlanta as well! What clinic are you using?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi all. Just wanted to give an update. I had a chemical pregnancy that ended last Thursday. I guess the one thing I'm taking away from this experience is at least I got pregnant. I don't know what my next steps will be. I have a huge decision to make. I'm leaning towards adoption or possibly an egg donor. I'm really not sure, and since I still can't talk about it without crying so I don't think I'm ready to precede with anything at this time. But my dr said when I'm ready to talk they are there for me.

    Any way good luck to everyone in the tww and anyone getting ready to be in the Tww.

    Baby dust to all,
  • heatherheather Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello everyone! My wife had her first IUI today with donor 4514! Now the two week wait begins! Ahh! How do you all get thru it? Any tips?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Try not to go crazy Heather! Much easiter said that done though.

    I cannot talk about it with anyone else but since I don't know you all, we will be trying again with my June cycle which will put the IUI right around my anniversary. (don't care to have people around me asking or judging)

    Some of the newer folks... I got pregnant on my 4th IUI last year (first medicated round). Our son was delivered stillborn at 29 weeks due to an undiagnosed clotting issue. To say it's been the shittiest experience of our lives would be an understatement. I'm also one of the original's on this thread from the start!!!! :) Here's hoping for baby dust for everyone.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey Kerri, looks like you and I will be at it again with the IUI around the same time. I just started my Femara last night. I got a new donor this round and hopefully the endometriosis is all cleared out. Wishing and praying for all of us some good news, Lord knows we have had enough loss this past year. Has anyone heard from Lisa?
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'll start when my cycle starts around June 19th... looks like you and I will be in it again Jan! :)
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Yep, I started my shots tonight and go in Thursday to see where my follicles are at! I never would have imagined going for my 2nd baby would have been harder than the first.
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey Ladies! Finally I get to join the conversation! I had my 3rd IUI today after trying for a year to get my FSH down. I had 2 IUI's previously one in May and the other last June so it has literally been a year of being told that my eggs are old and do I really want to continue on this path and not have a plan B as in donor egg. I will be a SMBC and 47 (but I'm not decrepit for goodness sakes!) but I started this journey a few years ago but you know life laughs when you have a plan. I was involved in a car accident that resulted in spinal surgery so couldn't pursue motherhood for almost 2 years. Then I didn't realize that I had fertility issues so it was a shock when I had to have fibroids removed before they could get started with the insemination another surgery another delay. Then wouldn't you know it my FSH went thru the roof as high as 38 until now where I am down to a freaking 6 (yeah baby)! I did Clomid before and I did it again this cycle along with an injectable and the trigger shot. I know I sound like a loser but each month I would look at the conversation wishing I could join in and getting more and more depressed that I couldn't so forgive me if I sound disgustingly chipper but damn it I am so happy to say that I am in the TWW phase of this journey. None of this is covered by my insurance and it's so freaking expensive but I'm not ready to give up. Praying this month is it for all of us! Good Luck and extra baby dust all around!
  • Twee001Twee001 Junior Member Junior Member
    Would you please share how you get your FSH level down to 6? My FSH level elevated from 8 to 16 in the last 4 months.
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    In a nutshell I believe it's the acupuncture that I've been doing. I went from doing it once a week and dropping an immediate 10+ points but I couldn't maintain it so I would yo yo as low as 18 and as high as 28. I went to a different practitioner and he told me to see results you had to do the treatments close together so I did them 2x a week. Acupuncture isn't covered by my insurance (seems like nothing is) but I lucked up on Groupon specials. I also had been exercising pretty consistently and I've been on a high protein practically carb nonexistent diet for a year. I also took Vitex & Maca FSH lowering herbs (no chemicals) for months. I know they worked to some extent because my prolactin was really high and they put me on a med for it when I started researching natural remedies for fertility my prolactin is now normal and I've been off the meds for awhile now. I hope this information helps.
  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    I'm 3 days into the TWW with 4703. Did you all test at home at some point or just wait until the blood test at 2 weeks? Thanks!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Corinne wrote: »
    I'm 3 days into the TWW with 4703. Did you all test at home at some point or just wait until the blood test at 2 weeks? Thanks!

    Corrine, I am also using donor 4703! I go back in tomorrow to see where my follicles are at to see when I can do the IUI.
  • Aubandkatie19Aubandkatie19 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi everyone. Our tww started this morning. this was our second natural iui attempt. Longest 2 weeks ever!! Other than "pineapple" does anyone have any tips of things that can help with potential implantation? Or how to get through these 2 weeks? Last time was brutal only to get to a negative result :-/ .. Wishing everyone well and a lot of success in the upcoming month.
  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    Janbaby- good luck! How did it go?!!
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Corinne wrote: »
    Janbaby- good luck! How did it go?!!

    It went very well, I had my procedure on Wednesday so the two week wait has begun. The count was very good also! Keeping my fingers crossed!
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