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Currently in tww



  • mcaldivermcaldiver Junior Member Junior Member
    We just went had our first IUI today for baby #2 so now we are in the dreaded TWW. I'm doing what I can to stay busy-helps having a toddller running around. Good luck The ladies who are in the dreaded TWW with me.
  • chaffinslchaffinsl Member Member
    I didn't wait, I was so impatient lol. I got a faint positive on 10dpiui and called my doc and she checked my levels and my HCG was only 15 but that's still considered preggo lol. so we checked again in 48 hours and they more than doubled. 12 week along now :) Due March 25. I didn't do any meds or progesterone, as long as your levels rise well enough on their own you shouldn't need anything. Our IUI was natural so we didn't take anything at all before or after. I hope you see a BFP!
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    oh me too. Im just concerned because we had a miscarriage in 2012. I don't think I want to take the test early, because ill be too afraid that it would be neg. So I will wait till next wed and until Im late. Today is 8 days past IUI. What did you feel as far as symptoms go? Can I ask who you used for a donor and what were the #'s.
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    We need help! So we did our iui last wed. We went in for a follow up and we did a blood test to check ovulation. It was neg, saying we didn't ovulate. Wth? How can that be? Our RE doesn't do a trigger they just test via opk. So we got peak surge and did the iui. We're still in the 2WW until this wed. I'm just wondering if it will still be a pregnancy maybe we ovulated late. Please help!
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    So Janbaby did you get your results today? I have my fingers crossed.
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    Is there anyone out here that can offer any advice on this? Why does it feel that our pleas fall on deaf ears???
  • CRippli1CRippli1 Member Member
    Ahayden: I don't really have any experience with what you're talking about. I've never heard of a blood test to check ovulation a week after supposed ovulation. Are you positive that's what they were checking? If you used an OPK and had a positive result, I would assume you did your Iui when you ovulated. I know the advice I'm about to give sucks, but if I were you I would just do my best to take it easy and just wait to see what happens. Maybe you did miss ovulation, but maybe you didn't! You could be pregnant. If you aren't then get your questions together and be prepared to go in to ask your RE the questions you have.

    If it helps you to know, I just used OPKs with back to back iuis and ended up with a pregnancy. It can work even without fertility meds + trigger, but it also may take more than one cycle. Wishing you lots of luck!
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    Thanks CRippli1. I know your right. It just sucks that you spend all of this money and then you get these results that you DONT want. Our RE in Missouri does stuff differently. They did multiple ultrasounds before, during and after. They checked to make sure that you ovulated after the IUI, they verified that the egg dropped and it ruptured. With the RE in Iowa, the dr has no contact or interaction with you. You just go in when you get a positive OPK surge. My issue with the OPK, I think I get false readings on those. But I don't know. Our current RE wanted to do a progesterone test to determine if they need to increase the femera I'm on and to check if ovulation occurred. It is very possible that I did ovulate after the IUI and it was caught in time. Now we just have to wait. Wed is my two week mark. So we will see if I am late and then test. If it's a no, we will have to wait to Jan when our insurance starts over. But in the meantime, I am going to track my ovulation with the BBT, and charting and other things I have been reading with. Thanks again for responding.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Gia wrote: »
    So Janbaby did you get your results today? I have my fingers crossed.

    Nope got another negative :-( I am going to change up donors and see what happens there. The donor I was using had great numbers but I am grasping at straws at this point.

    AHayden, sounds like your old clinic did the same protocol that mine does. When I first started fertility treatment I used the OPK also and it would only show when I had already started ovualting so we tossed that aside and started using the Ovidrel shot.
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    Officially in the TWW here. We inseminated Saturday morning. Great numbers with a new donor this month after "not so good" numbers the first round and then having to take a month off due to early ovulation. Our doc asked if we wanted to "live dangerously" this month since I had 3 (possibly 4) mature follicles. We know the odds of success, so of course we went for it.
    Just dealing with post iui cramping now and hoping the next two weeks flies by...
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    janbaby wrote: »
    Nope got another negative :-( I am going to change up donors and see what happens there. The donor I was using had great numbers but I am grasping at straws at this point.

    AHayden, sounds like your old clinic did the same protocol that mine does. When I first started fertility treatment I used the OPK also and it would only show when I had already started ovualting so we tossed that aside and started using the Ovidrel shot.

    I'm so sorry to hear that janbaby. You'll continue to be in my prayers and continued baby dust. Please keep us updated when you have your next round. Good Luck with finding a new donor.
  • chaffinslchaffinsl Member Member
    I had lots of cramping, tiredness and achy boobs which could all be AF or pregnancy lol. I did feel like something was different though and I was having crazy vivid dreams. Have you tested yet ahayden? We used donor 4940.
  • heatherheather Junior Member Junior Member
    The wife had her first ultrasound today and were having fraternal twins!! Thanks to donor 4514!! Got to see and hear both heart beats!!
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    Hey Chaffinsl. No haven't tested yet. Going to wait until I see if an AF shows up. Hopefully the way I am feeling is not AF related and it's all baby! Maybe I'll test this weekend. Congrats to you. Was this your first IUI?
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    janbaby wrote: »
    Nope got another negative :-( I am going to change up donors and see what happens there. The donor I was using had great numbers but I am grasping at straws at this point.

    AHayden, sounds like your old clinic did the same protocol that mine does. When I first started fertility treatment I used the OPK also and it would only show when I had already started ovualting so we tossed that aside and started using the Ovidrel shot.

    Janbaby I am so sorry to hear that! You know that I know exactly how you feel! Like you I am changing donors once my numbers and AF show up again. It's hard but stay positive. Just know eventually it's going to happen. It's what I tell myself.
  • chaffinslchaffinsl Member Member
    heather- that's amazing! congrats!!

    ahayden- Our first IUI was 7/7 we are 13 weeks pregnant today :).
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    Congrats. This is our second.first one had crappy no. but second had great no. I am 2 days late. Have lots of cramping going on. It really feels like my af rearing her nasty little head. I'm just not feeling right, ok in the morning and then by the afternoon not so good. I am just going to wait and test if it's really late.
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    So I submitted a post last week addressing many of the recent posts, and acknowledging almost every one of them....and it's not here. :(

    Let me try again, and hopefully I'll get everyone I got in the first one...

    ahayden - You ARE late!! Test!!!! :)

    mcaldiver - Have you tested? Or are you waiting until tomorrow?

    dimples - How are you doing?

    Heather - How do you feel about twins?? That's awesome!!

    janbaby - I'm so sorry. It's very disheartening to get a negative. I hope that changing up your donor will change things for you. :(

    We are wrapping up our TWW this week. I have a blood test on Friday morning, and will likely take a hpt that morning. I'm feeling a little crampy, but also a little warm in my uterus. Hard to describe. It's so hard not to read into every. little. feeling. TWWs are just awful. I did get nauseous this morning, which thrilled me to no end....but it could be the progesterone. It could ALL be the progesterone. It could ALL be my period. Friday can't get here soon enough. I have completely accepted that our doc gave us some serious hope when she asked if we wanted to take a chance at conceiving just seemed so possible to just get pregnant. And we all know it isn't that simple. Surely since I ovulated 3 mature eggs, one of them took......right??? :)
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    I would test but I cannot bring myself to doing it. Just seeing a - might send me over the edge. We are also approaching the anniversary of our miscarriage on wed. But the real issue that I have, I don't know if what I am feeling is period getting ready to start or it actually is being pregnant? I know that one week after the IUI, I had a blood test done to check progesterone levels. The RE said it didn't detect that I ovulated. So, I have no idea of what is going on. Nothing. Except waiting.
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    I am doing great so far. Thanks for checking in. I am feeling being beyond blessed to be expecting. I was able to see/hear my precious little one's heartbeat on 9/14, which was 143bpm. Since 143= I love you I was feeling overjoyed and a special connection like the baby was letting me know that I'm loved. It's also been an exciting journey because I found out that 2 of my close friends are also pregnant. So, I can't wait to have play dates since we are all close in date (one is 3/11 and the other one is 4/29 and I'm due 4/28). I hope to hear great news from you after Friday. Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo and lots of baby dust
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    Aww dimples, that IS so special! And ever more awesome that you have friends that are pregnant! I have one friend trying to get pregnant right now, and it would be great if we both get pregnant around the same time.

    ahayden - I totally understand what you mean about feeling like you are going to start your period. I'm feeling the same. I remember very clearly believing and being 100% certain that I was about to start my period when I was actually pregnant with my son. I'm hoping that's just how I am when I'm pregnant. The "not knowing" is so difficult. I hope that's the case for both of us...I'll be waiting for an update from you and, in the meantime, just hoping and praying that you are pregnant. This whole process can really mess with us.
  • mcaldivermcaldiver Junior Member Junior Member
    I didn't have to test. The dreaded af showed her ugly face yesterday. I didn't have a good feeling this cycle because I peaked early Sunday morning Labor Day weekend and my dr office was closed on Labor Day (of course I peaked the day before the office was closed)so I didn't have my iui until Tuesday afternoon. I almost skipped the cycle. Also my kiddo is almost 15 months old and I nursed him till he was 1 so I just got my period back and my cycle was out of wack until last month.. Fingers crossed this month works. I was lucky and got pregnant my first unmedicated iui with my son so I can't complain.

    JJZFamily fingers crossed.

    Ahayden this whole process sucks. Good luck to you.

    Congrats to those with the bfp!!! Such and amazing journey!!!
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    mcaldiver - I'm sorry about this month's cycle. Bummer. Seems like you have a great outlook though, and here's to hoping your cycle gets its act together and works with you a little. :)

    I tested this morning because I had a dream that I got a faint positive and I couldn't stand it I'm only 11dpo, but First Response Early Result is "supposed to" be able to detect pregnancy 5 days before a missed period. I was tossing and turning all night and keenly aware of my aching back (meaning, AF is coming). It was, of course, negative. I'll test again on Friday before I go in for the blood test. I definitely feel like I'm going to start my period though, and I'm gearing up for the call from the doc on Friday to confirm that I'm not pregnant. I'm starting to wonder how anyone gets pregnant We KNOW there were 3 good eggs this month. Anyway....on to Friday.
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    Well journey is now over. Yesterday I received the worst possible news I could ever receive. My baby is no longer with us. I could and still cannot understand how this happen. I went to my fertility specialist on 9/23 (8w6d) and heard my baby's heartbeat which was 180bpm. Now I go in to see my ob/gyn for the first time and she tells me there's no fetal heartbeat. The baby was only measuring 8w5-6d. How is it possible to have such a strong heartbeat and then apparently hours later just stop?? I'm so lost and so much pain yet so numb at the same time. I am still beyond blessed to have experienced a first attempt ever at pregnancy and being able to see my baby grow but I wish I could've completed my journey. I'm so afraid that maybe my fears when I was younger are coming true that I can't have kids. I hope that isn't true but that I need to be strong and get through this and when I'm ready try again.i know I want to and I'm ready to be a mother so I can't give up hope. I have definitely appreciated hearing all your stories and receiving so much love and support from everyone. So as this chapter comes to an end I look forward to new beginnings. xoxo
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    Dimples - I am so sorry! Has anything happened since? I don't understand it either, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry and send you a big hug. That's so very sad...I'm so so sorry.
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    JJZFamily- I had the d&c surgery to remove the baby because the Drs didn't think I would miscarry on my own and I also decided that I wouldn't be able to handle seeing my miscarriage. No answers as to why this happened to me, but I see my ob on the 20th so hopefully I'll get some answers. I'm still lost, confused, feeling empty and numb. I miss my baby so much and I keep finding myself rubbing my belly. I'm going to take my time and try again when I'm ready and get the clearance. so continued prayers and baby dust for all of us.
  • mcaldivermcaldiver Junior Member Junior Member
    I am so sorry for you loss dimples. I wish I had answers for you. This whole process is a difficult roller coaster full of ups and downs. Hopefully your ob will have some answers. Fingers crossed!
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Any updates...
  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    We had our 4th iui (2nd medicated one) on 10/30 with donor 4703. Post wash he had 18 mil and I'm working with 2 good follicles per ultrasound. My right side is believed to be blocked so we are counting on the left tube to deliver! And of course I spent the first 2 days after googling everything i could think of related to this.

    My symptoms so far: I had bad constipation for first 3 days post iui - which i assume is most likely the meds. Today (day 4 piui) have breast soreness.

    tww sucks. Anyone else trying this month or in the tww?
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    We are currently in the tww as of today. We are doing two IUI's this month. I had one today and will have the second one tomorrow. I'm not sure about the timing, but there's not much I can do but have faith. The first IUI was about 17 hours post trigger, and the second one will be about 40 hours post trigger. I expect she will want me to have my blood test done on November 19. Yes, the tww is purely awful.
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