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2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
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Currently in tww



  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    Good luck JJZ! Only symptoms I ended up having was random cramping and/or constipation and breast soreness. Woke up today (12 dpiui) with no symptoms...i gave in and tested...BFN :( I have my blood test Friday, but I can't help but think that I'm out for this month. This is our 4th try (2nd medicated) and I'll be so disappointed if it didn't work. Insurance only gives us 6 tries total (IUI or IVF) so I'm starting to getting really anxious about it not working (which I know cannot help the process). How is your TWW going JJZ?
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    Well, I'm halfway through the TWW. My blood test is on the 19th. I was feeling nothing, which is good, until today. My ovaries are achey and my lower back hurts. I've read that this can be implantation cramps, but I also know it can be signs of my period coming. Although 7 days before my period seems a little far away from when I'd expect cramps...
    Trying not to read into anything, but just super aware of the aches I'm having. I'm actually thinking about taking something just to relieve this achiness, and I'm not quick to take meds for anything.
    Hoping this next week goes quickly...

    Sorry about your BFN, but you are a little early. When I was pregnant with my son, I was negative until 14dpo...and even then it was so faint I almost didn't believe it. I waited and tested 2 days later. He's almost 8 years old. :) I'm hoping for you!!
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    dimples - where are you? How are you doing?
  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    So I had some spotting yesterday 13dpiui. I didn't know if it was good (late implantation?) or bad (af). I had my blood test today and it came back negative and was told to stop the progesterone. I haven't had anymore spotting as of today. I guess I'll see if af shows up. Wishing you luck JJZ!
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    thanks for checking on me JJZFamily.

    I'm here, just trying to get this through this rough patch. I've never tried to get pregnant before until now so I never expected having to go through a loss (as I'm sure no one ever does) and I definitely didn't think I would take it this hard. I know it's only been a month and I need to give myself time but I feel like I'll never get through this. it's so hard being surrounded by so many friends and family being pregnant and/or recently giving birth to beautiful healthy babies. I don't know and never will know what went wrong but I do feel blessed enough to have been given the opportunity to be a mom (even if it was only for 11 weeks). I'm still fearful to try again but I know I want to try again. I'm a little confused about my af because on the 7th I bleed a little for only half the day and then that's it. I'm not sure if that's normal after having a d&c a month ago on 10/8. so if anyone has any insight please share any advice or info. I don't know how long most people wait before they try again. my doctor gave me the clear to start again once I get af.

    but enough about me. continued baby dust and good luck to everyone in the ttw period. and congrats to anyone who has had success may you continue to be blessed and have a healthy pregnancy and babies.
    JJZFamily wrote: »
    dimples - where are you? How are you doing?
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    thanks mcaldiver. unfortunately my ob had no answers for me because she stated that they do not run any testing when it's the first miscarriage. my fertility doctor was upset that no testing was done but what can we do now. I'll never know what went wrong and can only hope and pray that this doesn't happen again.
    mcaldiver wrote: »
    I am so sorry for you loss dimples. I wish I had answers for you. This whole process is a difficult roller coaster full of ups and downs. Hopefully your ob will have some answers. Fingers crossed!
  • JJZFamilyJJZFamily Member Member
    It's so hard, dimples...definitely give yourself time. Everyone processes and grieves differently, so do what you need to do and take the time you need. You WILL get through it, even though it may be hard to believe right now. Just don't compare yourself to anyone else or place any expectations upon yourself as far as when you "should" be through it. This is YOUR grief and YOUR process.
    As far as your first AF after a D&C, it makes sense that it would be light, so I wouldn't be too concerned about it.

    As for me, I have my blood test on Thursday but, again, I'm feeling crampy like AF will arrive. This is it for us for a while...IVF is next and we will need to save some money.
  • mcaldivermcaldiver Junior Member Junior Member
    dimples143-I am sorry they didn't have answers. fingers crossed it was a fluke and the next pregnancy will be viable. Give yourself all the time you need to heal. It is important.

    JJZFamily-fingers crossed you get good news today. Sending good vibes your way.

    Corinne-any updates?

    As for me we did an IUI on the 7th. I took a pregnancy test this morning because I have all of the symptoms and it was positive :) I go in tomorrow for blood work so I will know for sure. Good luck to all of you ladies.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    I hope I don't regret making the announcement, just from a jinx perspective, but....

    I am currently almost 10 weeks pregnant with triplets. Many of you know we have a daughter who is 5 that my wife carried using the same donor, and in February, I delivered our son stillborn at almost 29 weeks.

    It's risky, it's scary, they are pushing for us to reduce which we cannot bring ourselves to even entertain...

    So, to all of my TWW mommas we ask for your prayers...
  • mcaldivermcaldiver Junior Member Junior Member
    That's exciting! Triplets!!!! Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.
    POT03005 wrote: »
    I hope I don't regret making the announcement, just from a jinx perspective, but....

    I am currently almost 10 weeks pregnant with triplets. Many of you know we have a daughter who is 5 that my wife carried using the same donor, and in February, I delivered our son stillborn at almost 29 weeks.

    It's risky, it's scary, they are pushing for us to reduce which we cannot bring ourselves to even entertain...

    So, to all of my TWW mommas we ask for your prayers...
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    OMG!!!! Congrats and God Bless. you and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts. lots of love and well wishes.
    POT03005 wrote: »
    I hope I don't regret making the announcement, just from a jinx perspective, but....

    I am currently almost 10 weeks pregnant with triplets. Many of you know we have a daughter who is 5 that my wife carried using the same donor, and in February, I delivered our son stillborn at almost 29 weeks.

    It's risky, it's scary, they are pushing for us to reduce which we cannot bring ourselves to even entertain...

    So, to all of my TWW mommas we ask for your prayers...
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    Congratulations. I wish you all the best for this pregnancy.
  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    BFN again (number 4)... and we misunderstood my insurance. I thought they had said I had 6 tries of any kind of AI so we were ready to move on to IVF when this one didn't work. Welllllll turns out it is 6 IUI's and No coverage on IVF. We are going to be moving at the end of December so we decided to take a break until after the stress of the move. I guess I will give it 2 more attempts and then my wife will try. I feel like I'm giving up, but I know she had planned to start trying in January....neither of us expected it to take this long
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Rain, thank you so much. How are you and where are you in the journey? Mcald and dimples thank you so very much.
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    I had to take a break for financial reasons after two tries. I will be trying again this spring for 3 tries. I am hoping this works.

    Being a mom is important enough to me that I am also looking into foster-adopt. I should be licensed for placements in January.

    I don't post much right now, but I still keep up with the post. Your journey is truly inspiring and I wish you all the best.
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    So I have a question about doing an IUI. We are getting ready to try #3 of an IUI. I've been on clomid and femara. I have seen that some have had success with doing injectibles. Is this with IVF or IUI. I am not really sure. Also not sure if we should stay with our current donor. Should we look at any other types of drugs for helping with the IUI and getting pregnant? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just checking in on everyone. Ahayden, I think you were going though round 3?

    TX, hoping to hear some good news for you and placements this month. Fingers crossed for sure. Keep us up... :0

    I'm 16 weeks today and so far everything is good. Fingers crossed.
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    Happy New Years Everyone!!!! Great things are going to happen for us all.

    OMG POT I was just thinking about you the other day and had to come on here to check for any updates. i'm so happy that everything is going well so far. You and your family have been in my prayers. Continued happy and positive thoughts.

    TX- I hope you are also doing well and started receiving placements. Good Luck!

    I finally decided to buy 2 more vials right before the new years and price increase lol. I know have a totally of 3 vials and I am planning to stick to my same timeline as before. I am thinking about trying again with my May cycle at the earliest. I really would like to have a March/April birth to fit with my work schedule and have maximum amount of maternity leave to spend with the baby before going back to work. My other concern with not trying sooner is that March is very hectic for me at work and I don't want the added stress of ttc during a time that I know I will not be relaxed and happy.

    Anyways enough about me. I wish everyone the very best and lots of baby dust for everyone. xoxo

    POT03005 wrote: »
    Just checking in on everyone. Ahayden, I think you were going though round 3?

    TX, hoping to hear some good news for you and placements this month. Fingers crossed for sure. Keep us up... :0

    I'm 16 weeks today and so far everything is good. Fingers crossed.
  • LisaAtl7LisaAtl7 Junior Member Junior Member
    Kerri!!!! Congrats!!!! What a blessing!!! I haven't been on for awhile and am so happy to read all your post!
    Kerri are you going to find out the genders?
    I have an appt on the 29th with my RE to discuss doing another cycle. Evah is almost 5 months and I can't believe that I'm ready to have another one.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    We did find out the genders.

    A girl (Baby A) and two boys (B and C). Assuming that everything stays good with this pregnancy, this is our LAST! We were trying for one more since we lost Thatcher and ended up with three little angels.

    Lisa, you ended up using RBA didn't you? I am thinking Dr. Toledo? We used Shapiro again, LOVE him and that clinic.

    How is it going for everyone else?
  • ElaineElaine Member Member
    Congrats Pot...that's sooo awesome and exciting. Continued blessings and well wishes. xoxo
  • mctroutmctrout Junior Member Junior Member
    Are there any people out there who have been successful with donor #4122??
  • mctroutmctrout Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi. I'm just picking up on some of the convo. By any chance did you happen to have a child using 4122? We are looking for donor siblings of my daughter
  • AnKGordon14AnKGordon14 Junior Member Junior Member
    ahayden wrote: »
    Hi. We had an IUI on Wednesday. This is our second with donor 4417. The first one we didn't get a good count or motility. But this time, we had great numbers. The count was almost 14 Million and the motility was 39%. Are those good #'s? We have to go in and do a blood test to check the progesterone levels. What levels will they be looking for?

    Any luck with 4417 ahayden? My wife and I have a 2 year old son by 4417. We would like to get in touch with others that have had success or are using this donor..we have met 3 other families that have used 44q7. If you want to, you can email me at My name is Kim
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks Dimples. how is your process going?
  • CorinneCorinne Junior Member Junior Member
    I caved and tested 10 dpiui and it was no help whatsoever. If I tilt the test just the right way, I think I see a vertical line. I took two pics - 1 I can see it but the second one I can't.

    Got my BFP today on a digital test, but now I'm worried I tested too early. It's 11 dpiui. I hope everyone else is doing well.
  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    Wishing you luck Corrine. I tried several times with 4703 then had to move to a different donor because they said he was unavailable. No other donor worked either so I am talking to a different doctor on the 15th to discuss IVF.
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    I bet it wasn't too early. Digitals have a higher count of the HCG to trigger a positive then the + and - ones do.

    So.... ????
  • POT03005POT03005 Senior Member Senior Member
    I bet it wasn't too early. Digitals have a higher count of the HCG to trigger a positive then the + and - ones do.

    So.... ????
  • ahaydenahayden Member Member
    no still trying. Havent done anything lately. But we plan to use this donor in the future. We are going to see a dr. before we spend any more funds on IUI's. Have you thought of doing another with that donor?
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